More on the cultural jihad in my piece today at Big Government. Read it all. Sanctioning Barbarity: American Academy of Pediatrics and the New York Times by Pamela Geller In what can only be construed as a complete loss of any semblance of goodness and morality in the name of multicultural poison, the most advanced civilization on the world is sanctioning…clitorectomies. They have issued a policy statement suggesting that doctors in the US perform a mild form of this sick barbarity on girls to keep their families from sending them overseas for it. The whole thing is here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 11:26 AM in Atlas Articles, Cultural Jihad, Leftist MEDIA JIHAD aligned with Terror Force, Women and children | Permalink |Comments (4) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Fiorino notwithstanding, I love that woman. She wears this pin all the time. Hat tip Jews for Sarah Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 10, 2010 at 08:52 AM in Women for Sarah Palin | Permalink | Comments (15) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Hate sponsor CAIR, Council on American-Islamic Relations, says it surveyed the mosques in Time Square bomber Faisal Shahzad's home state of Connecticut and concluded that Shahzad did not worship at any of them and therefore was not religious. CAIR surveyed the mosques? Is that a joke? That's like ACORN certifying election results for Obama. Once again the Muslim Brotherhood is covering for Islam and its mandated teachings, always to take our eye off the threat doctrine. It's all about taqiya -- as demonstrated here. The mosque is owned by the same Muslim Brotherhood jihad group behind the mosque of al-Awlaki, the 911 Muslim hijackers, the Fort Hood jihadi, and the Christmas balls bomber. It remains a mystery: Where did the alleged Times Square terrorist – a Muslim man with an apparent zeal for Islam – go to mosque? The Council on American-Islamic Relations says it surveyed the mosques in suspect Faisal Shahzad's home state of Connecticut and concluded Shahzad did not worship at any of them and therefore was not religious. "I've asked everyone, 'Have you seen this person, have you heard of this person?'" said Mongi Dhaouadi, spokesman for CAIR's Connecticut chapter. "And the answer is 'no.'" WND, however, has learned that federal agents investigating the alleged car bomber paid a visit to a radical mosque in Bridgeport, Conn., with ties to terrorism. Shahzad has lived in the Bridgeport area for nearly a decade. FBI agents questioned leaders of the Masjid An-Noor, also known as the Bridgeport Islamic Society, after arresting Shahzad on terrorism charges. The mosque serves a sizable population of Pakistani immigrants in the area, and Shahzad, recently naturalized as a U.S. citizen, was born and raised in Pakistan. The front group, North American Islamic Trust, holds title to the large Bridgeport mosque. NAIT is the financial arm of the Islamic Society of North America. Both entities have been blacklisted by the U.S. government as unindicted co-conspirators in a criminal plot to underwrite Palestinian terrorism, including suicide bombings that have killed Americans. NAIT also holds the deed to Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center, the large mosque outside Washington where the Fort Hood terrorist and some of the 9/11 hijackers worshipped. This radical custodian of the Bridgeport Islamic Society also publishes and distributes jihadi literature that exhorts Muslims to "kill" any Westerners who get in the way of spreading Islam, as WND has previously reported. "No political system or material power should put hindrances in the way of preaching Islam," asserts one Islamic book distributed by NAIT. "If someone does this, then it is the duty of Islam to fight him until either he is killed or until he declares his submission." Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 09, 2010 at 04:22 PM in Monitor the Mosques! | Permalink | Comments (5) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Every Jew hater is feeling empowered, confident, and relaxed as the international narrative shifts and global anti-semitism is embraced, encouraged and rewarded. Out of the closet come the vampires, slaughters and ghouls. Why are there still Jews in the Ukraine? Let those savages stew and rot in their evil juices. Why benefit them with the presence of Jews? ( Ukraine police have found the mutilated body of Chabad-Lubavitch yeshiva student Aryeh Leib Misinzov, who disappeared in Kiev on April 20, the anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birthday, when Neo-Nazis often carry out attacks on Jews. Lubavitch Rabbi Yaakov Zilberman was called by police to identify the body, according to “It was a horrific scene,” he said. Police have arrested the suspected leader of the gang that murdered Misinzov, but they have not announced whether they are treating the killing as an anti-Semitic crime. The Chief Rabbi of Ukraine, Rabbi Moshe Reuven Asman, who was in Israel at the time of the murder, immediately returned to Kiev to refuse police requests that the burial be delayed, in violation of Jewish law. Anti-Semitism is rampant in the Ukraine, and after Hitler’s birthday, Chabad school principal Rabbi Mordechai Levenarts discovered graffiti, including “Happy Holocaust” and Death to the Jews,” scrawled on the school’s walls. The same day was the evening of Israel’sIndependence Day. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 09, 2010 at 04:00 PM in Antisemitism:Modern Argument to Age Old Hate | Permalink | Comments (18) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 09, 2010 at 02:39 PM in China...........aka Barzini, IRAN: The Fourth Reich, NORTH KOREA: Nuclear Proliferation and Gulags, Obama: Post American Immorality | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! “Jihad is becoming as American as apple pie and as British as afternoon tea” al-Alwaki, Imam The New York Times has a piece on Anwar al-Awlaki entitled -- Imam’s Path From Condemning Terror to Preaching Jihad. The title sums up the Times' dhimmitude and cluelessness on the subject. Many .......Muslim listeners, accustomed to preachers with heavy accents and an otherworldly focus, were entranced by his mix of the ancient and the contemporary, his seamless transition from the 29 battles of the Prophet Muhammad to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. “He was the main man who translated the jihad into English,” said Abu Yahiya, 27, a Bangladeshi-British student of Mr. Awlaki’s lectures in 2003. What the NY Times does not understand is that there is no change, no "path" from "condemning terror to preaching jihad." It is Islam. Al-Alwlaki always preached jihad and violence; it was the media that was gullible and ignorant. We are witnessing the same treatment of the imam behind thegrotesque mega mosque at Ground Zero: 911 Mosque Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf Blames Christians: "The US and the West must acknowledge the harm they have done to Muslims before terrorism can end" Imam Awlaki was the go-to Muslim cleric for reporters scrambling to explain Islam after 911; he was the same imam who guided the 911 Muslim attackers to commit jihad. Got that? al-Awaki was the "spiritual adviser" to three of the hijackers who attacked America on Sept 11, 2001. He guided the 911 jihadis, the Fort Hood Major Muslim, the Christmas ball bomber. He was imam at the respected Dar al Hijreh while being the go-to Muslim for big media for information on Islam. Exactly like un-indicted co-conspirator, Hamas-linked CAIR being the go-to guys for media now. In fact, the F.B.I. had first taken an interest in Mr. Awlaki in 1999, concerned about brushes with militants that to this day remain difficult to interpret. In 1998 and 1999, he was a vice president of a small Islamic charity that an F.B.I. agent later testified was “a front organization to funnel money to terrorists.” He had been visited by Ziyad Khaleel, a Qaeda operative who purchased a battery for Osama bin Laden’s satellite phone, as well as by an associate of Omar Abdel Rahman, the so-called Blind Sheik, who was serving a life sentence for plotting to blow up New York landmarks. Still more disturbing was Mr. Awlaki’s links to two future Sept. 11 hijackers, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi. They prayed at his San Diego mosque and were seen in long conferences with the cleric. Mr. Alhazmi would follow the imam to his new mosque in Virginia, and 9/11 investigators would call Mr. Awlaki Mr. Alhazmi’s “spiritual adviser.” That al-Awlaki was go-to guy for the media right after 911 best exhibits the practice of taqiya, and taqiya should have been the focus of the Times piece. According to one FBI agent, Awlaki “was at the center of the 9/11 story.” Taqiyya, or not showing their faith openly by means of pretense, dissimulation, or concealment, is a special type ofLYING which is taught and used by Shi'a Muslims, cf. Sunni Muslims and Taqiyya. "Taqiyya" (or taqiyyah) is related to the terms "taqwa'" and "taqi'" - all have the root meaning of "guarding" something, in this case, the Islamic faith. Taqiya is required [in Islam]. The Times does not mention or explore taqiya. Instead it lies for the liar. It advances the false narrative as painting Awlaki as a man of peace who became .......radical, aka devout. The Times paints Awlaki's fundamentalism as some sort of new hat ............. while, of course, blaming America (as a sub-text) for his "radicalism," ie: "Finally, after the Yemeni authorities, under American pressure, imprisoned him in 2006 and 2007, Mr. Awlaki seems to have hardened into a fully committed ideologist of jihad, condemning non-Muslims and cheerleading for slaughter." Hardened because of imprisonment as if ................. He was a nonviolent moderate until the United States attacked Muslims openly in Afghanistan and Iraq, covertly in Pakistan and Yemen, and even at home, by making targets of Muslims for raids and arrests. He merely followed the religious obligation to defend his faith, he said. “What am I accused of?” he asks in a recent video bearing the imprint of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. “Of calling for the truth? Of calling for jihad for the sake of Allah? Of calling to defend the causes of the Islamic nation?” This is Islam. Taqiya -- lies and decption to advance Islam is a mandate. You say one thing to the West, the infidel, the kuffar and another to the ummah (the worldwide Muslim community), the brothers. This is as old as Islam. We first witnessed it when Yaser Arafat would speak in English and his translator would say something completely opposite to the Muslim world. The article is instructive in ways it had not intended. While al-Awlaki's neighbors speak of what a lovely, engaging neighbor he was, al-Awlaki told fellow Muslims ‘never trust a Kuffar’ -- something former Muslim Wafa Sultan explains in her book and her speeches. What Muslims say to