Samfunn Society
28.05.2010 17:46 05/28/2010 5:46 p.m.Alt om årets Bilderbergmøte ! Everything about this year's Bilderberg Conference!
This year's Bilderberg meeting stand at the door.The meeting will be held at the Hotel Dolce Sitges in Spain during the period June 3 to 6.
News Diary is pleased to share a number of small and large details about Bilderberg and this year's meeting before the meeting takes place.
An analysis of this year's agenda and the likely decision, based on a logical photos salvage review of this year's participants.
New Mirror also publishes a complete list of Bilderberg participants for the years 1954-2010 in downloadable and searchable Word format.

Luxury Hotel Dolce Sitges, south of Barcelona will be the venue for this year's Bilderberg meeting
Litt Bilderberg-historie Some Bilderberg story
The first top-secret meeting among the western world's power men were held at the Hotel de Bilderberg in Holland in 1954. This meant that the organization has gone under the name "Bilderberg" page. Officially, the Bilderberg meeting "an informal private gathering".The founders of the Bilderberg conference was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and Joseph Retinger. Retinger was called Jesuit "priest", that is the power agent for the Society of Jesus and Bernhard was a former SS officer and member of the Knights (Knights of Malta - SMOM).
More than 100 people will participate at every Bilderberg meeting at the invitation of Management Committee (The Bilderberg Steering Committee). The meetings will take place in spring and is held once a year. The meetings lasting 2.5 days (Thursday evening to Sunday lunch) and are held in varying but always comfortable surroundings.
A mix of skilled and reputable people to participate - a cavalcade of sitting ministers, central bank chiefs, military and other experts. They talk about the key issues in the future. Their thoughts can not be repeated outside the meetings, which they do not.
The Bilderberg tradition is that a whole hotel will be booked for each meeting so that participants can be alone with each other, their words, their thoughts and their security personnel.
The author and whistle blower William M. Cooper, for many years an officer in U.S. Naval Intelligence, with access to state-classified documents have described Bilderberg as follows:
"The result was the formation of a secret body Which rulings became known as the Bilderberg group. The group was formed and met for the first time in 1952.They were named after the first publicly known meeting place, the Bilderberg Hotel. That public meeting took place in 1954. The Bilderbergers evolved into a secret world government that now controls everything .”
Retrieved from "Keep a Pale Horse" (1990) by William M. Cooper, p. 200
Photos's values
David Rockefeller is a member of the Knights and has participated in all the Bilderberg meetings since 1954. Good ol 'David turns 95 years on 12 June, few days after this year's Bilderberg meeting is over.Participants at Bilderberg meetings called bilderbergers … I
In 2002 he published the Bilderberg boss David Rockefeller's autobiography "Memoarer" ("Memoirs"), and here he says, even so (p. 405):
"Some people think even that we are part of a secret solitaire that work against America's own interest, and characterizing my family and me as" internationalists "and believes we are conspiring with others around the world to develop a more integrated global political and economic structure - call it a WORLD if you wish. If this is the accusation that I am guilty, and I'm proud of it. "

The hidden power godfather David Rockefeller (95) have participated in all the Bilderberg meetings since 1954
A sober analysis of Bilderberg and the concentrated power that is controlled by the Bilderberg holders (see participant list later in the article) reveals that kartelldannelser across sectors in the direction of the "oligarchic globalisme" poses a genuine threat to civilized society:
"Sovereign states' legal systems and political establishments entails numerous obstacles to oligarchic globalisme, but the coordination of corporate practice - by establishing a global cartel which embraces all economic sectors - will be able to make it possible to circumvent these restrictions. Se At this point, images from Bergen mostly right, which means that they (the images from Bergen) constitutes a threat to civilized society. " See
Bilderberg is also called "The secret world government" and "Quisling factory.
Best regards
Hans K. Gaarder
Economist and independent researcher
Oslo, Norway --
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield?
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony