- A Morally Ill and Wholly Degenerate President ....... Sick
- DOJ Voting Rights attorney resigns over Obama's Black Panthers Prosecution Scandal
- Obama's Post-American World: Iran's Nuclear New World Order
- Photoshop of the Day!
- Bat Ye'or Speaketh!
- A Facebook Message to Rabbi Shmuley
- Huge Primaries Today
- Pamela Geller, Big Government: 911 Mosque's Peace Charade
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Atlas Shrugs - 8 new articles
A Morally Ill and Wholly Degenerate President ....... Sick
If this doesn't unnerve you and turn your stomach .............. you are made of stone.The Daniel Pearl beheading "captured the world's imagination" -- spoken like an ..........antisemitic Muslim terrorist. Pearl was beheaded (GRAPHIC VIDEO) because of Islamic anti-semitism and violent jihadi doctrine. Freedom of the press had nothing to do with it. And this coming from a plant who is attempting to restrict these freedoms ..............press and speech.This is terrible. Obama is a sick man.TruthTube. tv 18+ Beheading Of Daniel Pearl By Muslim Vermin. - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.• Email to a friend •
DOJ Voting Rights attorney resigns over Obama's Black Panthers Prosecution Scandal
Atlas readers remember the violation of voters rights when menacing and threatening Black Panthers trolled polling places with weapons on election day. Apparently, Obama, gangsta--in-chief, refused to prosecute the Black Panthers with their night sticks and billy clubs. How very .......third world.It is good to know that not everyone at the Department of Justice is corrupt and lawless like our President. Hope, baby. Change. (hat tip Mary J0)
DOJ Voting Rights attorney resigns over Black Panthers stonewalling Washington Examiner
A trial attorney with the Department of Justice’s Voting Rights Section has resigned, citing concerns about the government’s refusal to prosecute a case involving voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party. A letter of resignation obtained by The Washington Examiner from a former Justice Department employee makes clear DOJ has refused to allow attorneys in the Voting Rights Section to testify before the congressionally-chartered bipartisan U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, despite subpoenas that could result in their being held in contempt.
In his letter of resignation, J. Christian Adams said:On the other hand, the events surrounding the dismissal of United States v. New Black Panther Party, et al., after the trial team sought and obtained an entry of default, has subjected me, Mr. Christopher Coates, and potentially at some point, all members of the team, to a subpoena from the United States Commission on Civil Rights. The subpoena is based on an explicit federal statute and seeks answers about why the case was dismissed.I have incurred significant personal expense in retaining a number of separate attorneys and firms regarding this subpoena in order to protect my interests and advise me about my personal legal obligation to comply with the subpoena. Over the last few months, one of my attorneys has had multiple communications with Federal Programs regarding the subpoena. My attorney suggested to them that the Department should file a motion in district court to quash the subpoena and thereby resolve conclusively any question about my obligation to comply.Months ago, my attorney advised the Department that a motion to quash would be welcome, and that I would assert no objection to the motion. Further, my attorney has explicitly sought to ascertain whether Executive Privilege has been invoked regarding the decisions of individuals not in the Voting Section to order the dismissal of the case. If Executive Privilege has been asserted, or will be, obviously I would not comply with the subpoena. These options would provide some conclusive legal certainly about the extent of my obligation to comply with a subpoena issued pursuant to a federal statute. Instead, we have been ordered not to comply with the subpoena, citing a federal regulation (emphasis mine).
Adams also cites his knowledge of the criminal character and “violent tendencies of” members of the New Black Panther Party, saying:As you also know, the defendants in the New Black Panther lawsuit have become increasingly belligerent in their rhetoric toward the attorneys who brought the case. (See eg., April 23, 2010 statement of Malik Zulu Shabazz,http://www.newblackpanther.com/usccrphony case statement.pdf, describing the “phony case” brought by “the modern day racist lynch mob seeking to hang what [we] think .are [our] modern slaves.”) Their grievances toward us generally echo the assertions that the facts and law did not support the lawsuit against them, ab initio. Knowing intimately the criminal character and violent tendencies of the members of New Black Panther Party, it is my profound hope that these assertions are tempered.