the infidels is radically different than what they say to each other and in their homes. The Times shows its ignorance of Islam when it equates it to Christianity -- liberal dogma. There is nothing Christian, evangelical or Pastor-like about imams. Like many an evangelical Christian pastor, Mr. Awlaki preached against vice and sin, lauded family values and parsed the scripture, winning fans and rising to successively larger mosques. Imam’s Path From Condemning Terror to Preaching Jihad “Jihad is becoming as American as apple pie and as British as afternoon tea.” ANWAR AL-AWLAKI, a radical American-born Muslim cleric hiding in Yemen. WASHINGTON — In the weeks after the Sept. 11 attacks, the eloquent 30-year-old imam of a mosque outside Washington became a go-to Muslim cleric for reporters scrambling to explain Islam. He condemned the mass murder, invited television crews to follow him around and patiently explained the rituals of his religion. “We came here to build, not to destroy,” the cleric, Anwar al-Awlaki, said in a sermon. “We are the bridge between Americans and one billion Muslims worldwide.” At first glance, it seemed plausible that this lanky, ambitious man, with the scholarly wire-rims and equal command of English and Arabic, could indeed be such a bridge. CD sets of his engaging lectures on the Prophet Muhammad were in thousands of Muslim homes. American-born, he had a sense of humor, loved deep-sea fishing, had dabbled in get-rich-quick investment schemes and dropped references to “Joe Sixpack” into his sermons. A few weeks before the attacks he had preached in the United States Capitol. Nine years later, from his hide-out in Yemen, Mr. Awlaki has declared war on the United States. “America as a whole has turned into a nation of evil,” he said in a statement posted on extremist Web sites in March. Though he had spent 21 of his 39 years in the United States, he added, “I eventually came to the conclusion that jihad against America is binding upon myself, just as it is binding on every other able Muslim.” His mix of scripture and vitriol has helped lure young Muslims into a dozen plots. He cheered on the Fort Hood gunman and had a role in prompting the attempted airliner bombing on Dec. 25, intelligence officials say. And last week, Faisal Shahzad, who is charged in theattempted bombing in Times Square, told investigators that Mr. Awlaki’s prolific online lectures urging jihad as a religious duty helped inspire him to act. At a time of new concern about the attraction of Western Muslims to violent extremism, there is no figure more central than Mr. Awlaki, who has harnessed the Internet for the goals of Al Qaeda. Counterterrorism officials are gravely concerned about his powerful appeal for many others who are following his path to radicalization. “He’s a magnetic character,” said Philip Mudd, a veteran of the C.I.A.’s Counterterrorism Center who just stepped down after nearly five years as a top F.B.I. intelligence adviser. “He’s a powerful orator in a revolutionary movement.” Convinced that he is a lethal threat, the United States government has responded in kind. This year Mr. Awlaki became the first American citizen on the C.I.A.’s list of terrorists approved as a target for killing, a designation that has only enhanced his status with admirers like Shahidur Rahman, 27, a British Muslim of Bangladeshi descent who studied with Mr. Awlaki in London in 2003. Other clerics equivocated about whether terrorist violence could be reconciled with Islam, Mr. Rahman said, but even seven years ago Mr. Awlaki made clear that he had few such qualms. There's six pages of Times whitewash. UPDATE: Read this from Ali Sina Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 09, 2010 at 02:06 PM in Fort Hood Jihad, September the 11th, The Truth About Islam | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! I woke up to ..... a giant cupcake this morning. Is it any wonder that I fight like hell to save this spectacular culture? Happy Mother's day to all those magnificent women who birthed, fed, burped, changed, molded, shaped, and relentlessly kicked our sorry asses whilealways smiling approvingly. I miss my ma, but I am glad she did not live to witness 911 and the country's subsequent descent into madness. Giant cupcake on my desk! Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 09, 2010 at 12:16 PM in a wink and a nod | Permalink | Comments (23) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Despite the left wing dhimmi media's losing all credibility after having first broadcast that the Times Square jihadi had to be a tea partier, and then a casualty of Bush's failed economic policies (4.5% unemployment), the dhimmi media then, when jihad was clearly the motive, said that he was a lone bomber angry at US policies in Iraq and Afghanistan. They have no shame in their contempt for the truth and for their low estimation of the intelligence of the American people. Now comes this, the White House says Pakistan Taliban is behind the Times Square bomb. So all of Obama's bowing and scraping has brought us They're here. Obama says there will be "severe consequences." Like what? More aid and a strongly worded billet doux? Remember, Obama"s policy was to partner (nee surrender) to the Taliban, consequently sanctioning their blood lust and barbarity. Despite this, the Taliban told Obama, "there are no moderates or extremists among us." And please spare the geographical tongue lashing between Afghanistan Taliban and Pakistan Taliban -- it's merely logistics. Same goes for Al Qaeda, Al Quds, Hezb'Allah, Hamas, Al Mujaroon, Al-Muhajiroun, MILF, Islamic jihad, MAS, ICNA, CAIR, Fatah, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen, Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, Islamic Jihad, Armed Islamic Group, Sayyaf Group, Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh, Harkat-ul-Mujahideen, Caucasus Caliphate Jihad, Chen Chen rebels, Uighurs, Turkish Hezbollah, Abu Musab, Al-Faruq Brigades,Al-Harakah al-Islamiyyah fi al-arak); Jamaat Ansar al-Sunna; the Mujahideen of the Victorious Sect (Mujahideen al ta’ifa al-Mansoura); the Mujahideen Battalions of the Salafi Group of Iraq (Kata’ib al mujahideen fi al-jama’ah al-salafiyah fi al-‘arak); the Jihad Brigades/Cell; "White Flags, Muslim Youth and Army of Mohammed", Ansar al-Islam, Fatah al-Islam, Fatah al-Intifada, et al .... -- it's all Islam. Period. White House says Pakistan Taliban behind NY bomb WASHINGTON – Citing new evidence, senior White House officials said Sunday that the Pakistani Taliban was behind the failed Times Square bombing. The finding is a reversal for the Obama administration, which had downplayed potential links to overseas terrorist groups in the immediate aftermath of the attack. It also raises new questions about the U.S. relationship with Pakistan, which is widely known to have al-Qaida and other terrorist groups operating within its borders. Attorney General Eric Holder said that new evidence shows that the Pakistani Taliban was "intimately involved" in the bombing plot.John Brennan, the president's homeland security and counterterrorism adviser, made similar remarks, linking the bomber to the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, or TTP. The militant group is believed to be hiding senior al-Qaida leaders, including Osama bin Laden. "We know that they helped facilitate it," said Holder. "We know that they probably helped finance it. And that he was working at their direction." A U.S. citizen of Pakistani descent, Faisal Shahzad is accused of spending five months in Pakistan before returning to the United States in February and preparing his attack. Shahzad has told investigators that he trained in the lawless tribal areas of Waziristan, where both al-Qaida and the Pakistani Taliban operate. He was arrested aboard an Emirates Airlines jet in New York just minutes before it was scheduled to take off for Dubai. After the attack, U.S. officials said they were exploring potential links to terrorist groups overseas but cited the bomb's lack of sophistication as an indication that Shahzad was acting alone. Last week, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, told NBC News that "at this point I have no information that it's anything other than a one-off." Likewise, Gen. David Petraeus told The Associated Press that Shahzad apparently operated as a "lone wolf." Brennan said on Sunday that the attempted bombing shows that the capability of overseas terrorist organizations is being degraded. "They now are relegated to trying to do these unsophisticated attacks, showing that they have inept capabilities in training," he said. The link between an attack on U.S. soil and terrorist groups operating inside Pakistan opens up a new chapter in relations between the two countries. Until recently, administration officials have said they thought Islamabad was doing all it could. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said last week that there would be "severe consequences" if the attack were traced back to Pakistan and that the South Asian country could do more. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 09, 2010 at 12:01 PM in NYC Times Square Jihad: Deadly Car Bomb, Pakistan: One Bullet Away from Jihad Nuke | Permalink | Comments (7)ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Check out this "instruction sheet" to Muslims on how to islamicize their public schools. There is no separation of mosque and state -- mosque is state in Islam. If this guide shows us anything, it's what idiots they take us for. This is, of course, an outrage. None of this should be introduced into the public school. If this is what Muslim parents want, they should send their children to madrassah. This is an Islamic site -- Sound Vision Islamic Products and Information By Sound Vision Staff writer Does your child need a prayer room to perform Zuhr in during lunchtime? Does he need time off for Juma? Or do you want to convince a teacher or principal to give your daughter the day off for Eid-ul-Fitr? Whatever Islamic obligation you want accommodated at your child's school, it must be done in a methodical, clear and proper manner. Shabbir Mansuri is founding director of the Council on Islamic Education in Fountain Valley, California. He provides tips and advice on how to get religious accommodation for your child. Step #1: know the laws about religious freedom Knowing what laws and regulations govern the issue of religious accommodation is crucial before attempting to reach the right authorities. It is also important to understand what is defined as a "reasonable limit" on religious freedom. See Laws You Need To Know About for the specifics. In the United States, one of the strongest arguments in favor of seeking religious accommodation for your child is former President Bill Clinton's 1995 statement of principles addressing the extent to which religious expression and activity are permitted in public school. This was given to every school district