Michelle Obama: Barack Obama Is "Kenyan" Paul Joseph Watson Last month, so-called "birthers" got very excited over a clip in which Michelle Obama called Kenya President Obama's "home country," but a newly uncovered video is likely to stoke even more controversy, because in it the First Lady clearly states that Obama is "Kenyan". In a video of a 2008 speech that went viral last month after it was resurrected from the archives, Michelle Obama states, "When we took our trip to Africa and visited his home country in Kenya, we took a public HIV test." Some media pundits expressed doubt that the First Lady was explicitly saying that Obama had been born in Kenya, and Glenn Beck even implied that the release of the tape was a trick designed to push Tea Party members over the edge and incite violence, allowing Democrats to demonize their political opposition as extremists. However, yet another clip has been uncovered from the archives in which the First Lady plainly states that Obama is "Kenyan," leaving little open to speculation in terms of context. During a December 2007 speech in Tampa Florida, Michelle Obama stated, "What it reminded me of was our trip to Africa, two years ago, and the level of excitement that we felt in that country - the hope that people saw just in the sheer presence of somebody like Barack Obama - a Kenyan, a black man, a man of great statesmanship who they believe could change the fate of the world." The comment is made after the 2 minute mark. Watch the clip below. It would be quite a stretch to claim that Michelle Obama means anything other than that Obama was born in Kenya when she says that the President is "Kenyan". When it comes to the term "home country," there's a little wiggle room, but saying that Obama is "a Kenyan" seems to be reasonably cut and dried. This seems as straightforward as saying that Arnold Schwarzenegger is Austrian, because he was born in Austria. Of course, under the terms of Section 1 of Article Two of the United States Constitution, to be eligible to become President, an individual must be "a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States". This prevents Schwarzenegger from ever becoming President, as it would make Obama's presidency illegitimate if it was conclusively proven that he was born in Kenya. We've largely sat on the fence regarding the whole "birther" issue, pointing out that there are legitimate arguments coming from both sides, but what's not up for debate is the fact that Obama's real name is Barry Soetoro, the name given to Obama at the time of his enrollment in an Indonesian elementary school. Whatever the exact nature of the controversy, it seems inevitable that Obama is being blackmailed over his dubious origins, making it imperative that a proper investigation of the issue be conducted in the interests of both national security and the basic rule of law.
Newly uncovered video likely get so-called "birthers" excited over President's dubious origins
Propaganda Matrix
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Thursday, 6 May 2010
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