Back on November 4, 2008, I reported here:
Two black panthers were blocking the doorway at a polling place in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Rick Levanthal of Fox News is reporting live.One of the panthers said "the black man was going to win the White House no matter what."Brandishing a night stick, and swinging it menacingly, the police were called - one of the black panthers and his night stick were moved.Do you think little old white ladies would want to walk past the black panther with a night stick.Remember this at Atlas back in March: BLACK PANTHERS ENDORSE BARACK HUSSEIN
Obama's Post-American World: Iran's Nuclear New World Order
From left to right, Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, joined hands after signing a nuclear fuel swap deal, in Tehran on Monday.My money is on the little Jewish guy in Israel vs this army of knuckleheaded barbarians (yes, that includes Obama.)The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America. The back story to these terrible developments is well documented in my book coming out in July.Iran is on the march. War is coming. Nothing happens for decades and decades happen in a day. This is a horror. Betrayed and routed by our own leadership."If this continues, it cuts the kneecaps off the administration's sanctions effort," said John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under the Bush administration. "I think it's a jujitsu move by the Iranians that undercuts the Obama policy."Ahmadinejad and Lula expose Obama's hapless diplomacy.What a fiasco. That's the first word that comes to mind watching Mahmoud Ahmadinejad raise his arms yesterday with the leaders of Turkey and Brazil to celebrate a new atomic pact that instantly made irrelevant 16 months of President Obama's "diplomacy." The deal is a political coup for Tehran and possibly delivers the coup de grace to the West's half-hearted efforts to stop Iran from acquiring a nuclear bomb.Full credit for this debacle goes to the Obama Administration and its hapless diplomatic strategy. Last October, nine months into its engagement with Tehran, the White House concocted a plan to transfer some of Iran's uranium stock abroad for enrichment. If the West couldn't stop Iran's program, the thinking was that maybe this scheme would delay it. The Iranians played coy, then refused to accept the offer.But Mr. Obama doesn't take no for an answer from rogue regimes, and so he kept the offer on the table. As the U.S. finally seemed ready to go to the U.N. Security Council for more sanctions, the Iranians chose yesterday to accept the deal on their own limited terms while enlisting the Brazilians and Turks as enablers and political shields. "Diplomacy emerged victorious today," declared Brazil's President Luiz InĂ¡cio Lula da Silva, turning Mr. Obama's own most important foreign-policy principle against himThe double embarrassment is that the U.S. had encouraged Lula's diplomacy as a step toward winning his support for U.N. sanctions. Brazil is currently one of the nonpermanent, rotating members of the Security Council, and the U.S. has wanted a
unanimous U.N. vote. Instead, Lula used the opening to triangulate his own diplomatic solution. In her first game of high-stakes diplomatic poker, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is leaving the table dressed only in a barrel.So instead of the U.S. and Europe backing Iran into a corner this spring, Mr. Ahmadinejad has backed Mr. Obama into one. America's discomfort is obvious. In its statement yesterday, the White House strained to "acknowledge the efforts" by Turkey and Brazil while noting "Iran's repeated failure to live up to its own commitments." The White House also sought to point out differences between yesterday's pact and the original October agreements on uranium transfers.Good luck drawing those distinctions with the Chinese or Russians, who will now be less likely to agree even to weak sanctions. Having played so prominent a role in last October's talks with Iran, the U.S. can't easily disassociate itself from something broadly in line with that framework.Under the terms unveiled yesterday, Iran said it would send 1,200 kilograms (2,646 lbs.) of low-enriched uranium to Turkey within a month, and no more than a year later get back 120 kilograms enriched from somewhere else abroad. This makes even less sense than the flawed October deal. In the intervening seven months, Iran has kicked its enrichment activities into higher gear. Its estimated total stock has gone to 2,300 kilograms from 1,500 kilograms last autumn, and its stated enrichment goal has gone to 20% from 3.5%.If the West accepts this deal, Iran would be allowed to keep enriching uranium in contravention of previous U.N. resolutions. Removing 1,200 kilograms will leave Iran with still enough low-enriched stock to make a bomb, and once uranium is enriched up to 20% it is technically easier to get to bomb-capable enrichment levels.
Photoshop of the Day!
Bat Ye'or Speaketh!
Bat Ye'or, groundbreaking scholar of the Islamization of Europe (author of Eurabia); the pioneering scholar on dhimmitude, the institutionalized mistreatment of non-muslims under Islam law; and the world's leading historian on Islamic anti-semitism, speaks in Vienna.hat tip Jihadwatch
Bat Ye'or, whose groundbreaking historical research on dhimmitude opened my eyes, made sense of a great deal I was seeing in Islamic doctrine and history but which was not explained elsewhere, and inspired me to do the work I am doing now, speaks at the Vienna Forum in Austria.Her talk was sponsored by the Hudson Institute, the Educational Initiative for Central and Eastern Europe, and Kairos Journal. The Forum topic was "The Future of Europe and the Challenge of Islam." Bat Ye'or spoke as part of a panel, "Historical Background and Thorny Issues," with Douglas Murray, Paul Marshall and me.
If you missed my one and one video interview with Bat Ye'or, go here.• Email to a friend •
A Facebook Message to Rabbi Shmuley
I saw Shmuley Boteach's article today in the Jerusalem Post concerning the mega mosque at Ground Zero and I sent off this Facebook note to him: Click here: Is a giant mosque at Ground Zero justified?Rabbi,I am shocked and dismayed that nowhere in your article today do you discuss the threat doctrine and Islamic anti-semitism. You mention the Holocaust but not the mufti nor the dhimmitude the Jews suffered under living in Islamic countries for centuries.This monster mosque is a flag of conquest.
Hashem does not expect us to sanction evil. You, of all people, have a voice to teach. Not submit.
Your position is grave disappointment ...................... wouldn't a true symbol of outreach have been a center devoted to expunging the Koran and hadiths of the violent ideology that incites jihad?
Israel is on the frontlines of this battle ................evil is made possible by the sanction you give it. Withdraw your sanction.
You ought to spend some time with Bat Ye'or, the world's leading scholar and historian on Islam in the West and Islamic anti-semitism.Here is the Jew hating inspiration for Muslims. From their book, the word of their god. The Koran on the Jews “Strongest among men in enmity to the believers wilt thou find the Jews…” (5:82). “Curses were pronounced on those among the Children of Israel who rejected Faith, by the tongue of David and of Jesus the son of Mary: because they disobeyed and persisted in excesses.” (5:78). “Is it ever so that when they make a covenant a party of them set it aside? The truth is, most of them believe not. And when there came to them a messenger from Allah [Muhammad], confirming what was with them [the Torah], a party of the people of the Book threw away the Book of Allah behind their backs, as if (it had been something) they did not know!” (2:100-101). “The People of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord. Nor is Allah unmindful of what they do” (2:143-144). “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (9:29). “And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. That is their saying with their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved of old. Allah (Himself) fighteth against them. How perverse are they!” (9:30) The Jews killed their prophets (2:61; 2:87; 2:91; 3:21; 3:112; 3:181; 3:183; 4:155; 5:70), and boast “we killed the Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary” (4:157). “Allah hath heard the taunt of those who say: ‘Truly, Allah is indigent and we are rich!’ We shall certainly record their word and (their act) of slaying the prophets in defiance of right, and We shall say: ‘Taste ye the penalty of the Scorching Fire!’” (3:181) “Why do not the rabbis and the doctors of Law forbid them from their (habit of) uttering sinful words and eating things forbidden? Evil indeed are their works.” (5:63) “The Jews say: ‘Allah’s hand is tied up.’ Be their hands tied up and be they accursed for the (blasphemy) they utter. Nay, both His hands are widely outstretched: He giveth and spendeth (of His bounty) as He pleaseth. But the revelation that cometh to thee from Allah increaseth in most of them their obstinate rebellion and blasphemy. Amongst them we have placed enmity and hatred till the Day of Judgment. Every time they kindle the fire of war, Allah doth extinguish it; but they (ever) strive to do mischief on earth. And Allah loveth not those who do mischief” (5:64). The Jews “strive to do mischief on earth” – that is, fasaad, for which the punishment is specified in 5:33: “they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land.” “Ye are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors. They will do you no harm, barring a trifling annoyance; if they come out to fight you, they will show you their backs, and no help shall they get. Shame is pitched over them (like a tent) wherever they are found, except when under a covenant (of protection) from Allah and from men; they draw on themselves wrath from Allah, and pitched over them is (the tent of) destitution. This because they rejected the Signs of Allah, and slew the prophets in defiance of right; this because they rebelled and transgressed beyond bounds.” (3:110-112) “And because of their breaking their covenant, We have cursed them and made hard their hearts. They change words from their context and forget a part of that whereof they were admonished. Thou wilt not cease to discover treachery from all save a few of them. But bear with them and pardon them. Lo! Allah loveth the kindly (5:13). “Among the People of the Book are some who, if entrusted with a hoard of gold, will (readily) pay it back; others, who, if entrusted with a single silver coin, will not repay it unless thou constantly stoodest demanding, because, they say, ‘there is no call on us (to keep faith) with these ignorant (Pagans).’ but they tell a lie against Allah, and (well) they know it.” (3:75) “O Messenger! let not those grieve thee, who race each other into unbelief: (whether it be) among those who say ‘We believe’ with their lips but whose hearts have no faith; or it be among the Jews -- men who will listen to any lie -- will listen even to others who have never so much as come to thee. They change the words from their (right) times and places: they say, ‘If ye are given this, take it, but if not, beware!’ If any one’s trial is intended by Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him against Allah. For such - it is not Allah’s will to purify their hearts. For them there is disgrace in this world, and in the Hereafter a heavy punishment.” (5:41) “There is a party of them who distort the Scripture with their tongues, that ye may think that what they say is from the Scripture, when it is not from the Scripture. And they say: It is from Allah, when it is not from Allah; and they speak a lie concerning Allah knowingly” (3:78). “Then woe to those who write the Book with their own hands, and then say: ‘This is from Allah,’ to traffic with it for miserable price! Woe to them for what their hands do write, and for the gain they make thereby.” (2:79) “But because of their breach of their covenant, We cursed them, and made their hearts grow hard; they change the words from their (right) places and forget a good part of the message that was sent them, nor wilt thou cease to find them- barring a few - ever bent on (new) deceits: but forgive them, and overlook (their misdeeds): for Allah loveth those who are kind.” (5:13) “Many of the People of the Scripture long to make you disbelievers after your belief, through envy on their own account, after the truth hath become manifest unto them’” (2:109). “And when there comes to them a Book from Allah, confirming what is with them, although from of old they had prayed for victory against those without Faith, when there comes to them that which they (should) have recognised, they refuse to believe in it but the curse of Allah is on those without Faith. “ (2:89) “For the iniquity of the Jews We made unlawful for them certain (foods) good and wholesome which had been lawful for them; in that they hindered many from Allah’s Way; that they took usury, though they were forbidden; and that they devoured men’s substance wrongfully; we have prepared for those among them who reject faith a grievous punishment.” (4:160-161) “Thou wilt indeed find them, of all people, most greedy of life,-even more than the idolaters: Each one of them wishes He could be given a life of a thousand years: But the grant of such life will not save him from (due) punishment. For Allah sees well all that they do.” (2:96) Allah transforms disobedient Jews into apes and pigs (2:63-66; 5:59-60; 7:166). Yours in liberty,
Huge Primaries Today
If you are in theses states...........go VOTE. You know what we have to do. It's November or never.
Today there are some huge primaries going on and Right Pundits is covering them as usual. You can find updates on the Kentucky and Pennsylvania primaries at the links provided.
Primary polls can be found here.
We will be live-blogging from 6 - 9 or 10 (ET). Some people had a hard time finding the live-blog last time - so go to the Pennsylvania thread here - http://www.rightpundits.com/?p=6245 - click on the 'CoverItLive' box that is INSIDE the post (not in the comments) - we'll be there waiting for you and ready to chat about what is going on in Pennsylvania and Kentucky.
Pamela Geller, Big Government: 911 Mosque's Peace Charade
Robert and I penned this piece for Big Government. Read it.
A massive fifteen-story mosque and Islamic Center going up in what was once the shadow of the World Trade Center claims to offer “the opposite statement to what happened on 9/11.” The Center organizers, the America Society for Muslim Advancement (ASMA), have worked hard in the media to portray themselves as Islamic moderates working for peace on the exact spot where their belligerent coreligionists perpetrated murder and mayhem in the name of their religion. But the words and deeds of the leader of the effort, the Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, suggests a more ominous reality: Abdul Rauf is a master of deceptive, Orwellian use of language, manifesting a deep contempt for non-Muslims and full accord with the supremacist goals of the 9/11 hijackers.
Here's the whole thing.
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4 new articles
Muslim Father Brutally Murders His 16-Year-Old Daughter in Muslim 'Honor' Killing
Even our words are violated and debased. Nothing is sacred. Our words, our art, our women, our music, our culture, our freedom, our civilization. "Honor" ...... bow down, infidels. Bow down, you weak, simpering, lily-livered cowards.Thanks to Norman for the translation ............
Svera was frank: "I'm afraid of my father. He beats me." But for the authorities it wasn't clear enough.
16 year old Svera R. from Zurich-Hongg: A strong person who wanted to live her life- without the bonds of the strict muslim faith which stood above everything for her father. On Monday he killed his fistborn child with an axe. Then he surrendered to the police.
Svera's friends are under shock. And they're in anger: "Svera was a poor girl. In the family there was a lot of confrontation.
Heated arguments", says Daniel A. (20) to BLICK. He lives in the community Rutihof next to family R. "Often the father was beating her so severely that we could see the bruises. She attended school in that condition." In 2007 the school filed a notion/alarm concerning the four kids who received Swiss citizenship. They got a social worker and an Egyptian counselor/mediator.
"Nonetheless, police and ambulance showed up several times", says Daniel A. "Last time I noticed was two weeks ago, when the father had a heart attack."
That incident was confirmed by Marco Cortesi, spokesman of the police in Zurich. "Scheragha R. was brought into hospital by an ambulance." It was the second time the police got involved with family R. "Three weeks ago we were called for the first time" according to Cortesi. "Svera ran away. Very soon we located her at her boy-friend's home. On the phone she told an officer that things aren't all right at home any longer. That her father beats her and that she is afraid of him."
What does the police do with these information? "We offered her to visit the police station and provide a testimony- or move to a shelter. She didn't do either. That's why the charge of abuse wasn't investigated any further. This is standard procedure", says Cortesi.
The family counselor arranged a mediation between father and daughter. Svera spent a night at her parents' home but then ran away to her boy-friend.
"The third deployment in that case occurred on Monday when Svera and a friend of hers were caught stealing", says Cortesi. "We informed the parents." And Svera? "She said it was ok with her- but she would run away from home instantly."
But why were these cries for help not being paid attention to? Cortesi explains: "She didn't go to the police station in order to provide a testimony, nor did she contact a shelter. That way a case like this does not get on record."
At the Guardianship Authority (I guess: Guardian ad litem) of the city of Zurich father's R. beatings were never an issue.
Spokesman Martin Naef (39): "There were no indications of massive use of violence. It seems like it wasn't more than skirmishes/fisticuffs and arguments/conflicts." Moreover, family R. had been in care/coached intensively. Naef: "We were under the impression that tension had been in decline since 2007." During the last weeks the family counselor increased visits to the family even more.
Tragic: A meeting with Svera, coaches and family counselor was scheduled for Tuesday morning. Naef: "It was planned to talk about the situation at home and assistance/care." Too late. Svera is dead.
Zurich: Did it happen due her make-up or indecent clothing? Pakistani from Zurich kills his daughter in midst of conflict.
Yesterday a 16 year old teenager was killed by her own father. According to the Department of public prosecution the 51 year old Pakistani Scheragha R.called the police around 20.30.
Perpetrator arrested
The man said the had just killed his daughter Svera in the appartment and was staying at a bus station where he was arrested without resistance.
Police had to smash a window in order to get access to the apartment. There Svera was found dead. Except the victim nobody was present there.
Police and public prosecuter assume that Svera was killed with an object (ie mechanically). More detailled information on the weapon involved were not available thus far.
Caught stealing
Accordning to the public prosecuter Scheragha R. said he had struck her in the midst of a heavy clash. Further information are due to ongoing investigation.
Did it play a role that Svera was caught stealing in a store? Offical Marco Cortesi confirmed the offense according to "TeleZuri". Wether that was the reason for the crime of Scheragha R. cannot be said right now.
During conflict tempers went up
According to an official of the association responsible for the Rutihofstrasse (I guess the place they live) the family had four kids: three girls and one boy. The neighbor's daughter Elif Gencer (18) knows family R. und used to take care of the boy occasionally. "The father is a calm person and used to cook for the family." The mother was wearing a traditional headscarf, being a calm person as well."
Sometimes conflicts appeared, then tempers used to go up.
Father in rage due to dressed up daughter?
According to teenagers from the neighborhood Svera was often wearing make up, clothed indecently and rebelled against her
home. Did that make her father freak out?
Neighbor Elif: "I'm completely shocked. When I heard the screaming last night my father went to see what's going on. Then he met a relative of family R., who got a phone call from Svera's mother saying her husband had killed the daughter.
Neighboors: Family has counselor/mediator
Seemingly, several things went wrong in the family: Visitors of the supermarket say Svera already ran away from home, moreover the family gets assistance from a counselor/mediator.
Did domestic violence occur already before the crime happened? A few days ago Ambulance and police supposedly showed up in the neighborhood.
Family/domestic Drama in Hoengg (suburb of Zurich): Students mourn Svera (victim of murder)
Zurich- Youths of the Riedtli school are under shock. Nobody's able to comprehend why Svery R. had to die. Killed by her own father.
Brown and friendly eyes look into the camera, her hair are covering the forehead and a gentle smile adorns her face. It is Svera R. (16 years) from Hongg/Zurich. On Monday evening (I guess Monday, May 10th 2010) the student was brutally slayed by her own father Scherangha using an axe.
The family drama took place in a quiet neighborhood in the West of Zurich. Svera used to live there together with her parents and her three brothers and sisters. Up until three weeks, when she ran away from home and hid at the home of her new boy-friend Louis.
"The two hadn't been a couple for longer than four weeks", a schoolmate told BLICK (Swiss newsmagazine). "Svera started to move to his home immediately." The devout parents were not thrilled with the oldest daugher's new love. "Since they were a couple even more trouble than normally took place at home", said her boy-friend (Louis).
"She used to bring along candy"
Since then Svera didn't get to see her family often. Up until that tragic Monday afternoon, when her father picked her up from the police station after Svera stole something from a store. An hour later the 16 year old was dead.
Her schoolmates from the Riedtli school can't explain the terrible incident. They are shocked. "I can't believe she is no longer going to appear at school", said a schoolmate to Blick.ch.
"Svera used to bring along candy at morning and handed them around. She was such a caring person. And she loved her brothers and sisters. She used to pay attention to her younger sister and cooked for her. She is going to leave a big gap."
Poem for Svera
In the school pictures showing face are attached. Flowers right aside, candles lit as well. "Today we wrote a poem for Svera. Everyone added something", said a long standing friend. "It helps coping with the pain. In the poem it reads: "No one is asked whether he is ready to say farewell. Now the time has come to say goodbye. The death leaves us back in scariness."
Especially when your own father is the killer. An honor killing because with her Western lifestyle, teenage rebellion and new
boy-friend Svera brought shame upon the family? The only way her friends can explain the act: "Her father must have had a sudden black out."
The headscarf homocide of Zurich-Hongg: Svera's boy-friend not allowed to attend funeral
Both teenagers were in love with each other. Saying goodbye to his Svera is not allowed for Louis.
Svera R. (16) from Zurich-Hongg und Louis F. (18) from Zurich-Albisrieden were a couple. On Monday last week their fortune
was crushed brutally. Svera's father, the Pakistani Scheragha R. (51), killed his daughter at home at the community Rutihof
with an axe. He couldn't handle her makeup, unwillingness to wear the veil and her boy-friend.
Yersterday Svera's body was said to be released from the forensic medicine. The Egyptian family counselor Hamdy E., who has
been assisting the family for two years visited her body the same day. He told it to one of Svera's friends. Along with the family he prepared everything necessary for the funeral.
He wasn't willing to tell the friend when the funeral was scheduled. He merely revealed that is scheduled untill Friday.
Svera's boy-friend Louis is not welcome. "Nobody called my phone, not to mention that I wasn't told when the funeral was scheduled", says the 18 year old sorrowfully to BLICK. Louis is despaired: "I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to Svera.
She was ripped out of my life suddenly."
Svera's mother was in opposition to Louis. "She never accepted me as her boy-friend, because I'm a Christian" says the 18 year old. I have lost my dream girl. I don't know how to cope with the situation if I don't get the chance to say goodbye to Svera."
For Louis the tragic death of his girl-friend is inconceivable. "There are still all her belongings in my room. To put them away will break my heart. For me Svera is still present."
Family counselor Hamdy E. is not willing to give any information to BLICK: "I'm not allowed to say anything to you. Why don't you ask the social Department?", that is what he says with accent on the phone. BLICK likes to kow Why he didn't show up for the scheduled meeting with Svera and Louis two weeks ago. "As I already said, I'm not allowed to say anything." Hamdy E. hung up.
A typical reaction in the homocide case of Svera R. Responsibilities are pushed around from one place to another.
Nobody likes to admit that the long lasting suffering of this young Swiss lady was known.
Now Svera's boy-friend speaks out: "Svera's mother was against me because I'm a Christian"
The death of Svera (16) is still rocking the Switzerland. Her father (51, Pakistani) killed her with an axe because of her makeup and unwillingness to wear the veil. Now Svera's boy-friend Louis (18) speaks out. He talks about the girl's last few days and hours.
Svera R. (16) close to her boy-friend. A moment of intimacy, her closed eyes are an expression of happiness. The last picture of the young couple recorded only few days before Svera's death.
The student from Zurich was killed with an axe by her own father. The devout Pakistani Scheragha R. (51) punished his daugher with death on Monday evening and called the police afterwards.
The day Svera died is the first day she returned home after a while. Three weeks ago she lived with her new boy-friend Louis F. (18). BLICK managed to find Louis. The 18 year old from Zurich-Albisrieden says Svera fought for her life as a free individual in a free country- and lost. "I loved Svera more than anything. Now she's gone, simply gone. I can't comprehend it yet", says Louis.
Svera didn't have an easy life at home. She said: "My mother hates me and my father beats me"", says Louis. I was at their home and wanted to talk to Svera's mother in order to introduce myself. She is the real boss of the family, everybody performes as she wishes. Even Svera's father, he does whatever his wife tells him."
But the 18 year old boy is not welcome. "Because I'm a Christian the mother didn't accept me on Svera's side. As punishment for having a non-Muslim boy-friend Svera was locked up in the bathroom by her mother for several nights. She wanted to ban our contact, by all means." Svera showed resistence and ran away towards Louis, knowing full well that it would increase trouble with her parents. "She gave everything for her love", says BetĂ¼l E. (18) from Bern who is a close friend of the young couple. "At Louis' place she felt save. There she was at home."
However, Svera is a minor. Her father filed/announced her as missed. "We've spent several times talking to the police on the phone", according to Louis. "Svera explained to them why she ran away. She mentioned the fact that she was beaten and afraid of her family."
The officer didn't take her cry for help serious. "He kept saying that Svera needs to contact her family and counselor."
Svera and each of her three sisters and brother had a councelor/assistence since 2007. "This is what we've decided to do",
says Louis. "Svera even went back home to take part in a mediation, but on the same evening she had returned back to my place. "She said it simlpy didn't work."
Svera desperately turned to the official family counselor, an Egyptian. BetĂ¼l: "Two weeks ago we made an appointment with him- Louis and I planned to attend. However, the guy didn't show up. We'd been waiting for him in the rain for more than an hour." The family counselor himself is a devout Muslim.
Louis continues: "Then we decided to go to a shelter in Zurich." But it was closed until July- for reconstruction purposes.
The teenagers searched for help on the phone: "An employee told us that it would take at least one week until he could help us- due to the registration process." One week for registration, time Svera didn't have. Neither for registration, nor for life.
Louis is angry and stunned: "Isn't it the purpose of a shelter to provide help instantly?" The 18 year old is nervously touching his necklace. It presents one half of a heart. "Svera gave it to me. The second half is with her."
Wasn't the police able to offer help? Louis: "No, they didn't offer us the shelter." Marco Cortesi, spokesman of the local police claimed: "We offered Svera to attend the police station in order to provide a testimony or move to a shelter. She didn't do neither nor. That's why charges of abuse weren't investigated further. This is standard procedure."
The death of a student who was a Swiss citizen and wanted to live as such- standard procedure.
The 16 year old decided to stay with Louis, moving back home was not an option. "To live with a Christian was a violation of honor for Svera's parents", explains Louis. Svera didn't get to see her mother any longer, but she visited her father in the hospital. Two weeks ago he suffered from a heart attack and she loved her father even though he abused her.
Last Monday Svera got caught stealing a few packs of cigarettes with one of her friends. "The police took Svera to the police station", according to Louis. Despite Svera's begging to call the family couselor the police called her parents.
A few hours later Svera was dead. Louis: "At 19:30 she chatted with a friend of her and scheduled a meeting at the train station later that evening. She didn't mention a word about a clash in the family." Svera never arrived at the train station.
At 20:30 her father called the police stating that he killed his daughter.
Louis: "I'd really like to know where the mother was at that point in time." A neighbor saw the mother leaving the neighborhood Rutihof around 20:00 with two of her children carrying a prayer book. Did she have an idea of what would happen at home? Did she plan to pray for Svera?
Louis didn't get noticed before next morning. "For me it was like the world had come to an end. I cryed for hours.
I'm unbelievably angered because of Svera's parents. How can you do something cruel like that to your own child? Svera always tried to make things right and please everybody. When she meet with her family counselor or her father she intentionally wore wide jeans to avoid trouble. Svera and I loved spending time at home, watching DVDs and talking with each other. She wasn't a party girl. She simply wanted to live and be happy."
Svera was frank: "I'm afraid of my father. He beats me." But for the authorities it wasn't clear enough.16 year old Svera R. from Zurich-Hongg: A strong person who wanted to live her life- without the bonds of the strict muslim faith which stood above everything for her father. On Monday he killed his fistborn child with an axe. Then he surrendered to the police.Svera's friends are under shock. And they're in anger: "Svera was a poor girl. In the family there was a lot of confrontation.Heated arguments", says Daniel A. (20) to BLICK. He lives in the community Rutihof next to family R. "Often the father was beating her so severely that we could see the bruises. She attended school in that condition." In 2007 the school filed a notion/alarm concerning the four kids who received Swiss citizenship. They got a social worker and an Egyptian counselor/mediator."Nonetheless, police and ambulance showed up several times", says Daniel A. "Last time I noticed was two weeks ago, when the father had a heart attack."That incident was confirmed by Marco Cortesi, spokesman of the police in Zurich. "Scheragha R. was brought into hospital by an ambulance." It was the second time the police got involved with family R. "Three weeks ago we were called for the first time" according to Cortesi. "Svera ran away. Very soon we located her at her boy-friend's home. On the phone she told an officer that things aren't all right at home any longer. That her father beats her and that she is afraid of him."What does the police do with these information? "We offered her to visit the police station and provide a testimony- or move to a shelter. She didn't do either. That's why the charge of abuse wasn't investigated any further. This is standard procedure", says Cortesi.The family counselor arranged a mediation between father and daughter. Svera spent a night at her parents' home but then ran away to her boy-friend."The third deployment in that case occurred on Monday when Svera and a friend of hers were caught stealing", says Cortesi. "We informed the parents." And Svera? "She said it was ok with her- but she would run away from home instantly."But why were these cries for help not being paid attention to? Cortesi explains: "She didn't go to the police station in order to provide a testimony, nor did she contact a shelter. That way a case like this does not get on record."At the Guardianship Authority (I guess: Guardian ad litem) of the city of Zurich father's R. beatings were never an issue.Spokesman Martin Naef (39): "There were no indications of massive use of violence. It seems like it wasn't more than skirmishes/fisticuffs and arguments/conflicts." Moreover, family R. had been in care/coached intensively. Naef: "We were under the impression that tension had been in decline since 2007." During the last weeks the family counselor increased visits to the family even more.Tragic: A meeting with Svera, coaches and family counselor was scheduled for Tuesday morning. Naef: "It was planned to talk about the situation at home and assistance/care." Too late. Svera is dead.