in the US. Get the help of other officials if necessary to properly understand these laws. A good place to check with is The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center. They have produced a booklet entitled A Parent's Guide to Religion in the Public Schools. You can call them at . "[The first thing I would do is] arm myself with that piece of information and then set up a meeting with the principal of the school along with one of my favorite teachers at the school who will be very supportive, requesting that my son or daughter should be either permitted to [for example] go out to perform Juma prayer at a local Masjid and/or be allowed to perform Juma prayer along with other Muslim students on the school campus," says Mansuri. Getting the support of a teacher is crucial. It indicates to the principal that the religious accommodation you are seeking will not interfere with your child's performance as a student. Mansuri says that in most cases, these two steps are all that are needed to get religious accommodation from your child's school. However, if the principal refuses to grant the accommodation, step three will be necessary. "If you find the meeting is not going anywhere then leave a paper trail, meaning, write letters. But before I do that, I would try to do it in a very non-confrontational way by simply sitting down with the principal and a teacher," says Mansuri. "Try to understand this process where I want to make sure this is not us versus them, but simply the notion of my exercising my constitutional rights in the most respected [way] with compassionate manners, leaving my ‘baseball bat'," he explains, referring to an approach that is harsh and confrontational. Mansuri even suggests inviting the teacher and principal over for dinner as a gesture of goodwill. Step #4: writing to the supportive teacher "My first letter would be to my kid's favorite teacher to ask the person's advice," advises Mansuri. "The letter will be to request to meet with teacher, and it will indicate I want to discuss with you my child's religious needs and I would like to share with you what our president has instructed the teachers and schools to accommodate them." (See a sample letter to the teacher) Following the meeting, a thank you letter to the teacher should be sent. It will also indicate you would like to set up second meeting with the school's principal, and ask the teacher if s/he would be kind enough to go with you to discuss the topics the two of you talked about in your first meeting (see a sample thank you letter to the teacher). "This will leave two or three letters," notes Mansuri, but in each letter "the tone of my letter should be my bringing the information as politely as I can. (I am trying to) maintain my rights for the schools to accommodate my child's religious needs. So it's a non-threatening letter." Step #5: meeting a second time with the principal Before attending this second meeting with the principal and teacher, "I would also arm myself with the district's education code along with the state educational code as it relates to the topics that I'm going to discuss," says Mansuri. This can be done by simply calling your district and the state office and asking them to give you the specific educational code that relates to the religious obligation you are seeking accommodation for. That office would fax you the information the same or next day. Once again, Mansuri stresses that the approach in discussing the matter a second time with the principal should not be confrontational. "While meeting with the teacher and/or principal, I'm not trying to win an argument by telling them how much I know but rather giving them a very clear understanding that while I understand my rights as a parent, I'm simply there to help them accommodate my child's needs that they are supposed to do anyway," explains Mansuri. "Make it a win-win situation, not an us versus them situation, and that in itself is the message of Islam." By this step, Mansuri says your child should have his/her need(s) accommodated. Step #6: if necessary, repeat these steps with the school district’s superintendent You can repeat the letters and meet with the school district superintendent if the principal still does not accommodate. The superintendent is responsible for all schools in a particular district. Once again, the approach must remain polite and non-confrontational. Since the president's instructions were issued to districts, it is possible superintendents may be more familiar with them. This should mean your son or daughter will get religious accommodation with no further problems. UPDATE: OT but related: But Georgia senior citizens are told they can't pray before meals. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 09, 2010 at 12:14 AM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude, Education: Hijacking the System | Permalink | Comments (13) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Sex Madness (1938) is an exploitation film directed by Dwain Esper, along the lines of Reefer Madness, supposedly to warn teenagers and young adults of the dangers of venereal diseases, specifically syphilis.The cultural mores could not be more opposite one hundred years later. Talk about another era, this is like life on another planet. Read the opening text. Wild parties, lesbianism, and premarital sex are some of the forms of madness portrayed. The educational aspect of the film allowed it to portray a taboo subject which was otherwise forbidden by the Production Code of 1930, and its stricter version imposed by Hollywood studios in July 1934. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 08, 2010 at 07:42 PM in Saturday Night Cinema | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! More tolerance and plurality from the religion of Islamic supremacism. May I not suggest Rifqa Bary's lawyer. Note by dhimmi law enforcement enforcing a soft sharia (Islamic law): No charges have been filed. Islamic law forbids the marriage of Muslim women to non-Muslim men. Needless to say, that should not ever be enforceable in the greater Youngstown area. "Woman alleges capture, threats," by Denise Dick for Vindy, May 8: Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 08, 2010 at 05:38 PM in Apostates and "moderate" Muslims, Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude, The Truth About Islam | Permalink |Comments (9) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Julia Gorin wrote me earlier today: "Two high-level Serbian bishops are under threat by the State Dept. and Amnesty International for war crimes charges. The two bishops caved to that threat and agreed to turn on, and replace, the Kosovo bishop who has been refusing to give up the historical religious province. (Artemije.)" What were these bishops’ ‘crimes’? In the case of one, we know for sure: When asked to help get Muslim women, children and elderly out of the crossfire between Muslims and Serbs in Bosnia in ’92 or ’93, he got buses to take them to safety in Montenegro. “Aha,” said Amnesty, “So you displaced the indigenous population.” The West is going to get Serbia to finally cede Kosovo, by splitting the Church. (Please note that the full name of Kosovo is “Kosovo and Metohija,” the latter part meaning “land of the churches”, so targeting the church is beyond significant.) The Tadic government is in on this. So Belgrade will likely not be of much help to the last Kosovo Serbs when Northern Mitrovica is finally stormed by NATO troops and UN police. And get this: the EU goal is to empty out the living monasteries of Kosovo, so that these medieval structures can bring in much needed tourism dollars to Albanian Kosovo; the landmarks are to be presented not as Serbian Orthodox heritage, but as “Kosovo cultural heritage.” Unbelievable. Below Gorin provided us with an edited and much-shortened version of what she posted on her blog. She spent two weeks wading through reams of documents and information to spare us from having to do it. She would have shortened it further by removing the final excerpt she includes from a speech, "but the way she describes the vacuous Serbian search for inclusion—via the almighty EU membership--is heartbreaking. And it leads to my closing two paragraphs, which read almost like an analogy to the way Jews have historically betrayed their identity so as to 'blend' and not be pariahs." ==================== Totalitarianism in Service to the West: Serbia Betrays God, Helps Evict Last of Kosovo Christianity In mid January 2010 at a regional security meeting in Pec in the western part of Kosovo, a KFOR officer informed the grouping that it was likely that Bishop Artemije of Raska and Prizren would be replaced and a new Bishop of the Serbian Orthodox Church would be installed in his place, one who was open to cooperation with the West and more open to dialogue. One wonders how or why NATO was in a position to know such a thing, but we do know that what the West wants, Serbia bends over backwards to deliver. And so less than a month later a new administrator of the diocese was appointed, escorted to his new duties by several NATO contingents in their armored personnel carriers and jeeps, who were then seen to be positioned at the entrance gates of the monastery. The Kosovo Police Service were also in attendance. Bishop Artemije was then suspended, ostensibly because of financial irregularities carried out by his assistant, Father Simeon. It was for all intents and purposes a coup d'etat backed and protected by NATO. In reporting on the replacement of Kosovo's ruling bishop, Western media will apply to Artemije all the standard descriptions for Serbs while "explaining" the situation in under 400 words, as the AP did this week, 'reporting' that "Artemije is known for his ultranationalist and anti-Western views." Referring to the bishop's diplomatically sound shunning of the illegitimate government of career criminals and terrorists we installed in Kosovo -- after years of spurned diplomatic efforts by the bishop to find a negotiated solution -- the report demonstrates his "nationalism" with the supporting sentence that "He had ordered his clergy to cease contact with Kosovo's ethnic Albanian authorities and the EU mission there after Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008." But here is the proverbial rest of the story. Artemije's downfall came soon after a threat from the synod of bishops to Artemije about the reconstruction of churches destroyed in the March 2004 Pogrom. Bishop Artemije had resisted giving his assent to the reconstruction process, since only 11 or 12 churches and monasteries would be rebuilt -- out of the 150 destroyed since NATO and the UN took control -- and rebuilt by the very extremists who had destroyed them. None of the churches selected for reconstruction were in any way linked to the return and repatriation of the communities that used to worship in the churches, and the communities belonging to the churches that were not