Side by side they stood in the sun-dappled Downing Street garden. It was their first public appearance as the couple in charge of the first British coalition Government since the war. Sharing jokes, exchanging meaningful glances and referring to each other chummily as Nick and David, they couldn't have looked happier. Er, I was hoping you wouldn't bring that up: The moment a red-faced David Cameron was reminded he once described new best friend Nick Clegg as his 'favourite joke' Hmmm, so that's what you said about me, is it? As Mr Clegg tries on his best hurt lover expression, a sheepish Mr Cameron comes clean, admitting: 'I did, I'm afraid.' That's it, I'm off: As Mr Clegg pretends to storm out in a huff, the new Prime Minister finds himself begging for another chance, imploring his No 2 to: 'Come back!' This was Day One of what Prime Minister David Cameron now describes as 'the Liberal-Conservative Government’. There was one sticky moment, when Mr Cameron was reminded by a tactless journalist that he had once described his new coalition partner as 'my favourite political joke'. But such was the mood of the moment that Mr Clegg, after a theatrical show of mock offence, readily agreed to forgive and forget. The love-in was complete. Despite the bonhomie however, it is still unclear what the millions who voted for them as independent party leaders will make of their extraordinary political union, hailed by Mr Cameron as a 'historic and seismic shift' in politics. The new Prime Minister and his deputy astonished colleagues by declaring that their aim is nothing less than a fundamental political realignment. Indeed, Mr Cameron even went so far as to suggest he was happier to be ruling with Mr Clegg than doing so alone. Oh Dave, you are awful... but I like you! Won over by the Cameron charm, Mr Clegg inches his way back to their matching lecterns to hear the PM's explanation I could listen to this all day! A grinning Mr Clegg basks in Mr Cameron's declaration that he will happily eat his words. Along with a big piece of humble pie for dessert Laughing together is so important for a relationship: As Mr Cameron guffaws his way out of their awkward moment, Mr Clegg may need a little more practice Revealing that the Lib Dem leader had offered to prop up a minority Tory administration, the Prime Minister said: 'What I woke up this morning thinking was not just the huge responsibility that now lands on my shoulders, but thinking this is so much better than the alternative.' Just days ago, he and Mr Clegg were bitter political rivals. But yesterday they were to all appearances peas in a pod as they dismissed fears among many of their MPs that the partnership cannot last - claiming they would rule together for five years. They even refused to rule out the possibility of the alliance going further still, suggesting Mr Cameron is toying with the idea of a permanent union that would shut Labour out of power for ever. Only time will tell whether he has pulled off the most dramatic masterstroke for many decades - or made a decision that will end in disaster for both parties. On yet another breathtaking day: Mr Cameron handed five Cabinet jobs to senior Lib Dems. Details emerged of looming tax hikes for middle earners. Ex-Foreign Secretary David Miliband launched a Labour leadership bid. Bank of England Governor Mervyn King dramatically backed the coalition Government's plans for immediate spending cuts. President Obama hailed Mr Cameron as a 'smart, dedicated and effective leader'. Cameron and Clegg wave on the steps of No10 as they prepare for their first day working together After you: Before they entered No.10, Mr Cameron placed his hand on Mr Clegg's shoulder in a gentle but affirming gesture. But not to be outdone, and to indicate he was his equal, Mr Clegg repeated the move followed by a quick glance to the massed ranks of photographers Mr Cameron last night completed appointing his Cabinet, with Lib Dem Vince Cable as Business Secretary, George Osborne Chancellor, William Hague Foreign Secretary and Theresa May Britain's second ever female Home Secretary. Other key appointments included Kenneth Clarke as Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary, former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith as Work and Pensions Secretary, Liam Fox as Defence Secretary and Andrew Lansley as Health Secretary. Despite unease on the Right of the Tory party, Mr Cameron's inner circle believe that it may turn out to be the luckiest break of his career that he fell just short of an overall majority last week. Though his allies were initially bitterly disappointed at the result, it has allowed him to create a coalition and tie one half of his political opposition to his own fate. As well as being the clearest possible demonstration of 'new politics', the alliance means the Lib Dems will now share the inevitable backlash from voters over the most savage public spending cuts for a generation, necessary to pay back the unprecedented levels of debt left behind by Labour. Mr Osborne, who at just 38 is Britain's youngest Chancellor since 1886, is understood to have insisted on a Lib Dem deputy - apparently so the two parties will both get the blame from the electorate. Old and new: New Chancellor George Osborne outside No11 this morning as Ken Clarke made his way to No10 Mr Cable is