Zurich: Did it happen due her make-up or indecent clothing? Pakistani from Zurich kills his daughter in midst of conflict.Yesterday a 16 year old teenager was killed by her own father. According to the Department of public prosecution the 51 year old Pakistani Scheragha R.called the police around 20.30.Perpetrator arrestedThe man said the had just killed his daughter Svera in the appartment and was staying at a bus station where he was arrested without resistance.Police had to smash a window in order to get access to the apartment. There Svera was found dead. Except the victim nobody was present there.Police and public prosecuter assume that Svera was killed with an object (ie mechanically). More detailled information on the weapon involved were not available thus far.Caught stealingAccordning to the public prosecuter Scheragha R. said he had struck her in the midst of a heavy clash. Further information are due to ongoing investigation.Did it play a role that Svera was caught stealing in a store? Offical Marco Cortesi confirmed the offense according to "TeleZuri". Wether that was the reason for the crime of Scheragha R. cannot be said right now.During conflict tempers went upAccording to an official of the association responsible for the Rutihofstrasse (I guess the place they live) the family had four kids: three girls and one boy. The neighbor's daughter Elif Gencer (18) knows family R. und used to take care of the boy occasionally. "The father is a calm person and used to cook for the family." The mother was wearing a traditional headscarf, being a calm person as well."Sometimes conflicts appeared, then tempers used to go up.Father in rage due to dressed up daughter?According to teenagers from the neighborhood Svera was often wearing make up, clothed indecently and rebelled against herhome. Did that make her father freak out?Neighbor Elif: "I'm completely shocked. When I heard the screaming last night my father went to see what's going on. Then he met a relative of family R., who got a phone call from Svera's mother saying her husband had killed the daughter.Neighboors: Family has counselor/mediatorSeemingly, several things went wrong in the family: Visitors of the supermarket say Svera already ran away from home, moreover the family gets assistance from a counselor/mediator.Did domestic violence occur already before the crime happened? A few days ago Ambulance and police supposedly showed up in the neighborhood.*******http://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/zuerich/schueler-trauern-um-mordopfer-swera-146694Family/domestic Drama in Hoengg (suburb of Zurich): Students mourn Svera (victim of murder)Zurich- Youths of the Riedtli school are under shock. Nobody's able to comprehend why Svery R. had to die. Killed by her own father.Brown and friendly eyes look into the camera, her hair are covering the forehead and a gentle smile adorns her face. It is Svera R. (16 years) from Hongg/Zurich. On Monday evening (I guess Monday, May 10th 2010) the student was brutally slayed by her own father Scherangha using an axe.The family drama took place in a quiet neighborhood in the West of Zurich. Svera used to live there together with her parents and her three brothers and sisters. Up until three weeks, when she ran away from home and hid at the home of her new boy-friend Louis."The two hadn't been a couple for longer than four weeks", a schoolmate told BLICK (Swiss newsmagazine). "Svera started to move to his home immediately." The devout parents were not thrilled with the oldest daugher's new love. "Since they were a couple even more trouble than normally took place at home", said her boy-friend (Louis)."She used to bring along candy"Since then Svera didn't get to see her family often. Up until that tragic Monday afternoon, when her father picked her up from the police station after Svera stole something from a store. An hour later the 16 year old was dead.Her schoolmates from the Riedtli school can't explain the terrible incident. They are shocked. "I can't believe she is no longer going to appear at school", said a schoolmate to Blick.ch."Svera used to bring along candy at morning and handed them around. She was such a caring person. And she loved her brothers and sisters. She used to pay attention to her younger sister and cooked for her. She is going to leave a big gap."Poem for SveraIn the school pictures showing face are attached. Flowers right aside, candles lit as well. "Today we wrote a poem for Svera. Everyone added something", said a long standing friend. "It helps coping with the pain. In the poem it reads: "No one is asked whether he is ready to say farewell. Now the time has come to say goodbye. The death leaves us back in scariness."Especially when your own father is the killer. An honor killing because with her Western lifestyle, teenage rebellion and newboy-friend Svera brought shame upon the family? The only way her friends can explain the act: "Her father must have had a sudden black out."*************http://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/zuerich/sveras-freund-darf-nicht-zur-beerdigung-147011The headscarf homocide of Zurich-Hongg: Svera's boy-friend not allowed to attend funeralBoth teenagers were in love with each other. Saying goodbye to his Svera is not allowed for Louis.Svera R. (16) from Zurich-Hongg und Louis F. (18) from Zurich-Albisrieden were a couple. On Monday last week their fortunewas crushed brutally. Svera's father, the Pakistani Scheragha R. (51), killed his daughter at home at the community Rutihofwith an axe. He couldn't handle her makeup, unwillingness to wear the veil and her boy-friend.Yersterday Svera's body was said to be released from the forensic medicine. The Egyptian family counselor Hamdy E., who hasbeen assisting the family for two years visited her body the same day. He told it to one of Svera's friends. Along with the family he prepared everything necessary for the funeral.He wasn't willing to tell the friend when the funeral was scheduled. He merely revealed that is scheduled untill Friday.Svera's boy-friend Louis is not welcome. "Nobody called my phone, not to mention that I wasn't told when the funeral was scheduled", says the 18 year old sorrowfully to BLICK. Louis is despaired: "I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to Svera.She was ripped out of my life suddenly."Svera's mother was in opposition to Louis. "She never accepted me as her boy-friend, because I'm a Christian" says the 18 year old. I have lost my dream girl. I don't know how to cope with the situation if I don't get the chance to say goodbye to Svera."For Louis the tragic death of his girl-friend is inconceivable. "There are still all her belongings in my room. To put them away will break my heart. For me Svera is still present."Family counselor Hamdy E. is not willing to give any information to BLICK: "I'm not allowed to say anything to you. Why don't you ask the social Department?", that is what he says with accent on the phone. BLICK likes to kow Why he didn't show up for the scheduled meeting with Svera and Louis two weeks ago. "As I already said, I'm not allowed to say anything." Hamdy E. hung up.A typical reaction in the homocide case of Svera R. Responsibilities are pushed around from one place to another.Nobody likes to admit that the long lasting suffering of this young Swiss lady was known.