selected still would have no church to worship in. In other words, this reconstruction was a smokescreen: the EU and UN wanted to be seen as doing something while doing nothing to address the long-term needs of Serbs in Kosovo. Which makes sense when one considers that the Western powers don't actually want Serbs to return, regardless of any contradictory but futile token gestures that KFOR soldiers have been enlisted in. Bishop Artemije reluctantly signed off on the limited reconstruction process, but sensed that a bigger battle was ahead and that the powers seeking to remove him were trying to use this as a pretext. Thus in February 2010 the Synod acted, suspending Bishop Artemije on the grounds of financial irregularity, although they stressed that he himself was not under suspicion. The 'Father Simeon' accusation was a message that no opposition to the new reality in Kosovo would be tolerated, and so one of the last voices crying in the wilderness was squashed. The Synod decision of February 13 stated that the final status of Bishop Artemije would be dealt with by the Holy Assembly of Bishops, which is currently in session. In May 2005 the current Serbian Orthodox Bishop of Australia, Bishop Irinej (originally from the US), told a number of people -- who are prepared to testify to the fact -- that the West, or to be more specific, the US State Department would only deal with certain people in Serbia: himself, Boris Tadic and Vuk Draskovic, leader of the "Serbian Renewal Movement." Mimicking State Dept. language, he went on to explain that independence for Kosovo was "the only solution," and that he had managed to persuade Bishop Teodosije and Father Sava of Decani to accept this "inevitability." A deal was struck. Decani Monastery would be allowed to continue to exist, as long as all other monasteries on the holy land of Kosovo and Metohija could be brought into line and made to fall under its leadership, obeying Teodosije and Sava's orders, holy or not. No surprise then that Decani monks led by Teodosije and Sava took over Gracanica Monastery (where the ruling bishop has been headquartered since being burned out of his Prizren Palace by Albanians in 2004), in February 2010 to oversee the removal of Artemije and the installment of the temporary administrator, Atanasije. Although the doors were locked and the admittance of people to the Monastery was monitored, religious and lay people still faithful to their bishop Artemije gained entrance despite NATO reinforcements, and managed to meet him, albeit after an unseemly squabble among fellow Christians, clergy and lay people alike, which turned into a monk-on-monk brawl. But the implosion is far more sinister than a squabble between factions of the Serbian Orthodox Church. This is the end game to remove the last pillar of resistance to the independence of Kosovo. It is clear certain interests have identified the Church as one last impediment in the way of what they have striven to bring about since 1999, the creation of a statelet with little or no legitimacy except in the minds of its creators, outside interests mostly paid off by the Albanian narco-mafia. > What happens when people of good faith leave the monasteries and convents voluntarily or otherwise? The Serbian Orthodox Church is already near extinction in Kosovo. It is not possible that Bishop Atanasije and the authorities in Decani Monastery fail to see that empty monasteries and empty churches will spell the end of what's left of the Christian communities in Kosovo, and that the plotters of the Church's downfall will have won at last. Indeed, there is a darker and messier explanation, with origins in surprisingly high places, known of course for the lows they're capable of. The explanation comes to us by way of an 86-year-old woman who in the midst of the aforementioned brawl was pushed to the floor by a Decani monk, who then called her a "f--king c**t." Kosara Gavrilovic is a retired professor of Russian literature, who grew up in a Serbian emigre family in America. She has spent the last few years as Artemije's secretary and translator and was with Artemije during his house arrest at Gracanica Monastery. Last September she gave a speech at St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Church in Washington, D.C., where she revealed that some of the bishops operating in Kosovo have been compromised by threats to their liberty. Here is the relevant portion of her speech: I know personally of two bishops whom the State Department has blackmailed into submission, maintaining that they are war criminals, that the US government has incontrovertible evidence of this and that at any moment they could find themselves in The Hague being charged with war crimes. However, the US government considered it more useful for America, or so the State Department maintained, if they remained at their posts and collaborated with America. And they were frightened and behaved like cowards. They remained at their posts and meekly started doing America's bidding. Towards the end of the Bosnian war...I interpreted for one of them. I was with him in the Congress when he was accused of ethnic cleansing. It was Bishop Atanasije whom I knew well and respected and loved deeply. I knew at the time that he was not guilty of what they were accusing him...Nor do I know what charges America thinks could be brought against Metropolitan Amfilohije [of Montenegro]...I don't know and it does not matter. What matters is that they are both guilty of