understood to have balked at the prospect, and was appointed Business Secretary instead, leaving his Lib Dem colleague David Laws to take the poisoned chalice of deciding the cuts as Chief Secretary to the Treasury. The new coalition Government yesterday unveiled the outline of a shared five-year programme, which papered over the cracks of potential disagreement. Mr Cameron promised 'very early legislation' to establish fixed-term Parliaments, effectively enshrining in law the Conservatives' five-year coalition deal with the Lib Dems. He and Mr Clegg have agreed that the next election will be held on May 7, 2015. But last night senior figures in both parties privately expressed doubts over the practicality and legitimacy of the move to fixed-term Parliaments, which would require a vote of 55 per cent of MPs to overturn. There was also alarm as it emerged that second homeowners, buy-to-let investors and people who own shares are likely to be the first victims of a big tax hike by the new Government. The Conservatives are ready to bow to Lib Dem demands for a rise in capital gains tax that will hit millions of middle-class families, particularly those who have invested in property instead of a pension. It also emerged that the Tory pledge to rein in Labour's rise in National Insurance will now apply only to employers, not employees. Treasury sources insisted people would not lose out, since the money saved is being used to fund an increase in the income tax threshold. Inside No10: David Cameron shows Nick Clegg inside his new home Lib Dem list: Mr Cameron and Mr Clegg draw up their list of frontbenchers An emergency Budget in July will announce an initial increase in the threshold, expected to be from around £6,475 to £7,475. It is the first of a series of increases that will ultimately mean the first £10,000 of income is tax-free, lifting millions out of tax altogether. The flagship Tory pledge to lift everyone but millionaires out of inheritance tax, meanwhile, is being shelved. Other key proposals include an elected House of Lords, an immigration cap and a new supertax on Britain's banks. The Lib Dems have caved in to Tory demands that there will be no further transfers of power to the EU in this Parliament, and agreed entry to the euro is ruled out, at least for next five years. A 'Great Repeal Bill' will scale back Labour's Big Brother state by scrapping ID cards, reforming the DNA database and protecting trial by jury. Mr Clegg will step in for Mr Cameron at Prime Minister's Questions when the Prime Minister is abroad - and could be running the country for a fortnight in September when Mr Cameron may be off on paternity leave. But last night, there were the first signs of tensions as Downing Street slapped down suggestions from Mr Clegg's camp that only he could sack Lib Dem ministers. David Cameron referred to his new coalition government as 'Liberal-Conservatives' during his speech with Nick Clegg David Cameron yesterday hinted at how he sees the future of British politics as he referred to his new coalition as a 'Liberal-Conservative Government'. The Prime Minister has long described his own political beliefs as 'liberal conservative', causing disquiet among some Tory Right-wingers. But on a day when he could have reassured his grassroots, Mr Cameron on three occasions chose to put the 'Liberal' before 'Conservative' in describing his Government. At his first Downing Street press conference, he referred to a 'Liberal Democrat Conservative Government', 'our Liberal-Conservative government', and a 'historic Liberal Democrat-Conservative administration'. It led to speculation in Tory ranks that Mr Cameron may be attempting to marginalise the Right-wing of his party. This would bring about a historic realignment of politics, allowing him to adopt the moderate elements of the Lib Dems and leaving both Labour and the Right out on a limb. Mr Cameron's decision to concede a referendum on electoral reform has been compared to Benjamin Disraeli's extension of the voting franchise in 1867, which reworked the political landscape of the 19th century. Others say it echoes the manoeuvrings of Tory prime minister Stanley Baldwin, who helped Labour's Ramsay MacDonald into No 10 in 1924, ensuring the party replaced the Liberals as the major Left-wing force. The Tories' General Election campaign was yesterday criticised as being 'chaotic' and 'unprofessional' by grassroots Conservatives. Less than 24 hours after being appointed Prime Minister, David Cameron was facing a backlash for failing to offer a consistent message to voters. A report for ConservativeHome, which interviewed 3,000 local party activists, found two thirds thought the campaign was 'poor', while only 20 per cent said it was 'excellent'. And it blamed the Tories' failure to win an outright majority on the decision to allow Nick Clegg equal footing in the televised leaders' debates. Tim Montgomerie, the website's editor, said the party had been presented with its 'best opportunity in a generation' and should have won. He was particularly critical of Mr Cameron's 'Big Society' idea - one of the central messages of the Tories' campaign. He said: 'The Big Society message was never poll tested or properly focus-grouped and failed to cut through on the doorstep.' And he claimed Mr Cameron failed to take advantage of public