Obama Nuclear Disarmament Puts US at Risk

The administration proudly reveals a state secret to our enemies before a U.N. conference on nuclear nonproliferation. It wants to lead by example on disarmament, but Iran and North Korea aren't following.
Not since the 1928 Kellogg-Briand Pact that sought to outlaw war as an instrument of national policy has there been such a stunning display of dangerous naivete.
Continue here. The editorial is a must-read.
US Suddenly Skeptical About Dialogue with Iran

This would be funny if the issue was not so serious.
The Obama administration is suddenly skeptical that dialogue with Iran will stop the Islamist/Islamonazi nation's atomic advance. Click here for the story.
The administration's engagement (appeasement) policy has given Iran the time and space it needs to make major, irreversible headway toward becoming a nuclear-weapons state. In fact, considering Iran's arrogance and brazen behavior, it is hard not to suspect that the monstrous mullahocracy may have already become at least a nuclear capable country.
US Says Taliban Involved in Times Square Bomb
Click here for the breaking news.
What liberal idiots of appeasement don't understand (among a long list of things): From Tehran to Times Square, fundamentalist/fascist Islam is a global threat ... operating across political boundaries ... bridging the Sunni-Shiite divide and other theological differences ... determined to destroy Western civilization.
Judith Miller's 10 Vexing Questions About Faisal Shahzad and the Failed Times Square Car-Bombing

The indomitable Judith Miller writes:
OK. We New Yorkers got lucky again. Another terrorist plot failed. But once we stop breathing those proverbial sighs of relief and stop congratulating ourselves, let’s ask some tough questions:
1. How did an FBI surveillance team tracking suspect Faisal Shahzad in Connecticut manage to lose him before he drove to JFK to make his get-away on an Emirates flight to Dubai? And for how long did it lose him?
2. When law-abiding citizens are having their toothpaste, tweezers, and mouth wash confiscated by over-zealous TSA airport screeners, how did Shahzad manage to board a flight, especially one bound for the Middle East, less than 24 hours after law enforcement had circulated his name and photo as someone being sought in connection with the failed bombing attempt?
3. Why did his name not come up on the TSA’s notoriously problematic “no fly” list? Or on any list? And why did neither Emirates nor U.S. security personnel at JFK not double check the name and passport photo of a guy paying cash for a ticket to Dubai 53 hours after Shahzad nearly turned Times Square into what Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, describing his explosives-laden Pathfinder, called “one big Hurt Locker”?
Continue here.
Kim Tells Hu North Korea Ready for Nuke Talks

Like lips and teeth....
An intriguing piece of Chinese-North Korean propaganda ... packaged as news ... and reported here.
North Korea's partner in nuclear/missile crime, Islamist/islamonazi Iran, is keenly interested in the outcome of the initiative.
China Confidential analysts are still forecasting a third North Korean nuclear test, in addition to more missile tests.
Shahzad Ties To Taliban Probed
The Taliban of Pakistan--Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, or TTP--have claimed responsibility for the failed car-bombing.
Gold Now Viewed as an Alternative to Equities

No longer a mere inflation hedge, gold is now viewed as an alternative to both equities and currencies. Click here for the story.
Chinese institutional investors, as China Confidential reported yesterday, take a slightly different view, regarding undervalued gold producing companies--listed miners with proven, producing properties and substantial exploration potential--as an increasingly attractive alternative to weak currencies and slumping stocks.
Documentary: Bin Laden Living in Luxury in Iran

A new documentary film, Feathered Cocaine, says mass-murdering Islamist terrorist chief Osama Bin Laden has been living in luxury in Iran, where he is an avid participant in thecruel blood sport known as falconry. Bin Laden is allegedly so secure in Iran that he sometimes travels with only four bodyguards. Click here for the story.
Iran's Hitlerian maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad denies the charge of harboring the Al Qaeda head--here-- telling a liberal Democratic (pro-appeasement) television news interviewer that Bin Laden is more likely to be living comfortably in Washington, D.C. than in Tehran.
Click here for a video interview with the directors of Feathered Cocaine, which exposes falconry's ties to drug dealers as well as to terrorists and the petro-tyrants who sponsor and protect them.
China Confidential is not surprised to learn that the filmmakers unearthed evidence of Bin Laden living in Iran. Contrary to liberal notions, the Shiiite and Sunni branches of fascistic/fundamentalist Islam have bridged their theological differences in order to destroy the United States (as we know it) and Israel and conquer Europe. The relationships date to the 1950s. Egypt's Sunni Muslim Brotherhood, which spawned Al Qaeda, cooperated closely with Shiite Iranian Islamists during the Nasser era. In short, fundamentalist/fascist Islam/Islamism is a global threat--from Tehran to Times Square.
As for the assertion that Bin Laden is in Iran, there is this background:
-- Iran accepted 35 Al Qaeda leaders after the fall of the Taliban, despite the schism between Al Qaeda’s Sunni roots and the Shiite regime in Iran.
-- In February 2009 the U.S. Treasury placed sanctions on several high-ranking Al Qaeda operatives working out of Iran and helping run the terror network.
-- In 2004 author Richard Miniter, in his book “Shadow War,” wrote that two former Iranian Intelligence agents told him they had seen Bin Laden in Iran in 2003.
-- In June 2003 the respected Italian newspaper Corre de la Sierra, http://www.corriere.it/,quoting intelligence reports, reported that Bin Laden was in Iran and preparing new terror attacks.
-- Some analysts believe the reason Bin Laden switched from video to audiocassettes for his announcements was that he couldn’t find a place in Iran that matched the terrain of northern Pakistan.
-- In December 2009 it was widely reported that one of Bin Laden's wives, six of his children and 11 grandchildren were living in a compound in Tehran. The living situation was made public after one of the daughters escaped the compound and sought asylum in the Saudi Embassy. It is in this compound, [Alan] Parrot [main subject of the film Feathered Cocaine] says, that Bin Laden has found sanctuary.
Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Islamonazi Iran Leader More Defiant Than Ever
Click here for the story.
Faisal Shahzad Linked to Failed Subway Bomber
In related news, investigators have offered no explanation for how the Times Square suspect, Faisal Shahzad, was able to board an airliner despite being put on a no-fly list.Read more about "No-Fly" Faisal here.
China Looking to Buy Gold Mines and Listed Miners

China Confidential has learned that Chinese companies are intensifying efforts to acquire both producing gold mines and listed gold mining companies perceived as undervalued. M&A is the best way to find and mine gold--and mint money--in the view of Chinese investors.
Sources in Hong Kong and Tokyo say China sees gold as an alternative currency--more than a mere hedge against inflation--and gold mines and miners as assets that for the most part are still undervalued.
In advance of a stronger yuan--China's currency is expected to appreciate relative to other currencies--China's interest in snapping up the aforementioned assets are likely to bid up prices of gold and other commodities that China uses, such as copper, iron ore, and, of course, oil.
One way to play this trend is the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE: GLD).
Another possibility, for investors with the requisite skills and appetite for risk: analyze, compare, and cross-reference precious metal stocks that have performed well enough, apparently, to attract Chinese attention--e.g. this list--against such useful groupings as the top five small-cap gold industry stocks with highest return on equity.
Disclosure: no positions.
Taiwan War Game Simulates Chinese Invasion
UPI reports:
An estimated 6,500 Taiwanese soldiers, including elite forces, have taken part in the Asian island's biggest war game exercise in more than a year.
The military exercise, officials said, was a simulated type of Chinese attack on Taiwan, lifting the veil on how Taipei's military would respond to its an attack by its estranged neighbor, despite improving ties.
Continue here.
Shahzad Associate Arrested in Pakistan

A photo of Times Square bombing suspect Faisal Shahzad appears above.
The New York Times reports:
Mr. Shahzad also told the authorities that he had acted alone, but hours after he was arrested, security officials in Karachi, Pakistan, said they arrested a Pakistani man who had spent time with Mr. Shahzad during a recent visit there. Investigators said they arrested the man, Muhammad Rehan, in a mosque in the North Nazimabad area just after morning prayers. The mosque is known for its links with the militant group Jaish-e-Muhammad.
Investigators said Mr. Rehan told them that he had rented a pickup truck and driven with Mr. Shahzad to the northwestern city of Peshawar, where they stayed from July 7 to July 22, 2009. The account could not be independently verified.
Mr. Shahzad, who lives in Bridgeport, Conn., spent four months in Pakistan last year, the authorities said. His ties to that country, as well as the arrest there of Mr. Rehan, strengthened suspicions that the Times Square plot had at least some tentacles reaching overseas.
Click here to read the entire article.
Who is Faisal Shahzad? Details are emerging, as reported here.