Tuesday, 11 May 2010
My reply in the Telegraph
"And I do declare that no foreign prince, person, prelate, state or
potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction, power, superiority,
pre-eminence or authority, ecclesiastical or spiritual, within this
realm. So help me God".
I think that says it all, for we have no option but to obey our Common
Law Constitution and allow the present holder of the British Crown,
our beloved Queen Elizabeth II to fulfil the Oaths she made at Her
Majesty’s Coronation?
The Leaders in the EU Parliament have just sworn a new allegiance, "to
respect the Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union in the fulfilment of all my duties" etc. Surely THEY
do not think that we would not honour our Oaths of Allegiance to the
British Crown and would not defend them any less than others before us
have done?
We here in the UK have certain parts of our Common Law Constitution
that no politician can destroy or give away to others because they
belong to the people-and the people were never asked to give them up
in favour of the EU Laws or Treaties. Some are also in the form of
Treaties between the people and the British Crown and to which ALL
British people bear an Oath of Allegiance to.
We cannot destroy our Countries finances by giving billions to help
out a foreign Country or organisation, even if we wanted to. We do
contribute to poorer lands to prevent the people from starving, this
we do willingly but that is far different to being FORCED to do
something contrary to our Constitution and when our own Country is in
need financially because of the actions of our recent Government. We
simply cannot afford to remain in the European Union. This many, many
people in this Country have come to recognise this as a matter of
Sadly we have three political parties at the moment that are putting
Electoral Reform before the NATIONAL INTEREST OF THIS COUNTRY. The
people will remember this too come the next General election.
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Britannia Radio