anger over the MPs' expenses scandal and immigration. Although David Cameron and Nick Clegg looked happy enough yesterday, there are thorny questions to resolve if their fledgling coalition is to survive. Edward Heathcoat Amory looks at what could put their relationship under strain. Q: The coalition is to legislate for five-year fixed-term parliaments, with the next election due on the first Thursday of May, 2015. Could it be earlier than that? A: Yes. If Parliament votes by a majority of 55 per cent or more for its own dissolution, an early election would be called. However, no one party can command even 50 per cent in the Commons, so neither Mr Cameron, Mr Clegg, or the new Labour leader would be able to call an election on their own. If the Lib Dems abandoned their coalition with the Tories and struck a deal with Labour, the situation could become extremely confused. Mr Cameron would not be able to force an election and neither would a combination of Labour and Lib Dems. If there were no agreement on a dissolution Mr Cameron could either try to govern with a minority or resign, in which case the Queen would presumably invite the leader of the Labour party to try to form a government. Bemused? So will everyone else be if it comes to that. Q: If something were to happen to David Cameron, who becomes Prime Minister - Nick Clegg or a Conservative replacement? A: Nick Clegg in the short term, while the Conservative Party selects a new leader. It is unclear what the constitutional position would be if Mr Clegg - having been to the Palace to formally accept the job - later refused to relinquish office to Mr Cameron's successor. Q: Will the coalition Cabinet by bound by collective responsibility, in that a decision by one minister must be publicly supported by all the other ministers? A: Yes, although the coalition agreement allows the Liberals to abstain in some areas, such as nuclear power, tax breaks for married couples and higher education funding. Q: What will be the whipping arrangements, the process by which MPs are organised to support the Government? A: Both parties will have their own chief whips, although clearly they will have to work closely together. It's not clear what sanctions the whips would have if, for example, large numbers of Liberal MPs voted against European legislation agreed by their leadership. Q: What will happen in reshuffles? A: Mr Cameron is Prime Minister and retains the right to hire and fire. However, if he wished to sack a Lib Dem minister he would almost certainly secure Mr Clegg's agreement before doing so. If any ministers are dismissed, it is likely they would be replaced from the same party, maintaining the ratio of Conservative to Liberal in the Government. That ratio is understood to be two Lib Dem ministers for every five Tories - the ratio of votes cast for the two parties in the General Election. Q: Will the national coalition be replicated locally? A: All over the country, coalition politics is already happening in local government, and often Labour and the Liberals have combined against the Tories. These arrangements will apparently continue unchanged. Q: What will happen in by-elections? A: Both parties will continue to run candidates against each other. It is highly unlikely but not impossible that local parties could agree to join forces in individual constituencies to defeat Labour. Q: Will ministers be free to negotiate in international summits - or will they have to refer everything back to London for a coalition decision? A: A Liberal minister sent to negotiate on Britain's behalf in Brussels could easily agree something that might horrify the Tory majority in London. Given the often fast pace of negotiations, it won't always to possible to refer back for a decision. Q: How many new peers will be appointed? A: The temporary agreement on the House of Lords - that peers should be appointed so that it reflects the votes at the General Election - would appear to mean that the Liberals get to appoint 95 members of the Lords, and the Tories 73. The public is unlikely to be impressed by such a large-scale exercise in patronage - and both parties may well argue over their allocation and selections. Q: Will the parties stop targeting each other's marginal seats? A: Conservative activists have already called for a Lib Dem marginal seats coordinator, tasked with reducing the number of Liberal seats at the next election to 40. Class of 2010: The majority of the 232 new MPs chosen in last week's General Election pose with Doormen (on edge of group) for a photograph in Westminster Hall today 'I am confident that the coming together of two political parties to form one strong Government marks a new era for Britain and for British politics. Now, let's get down to work.' In turn, the Lib Dems have signed up to enforcing spending cuts worth £6bn starting this year and have ditched their controversial plan for an amnesty for illegal immigrants. After sweeping to power last night, Mr Cameron promised Britain a new type of leadership and echoing the words of John F Kennedy, urging voters no longer to ask 'just what you are owed, but what can I give'. On the most momentous day in modern British political history, the 43-year-old became the youngest Premier since Lord Liverpool in 1812. Out with the old... A removal lorry is loaded at the back of