Saturday, 22 May 2010

New UK Govt to Curb CCTV, Scrap ID Cards, Help Open Source

'The Britain of today is watched constantly by CCTV cameras, is preparing for a national ID card, slaps a “crown copyright” on most government data, and can now censor websites and eventually boot people off the Internet.

According to the new Liberal Democrat/Tory coalition government, that’s all about to change. The coalition today released its unified policy statement (PDF), and for techies and privacy advocates, there’s lots to like.'

Read more: New UK Govt to Curb CCTV, Scrap ID Cards, Help Open Source

Dr. Cass Sunstein Wants to Turn Off the Lights

'Paul Joseph Watson, a writer at Prison Planet gave us a reminder Monday May 17th that Obama Czar Wants Mandatory Government Propaganda On Political Websites. The Big Brother Czar is also a Harvard Professor currently dishing up the pabulum for Obama’s White House that “conspiracy theories” should be banned from the Internet; so much for Harvard, Czar-Dr. Cass Sunstein and intellectual freedom.

Sunstein’s tonality is reminiscent of Joseph Goebbels New Years Address for 1939.

What’s more Sunstein wants to “legally force” Americans “to do what’s best for our society” and water down their free speech (granted by the US Constitution), by mandating websites with pop-up links to opposing government propaganda be “forcibly included on political blogs.” Could we have such pop-ups when the President is speaking, Henry Kissinger, Bibi Netanyahu, AIPAC, Larry Silverstein, NIST, Fox News, Lloyd Blankfein?'

Read more: Dr. Cass Sunstein Wants to Turn Off the Lights

17 States Now Filing Versions of Arizona's Immigration Bill SB 1070

'One of America's national organizations fighting against illegal immigration is announcing that 17 states are now filing versions of Arizona's SB 1070 law which is designed to help local police enforce America's existing immigration laws. Numerous national and local polls indicated that 60-81% of Americans support local police enforcing immigration laws.

"Our national network of activists have been working overtime trying to help the state of Arizona and the brave Arizonans who have passed this bill," said William Gheen, President of Americans for Legal Immigration PAC. "Arizona no longer stands alone and we have now documented state lawmakers filing, or announcing they will file, versions of the Arizona bill in seventeen states! We will not stop until all states are protected from invasion as required by the US Constitution".'

Read more: 17 States Now Filing Versions of Arizona's Immigration Bill SB 1070