National Broadcaster Openly Rejects Question On Trilateral Meeting Neil Foster Here's a short clip showing the national broadcaster, the equivalent in Ireland of the BBC outright refusing to discuss anything to do with the Trilateral Commission meeting recently held in Dublin. In a blatant example of mainstream media censorship, by the national broadcaster in Ireland RTE, who have an obligation to inform the public and to give a fair and balanced viewpoint, Monday nights airing of The Frontline on RTE 1, hosted by Pat Kenny, we witnessed the type of censorship one would expect from a Third World dictatorship. Up to the point where the lady in the audience mentions the Bilderberg Group and Trilateral Commission meeting in Dublin last week, Kenny remains silent but immediately steps in to talk over the questioner. Kenny can be heard giving the tired excuses that there is a complaints department at RTE which he tells the questioner to contact about her issues with the station. He then scurries away, it appears in panic. He can clearly be heard saying: ‘I’m not going to go there, I’m not going to go there’ in reply to persistent attempts by the questioner for an answer. Indeed, when combined with the miniscule coverage of the Trilateral Commission meeting in Dublin by the mainstream press, this disgraceful sidestepping of a pertinent question from a member of the audience as to why RTE had not covered such an important meeting. This shows the scant regard and outright contempt that the national broadcaster has for its audience who fund the station through their taxes. Welcome to the Soviet Republic of Ireland. Thank you Mr. Kenny for you pathetic allegiance to your banker masters! If you fast forward to the 59 th minute in the video below you can see the brief exchange.
Thursday, May 20th, 2010
Thursday, 20 May 2010
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Britannia Radio