Downing Street today Renovation rescue: A building company van arrives in Downing to build a partition in Downing Street He hailed the extraordinary power-sharing deal with the Liberal Democrats that ushers in the first coalition administration since the Second World War. Speaking in Downing Street, Mr Cameron warned the country faced 'deep and pressing problems', but vowed a 'proper and full coalition' government with the Liberal Democrats would focus on 'rebuilding family, rebuilding community and above all rebuilding responsibility in our country’. He said he and Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg, would 'put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and the national interest'. Mr Cameron added: 'I came into politics because I love this country. I think its best days still lie ahead. Today he handed four further Cabinet jobs to senior Lib Dems - Vince Cable, David Laws, Danny Alexander and Chris Huhne. George Osborne, 38, will become the youngest Chancellor of the Exchequer for 125 years, with Mr Cable as Chief Secretary to the Treasury. Vince Cable has been made Business Secretary Andrew Lansley is to become the new Health Secretary Lib Dem Danny Alexander will be Scotland Secretary The Conservatives and Liberal Democrats have agreed on fixed-term, five-year parliaments with immediate effect - meaning Mr Cameron will not be able to 'cut and run' by calling another election. The next national poll will be on May 7, 2015. Mr Hague told BBC Radio 4's Today programme that Britain's first coalition for 70 years would require some 'innovations' in the way Government operates. 'There are one or two measures on which we have agreed, since the parties have very different policies, that the Government will be able to bring forward measures and the Liberal Democrats will be able to abstain - for instance on the married tax allowance,' he said, adding that this would also apply to higher education funding and nuclear power. 'Across the whole programme of deficit reduction, tax reform - with the exception of married tax allowance - immigration, major political reforms and constitutional change, on pensions and welfare, on the rest of education policy, civil liberties and the environment, we have reached true collective agreement.' David and Samantha Cameron leave their West London home as they head to Downing Street New Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and wife Miriam Gonzalez Durantez begin their days Mr Hague acknowledged that there would be some people on both sides who would find the arrangement difficult to accept. 'This is a genuine compromise between the parties,' he said. 'There are many things the Liberal Democrats have had to swallow that are very difficult for them, just as there are some things - like holding a referendum on a new voting system - that are very difficult for the Conservative Party to accept. 'That means, of course, there will be people in both parties who quietly wish it hadn't happened, I'm sure. 'But the acclamation for this agreement amongst both parties was very, very strong last night and I think if we can show we can continue to work in this way, then any little resentments will be put into perspective.' The two parties have agreed a shared programme that will significantly speed up deficit reduction, rein in Labour's Big Brother state in a 'Great Repeal Bill' and implement flagship Lib Dem proposals to increase the income tax threshold. Mr Cameron has given way to Lib Dem demands to shelve a flagship Tory pledge on inheritance tax and will attempt to implement his marriage tax breaks without Lib Dem support. The income tax break will be paid for by keeping part of Labour's planned National Insurance rise, the element paid for by employees, in place, and hiking capital gains tax. The NI rise on businesses, condemned in the Tory election campaign as a 'jobs tax', will be reined in. Home, at last: Gordon and Sarah Brown arrive at North Queensferry, in Fife last night All smiles: The Camerons smile and wave at the crowd before turning and going into Number 10 last night Earlier, an emotional Gordon Brown threw in the towel after a final bid to keep Labour in power by cobbling together a deal with the Lib Dems and other smaller parties collapsed in bitter recrimination In dramatic scenes in Downing Street, the Prime Minister, flanked by his wife Sarah and two young sons, wept as he conceded his own 'frailties' but insisted: 'I have always strived to serve, to do my best in the interests of Britain.' His voice cracking with emotion and with tears in his eyes, Mr Brown told the nation it had been a 'privilege to serve' and do a job he loved, bringing to an end his Premiership which had lasted two years, ten months and 14 days. For the first time ever, his children John, six, and Fraser, three, appeared beside him in public and the family posed together in touching scenes before walking away hand-in-hand. And Mr Brown paid tribute to his wife's 'unwavering support and her love' and to his sons 'for the love they bring to our lives'. After telephoning his predecessor Tony Blair, Mr Brown resigned with immediate effect as Labour leader and Prime Minister, leaving Harriet Harman as acting leader of the opposition. Last night he and his family flew to Scotland after departing from Number Ten for the last time. A plot orchestrated by an unelected cabal around Mr Brown to try to prop up Labour despite its election defeat was crushed by a revolt led by senior Cabinet ministers, who argued it would be undemocratic. Lord Mandelson and Tony Blair's former spin chief Alastair Campbell were facing a fierce backlash from colleagues for persuading Mr Brown to make an 'undignified' offer on Monday to stay on until the autumn before quitting in an attempt to lure the Lib Dems into a power-sharing pact with Labour. Former health secretary Andy Burnham broke ranks to oppose a Lib-Lab coalition. 