Monday, 3 May 2010

May 3, 2010

Powerful Forces Calling for a Constitutional Convention
We fought to stop the Con Con because of fear. Today there is massive ignorance among the American people about the Constitution. Worse, there are powerful forces who consider that document to be antiquated and a hindrance to their vision of an all powerful government. These things, and more, make today the worst possible time in our nation’s history to mess with the greatest governing document of all time. We stopped the effort in 2008, but the battle is on again........
by Tom DeWeese

Statue of Liberty, Part 1
Recently I received calls from two people preparing TV documentaries. One of them represented a company that had produced programs for the major national television networks, and currently is preparing one for the History Channel. The spokeswoman said their focus would the hidden meaning of the Statue of Liberty (SL), but she was also interested in any connections there might be with the Rockefellers, Nazis, and the Muslim Brotherhood........
by Dennis Cuddy, Ph.D

Not the "Audacity of Hope," but the Arrogance of Power
We cannot be free if we choose to support a government that takes from us the fruits of our labors and presumes to know better than we do how those resources should be spent. We can allow the bureaucratic state to dictate our fates (from each according to his ability, to each according to his need), or we can insist on individual liberty and fend for ourselves......
by Attorney Jonathan Emord

A Reasoned Moment From an Arizona Perspective
Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen explained the new law from the Arizona perspective. Over 70 percent of Arizonans approve of the law from the simple standpoint of their safety in combating over 460,000 illegal aliens running amuck in their state. .....
by Frosty Wooldridge