********http://www.blick.ch/news/schweiz/zuerich/sveras-mutter-war-gegen-mich-weil-ich-christ-bin-146911Now Svera's boy-friend speaks out: "Svera's mother was against me because I'm a Christian"The death of Svera (16) is still rocking the Switzerland. Her father (51, Pakistani) killed her with an axe because of her makeup and unwillingness to wear the veil. Now Svera's boy-friend Louis (18) speaks out. He talks about the girl's last few days and hours.Svera R. (16) close to her boy-friend. A moment of intimacy, her closed eyes are an expression of happiness. The last picture of the young couple recorded only few days before Svera's death.The student from Zurich was killed with an axe by her own father. The devout Pakistani Scheragha R. (51) punished his daugher with death on Monday evening and called the police afterwards.The day Svera died is the first day she returned home after a while. Three weeks ago she lived with her new boy-friend Louis F. (18). BLICK managed to find Louis. The 18 year old from Zurich-Albisrieden says Svera fought for her life as a free individual in a free country- and lost. "I loved Svera more than anything. Now she's gone, simply gone. I can't comprehend it yet", says Louis.Svera didn't have an easy life at home. She said: "My mother hates me and my father beats me"", says Louis. I was at their home and wanted to talk to Svera's mother in order to introduce myself. She is the real boss of the family, everybody performes as she wishes. Even Svera's father, he does whatever his wife tells him."But the 18 year old boy is not welcome. "Because I'm a Christian the mother didn't accept me on Svera's side. As punishment for having a non-Muslim boy-friend Svera was locked up in the bathroom by her mother for several nights. She wanted to ban our contact, by all means." Svera showed resistence and ran away towards Louis, knowing full well that it would increase trouble with her parents. "She gave everything for her love", says BetĂ¼l E. (18) from Bern who is a close friend of the young couple. "At Louis' place she felt save. There she was at home."However, Svera is a minor. Her father filed/announced her as missed. "We've spent several times talking to the police on the phone", according to Louis. "Svera explained to them why she ran away. She mentioned the fact that she was beaten and afraid of her family."The officer didn't take her cry for help serious. "He kept saying that Svera needs to contact her family and counselor."Svera and each of her three sisters and brother had a councelor/assistence since 2007. "This is what we've decided to do",says Louis. "Svera even went back home to take part in a mediation, but on the same evening she had returned back to my place. "She said it simlpy didn't work."Svera desperately turned to the official family counselor, an Egyptian. BetĂ¼l: "Two weeks ago we made an appointment with him- Louis and I planned to attend. However, the guy didn't show up. We'd been waiting for him in the rain for more than an hour." The family counselor himself is a devout Muslim.Louis continues: "Then we decided to go to a shelter in Zurich." But it was closed until July- for reconstruction purposes.The teenagers searched for help on the phone: "An employee told us that it would take at least one week until he could help us- due to the registration process." One week for registration, time Svera didn't have. Neither for registration, nor for life.Louis is angry and stunned: "Isn't it the purpose of a shelter to provide help instantly?" The 18 year old is nervously touching his necklace. It presents one half of a heart. "Svera gave it to me. The second half is with her."Wasn't the police able to offer help? Louis: "No, they didn't offer us the shelter." Marco Cortesi, spokesman of the local police claimed: "We offered Svera to attend the police station in order to provide a testimony or move to a shelter. She didn't do neither nor. That's why charges of abuse weren't investigated further. This is standard procedure."The death of a student who was a Swiss citizen and wanted to live as such- standard procedure.The 16 year old decided to stay with Louis, moving back home was not an option. "To live with a Christian was a violation of honor for Svera's parents", explains Louis. Svera didn't get to see her mother any longer, but she visited her father in the hospital. Two weeks ago he suffered from a heart attack and she loved her father even though he abused her.Last Monday Svera got caught stealing a few packs of cigarettes with one of her friends. "The police took Svera to the police station", according to Louis. Despite Svera's begging to call the family couselor the police called her parents.A few hours later Svera was dead. Louis: "At 19:30 she chatted with a friend of her and scheduled a meeting at the train station later that evening. She didn't mention a word about a clash in the family." Svera never arrived at the train station.At 20:30 her father called the police stating that he killed his daughter.Louis: "I'd really like to know where the mother was at that point in time." A neighbor saw the mother leaving the neighborhood Rutihof around 20:00 with two of her children carrying a prayer book. Did she have an idea of what would happen at home? Did she plan to pray for Svera?Louis didn't get noticed before next morning. "For me it was like the world had come to an end. I cryed for hours.I'm unbelievably angered because of Svera's parents. How can you do something cruel like that to your own child? Svera always tried to make things right and please everybody. When she meet with her family counselor or her father she intentionally wore wide jeans to avoid trouble. Svera and I loved spending time at home, watching DVDs and talking with each other. She wasn't a party girl. She simply wanted to live and be happy."