'We can't get away from the fact that Labour didn't win,' he said. Instead, after the five most dramatic days in modern political history, Mr Cameron agreed a stunning deal that will mean Britain being governed by its first coalition administration since the 1930s. Yes Prime Minister: David Cameron and wife Samantha are welcomed to No10 by Cabinet Secretary Gus O'Donnell The Tory leader paid an extraordinary price to bring Mr Clegg into the fold and now faces a battle to persuade his shell-shocked party that it is not too high. Mr Cameron handed a clutch of seats around the Cabinet table to the Lib Dems and, despite the deep reservations of many of his MPs, agreed to a referendum on reform of Britain's voting system. The Lib Dems, who will sit around the Cabinet table, will be the first to do so since Sir Archibald Sinclair, Minister for Air in the wartime Cabinet, who gave the order to bomb Dresden. Mr Clegg agreed that under the new Chancellor George Osborne, public spending cuts must begin at once to start to rebuild confidence in Britain's ability to repay its massive debts. He also accepted Tory 'red lines' on the EU, immigration and Trident. But Mr Cameron is expected to have to shelve a flagship Tory pledge on inheritance tax and instead move towards the Lib Dem policy of raising the income tax threshold to £10,000. Mr Clegg, who is now a heartbeat away from the premiership, is expected to stand in for Mr Cameron at Prime Minister's Questions when he is absent. And he may have to stand in for Mr Cameron if the latter takes paternity leave in September. Mr Clegg - whose party voted early this morning to accept the coalition deal - accepted Tory ‘red lines’ on the EU, immigration and Trident. At least one junior Lib Dem minister is expected to be appointed in every government department, leaving more than 20 Tories who had been expecting jobs disappointed. Mr Cameron receives a telephone call from U.S. President Barack Obama, congratulating him on his new role David Cameron meets the Queen at Buckingham Palace tonight as she invites him to form her government Her Majesty the Queen has asked me to form a new Government and I have accepted. Before I talk about that new Government, let me say something about the one that has just passed. Compared with a decade ago, this country is more open at home and more compassionate abroad and that is something we should all be grateful for and on behalf of the whole country I'd like to pay tribute to the outgoing prime minister for his long record of dedicated public service. In terms of the future, our country has a hung parliament where no party has an overall majority and we have some deep and pressing problems - a huge deficit, deep social problems, a political system in need of reform. For those reasons I aim to form a proper and full coalition between the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats. I believe that is the right way to provide this country with the strong, the stable, the good and decent Government that I think we need so badly. Nick Clegg and I are both political leaders that want to put aside party differences and work hard for the common good and for the national interest. I believe that is the best way to get the strong Government that we need, decisive Government that we need today. I came into politics because I love this country. I think its best days still lie ahead and I believe deeply in public service. And I think the service our country needs right now is to face up to our really big challenges, to confront our problems, to take difficult decisions, to lead people through those difficult decisions, so that together we can reach better times ahead. One of the tasks that we clearly have is to rebuild trust in our political system. Yes that's about cleaning up expenses, yes that is about reforming parliament, and yes it is about making sure people are in control - and that the politicians are always their servant and never their masters. But I believe it is also something else. It is about being honest about what Government can achieve. Real change is not what government can do on its own - real change is when everyone pulls together, comes together, works together, where we all exercise our responsibilities to ourselves, to our families, to our communities and to others. And I want to help try and build a more responsible society here in Britain. One where we don't just ask what are my entitlements, but what are my responsibilities. One where we don't ask what am I just owed, but more what can I give. And a guide for that society - that those that can should, and those who cant we will always help. I want to make sure that my Government always looks after the elderly, the frail the poorest in our country. We must take everyone through with us on some of the difficult decisions we have ahead. Above all it will be a Government that is built on some clear values. Values of freedom, values of fairness, and values of responsibility. I want us to build an economy that rewards work. I want us to build a society with stronger families and stronger communities. And I want a political system that people can trust and look up to once again. This is going to be hard and difficult work. A coalition will throw up all sorts of challenges. But I believe together we can provide that strong and stable government that our country needs based on those values - rebuilding family, rebuilding community, above all, rebuilding responsibility in our country. Those are the things I care about. Those are the things that this government will now start work on doing. Thank you very much. Last night, he was summoned to Buckingham Palace with wife Samantha to be asked by the Queen to form the next government. After entering Downing Street just before 9pm last night, he took a telephone call of congratulations from U.S. President Barack Obama. Chancellor Merkel of Germany also called to invite Cameron to visit Berlin ‘at the earliest opportunity’. After five days of paralysis following the first hung Parliament for 36 years, crowds had begun to gather in Parliament Square yesterday to demand that the Lib Dems make up their minds over who they wanted to support. Mr Clegg was accused of behaving like a 'harlot' after it emerged that he had been conducting secret talks with Labour while on the brink of a deal with the Conservatives. Yesterday morning, Lib Dem negotiations with Labour were underway, and a small circle around Mr Brown believed a 'rainbow' coalition - roping in Scottish and Welsh nationalists, Northern Irish MPs and the single Green Party MP - could still be assembled to keep the Tories out of power. Outgoing Home Secretary Alan Johnson declared: 'We are concentrating on cobbling together a coalition government.' But as the day unfolded, a string of senior Labour figures emerged to denounce the idea of a 'coalition of losers' as desperate and counterproductive. There was mounting fury on the Labour benches at the plot that had been cooked up by three unelected figures - Lord Mandelson, Mr Campbell and Lord Adonis, a defector from the Lib Dems to Labour. Several senior Labour MPs said they suspected the Business Secretary had authorised discussions with the Lib Dems ahead of polling day and without Mr Brown's knowledge. Justice Secretary Jack Straw, Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth and Chief Secretary to the Treasury Liam Byrne are all also understood to have spoken out against the plan in a stormy meeting of the Cabinet. Mr Straw told friends that most of the Cabinet was 'utterly bewildered' that Mr Brown had ever been persuaded to try to keep the party in government, despite it worst election defeat since 1983. Former Labour home secretary David Blunkett accused the Lib Dems of acting like 'every harlot in history' and warned that a 'coalition of the defeated' would spell electoral disaster for Labour. Schools Secretary Ed Balls, who also hopes to replace Mr Brown as Labour leader, is being accused by Lord Mandelson of deliberately scuppering the talks with the Lib Dems, according to party sources. The notoriously aggressive Mr Balls is said to have told his Lib Dem counterparts he was determined to 'defend' the entirety of the Labour manifesto. Climate Secretary Ed Miliband, who is also expected to enter the leadership race alongside his brother, David, favourite to succeed Mr Brown, was also said to have adopted a 'half-hearted' approach to the talks. The Lib Dems said several ministers had openly undermined Mr Brown's claim that he could deliver immediate reform of the electoral system, without holding a referendum first. Mr Blair last night hailed his successor's 'extraordinary service to social justice'. And Labour's former deputy prime minister John Prescott claimed Mr Brown had been 'hounded out' having 'nearly won a fourth term'. Mr Clegg, who found himself in the role of 'kingmaker' despite losing seats at last Thursday's election, is facing a battle to take his party with him into coalition with the Conservatives. The majority of his MPs and activists are left-leaning and see Labour as their natural political bedfellows. Last night, Mr Clegg was locked in talks with his Parliamentary party and ruling body seeking final approval for the coalition deal. The Lib Dem leader is likely to face pressure from the grassroots to convene an emergency conference of members to back the power-sharing pact. In a sign of the mutual mistrust that will mark the new coalition administration, former Tory foreign secretary Sir Malcolm Rifkind hit out at Mr Clegg for 'two-timing' the Conservative party, and said he was 'saddened, depressed and very angry' that he had conducted secret talks with Labour.The No10 love-in: Laughing and joking at Downing St press call,
best buddies Dave and Nick present the Liberal Conservatives
Last updated at 2:44 AM on 13th May 2010THE COALITION CABINET
Cameron puts the emphasis on Liberal
Grassroots activists attack 'chaotic' Tory campaign
Questions that will strain deal to the limit
Thursday, 13 May 2010
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Britannia Radio