something else: they were frightened and they behaved like cowards. In a subsequent email, Ms. Gavrilovic described the scene, circa 1995, in which Atanasije learned of his "war crimes": Soon after the Bosnian War, Bishop Atanasije was visiting Washington and among the meetings he had was in, I believe, a Congressman's Office with members of Amnesty International who accused him of ethnic cleansing. There was no mention of The Hague at that meeting. He was simply accused of committing a war crime, namely that of ethnic cleansing... Bishop Atanasije was informed (I believe by international forces -- perhaps the Blue Helmets) of the following situation: A Muslim town, the name of which I do not remember, somewhere in Herzegovina, was surrounded by [Yugoslav] forces. Armed Muslims were dug in the center of the town. The two opposing forces were separated by a shield of women, children and old people who were in danger of being killed in the crossfire. The bishop was asked to help. The Bishop's one concern was to save the women, children and old people. He arrived at the place with some empty buses, managed to negotiate a ceasefire, put the old, the women and the children into the buses and told the drivers to take them straight to Montenegro, then left the Serbs and the Muslims to each other's tender mercies. This scenario was put to the Bishop. When asked whether that was the way it happened, he said yes, exactly...There followed a bitter discussion, which went roughly like this: Atanasije: I was called upon to help innocent people who were in mortal danger and I did. No matter what Atanasije said or how faithfully and forcefully I translated it, they were stuck on this one point: the group was ethnically homogenous and it was taken out of its environment. To Atanasije's assertion that that group of people would have died had he left them there, they responded that he could not be certain of that. To the question whether, knowing what he knew now, he would still do the same thing, Atanasije responded: "What? Would I save a group of people from certain death just because sometime in the future a group of people in America might accuse me of committing a war crime if I did? I hope to God I would." Surreal, bizarre, insane, unbelievable though it sounds, believe me that was how it was. What I cannot even begin to describe is the subsequent explosion of revolt, disgust, profound pain, unbearable grief and, the worst of all, a glimmer of self-doubt and then despair. Then he just gave up. And then we quarreled, standing there on the sidewalk in front of one of the congressional buildings. I said that he must continue to fight; he said he could not. He would continue the fight back home, but he would never, not ever again set foot on American soil or speak to a Westerner again. Then a few years later, he was back in America, in California to be precise, and is now a great friend of the West. And how did Amfilohije, from being a complete persona non grata in Western Europe, barred from entering any Western European country, suddenly become the favorite Orthodox cleric of the EU bureaucracy? And there you have it. …Make no mistake, the rehabilitation of the churches by the Albanian government in Kosovo in tandem with the international community is key in the Kosovo end game -- in two ways. First, it will enable the Dr. Frankensteins of Kosovo, principally its American godfather, to point to this "accomplishment" as evidence of Kosovo's maturation, accountability, and respect for minorities and minority religions. Secondly, and even more deviously, these monasteries and churches will slowly but surely start to be presented as "Kosovo heritage," and "Kosovo landmarks" to tourists, as the emptied-out, no longer living monasteries will be employed in the pursuit of much needed tourism dollars for the economically demented "newborn," whose current economy consists of criminal enterprises and international aid. If Orthodox monasteries and churches are going to be rebuilt by "Kosovo institutions," they will then be seen and presented as "Kosovo's monasteries." That is, what's left of Serbian Jerusalem's churches and monasteries is now to be presented as Albanian-Muslim Kosova's heritage. By Albanian tour guides whose clans terrorized and expelled the inhabitants. It will be achieved with the help of a Serbian government still desperately determined to show its pro-Western orientation and get into the Muslim-servile Euro-Atlantic clique. The EU has already drawn up a document outlining how best to exploit "Kosovo's cultural heritage." Remarkably, in the 20-page "Terms of reference - Development of a Regional Cultural Heritage Facility in Kosovo" -- which is mostly about churches -- nowhere do the words "Serb," "Serbian," "Serbian Orthodox Church," or "Serbian heritage" appear. The so-called international community is trying to promote Kosovo as the regional cultural center of the Balkans, with Turkey having a major role in the operation of this facility. (The Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency figures prominently in the Terms of Reference.) So what we have is a fast-Islamisizing region, the Balkans, with a Muslim country as lord and master over its regional cultural center. Further, the facility will be established in Prizren, where 90 percent of the "Kosovo cultural heritage" is Serbian. Yet no Serbs are involved -- just Albanians and their historical sponsors, the Ottomans. Ironically, the center is to cultivate, through scholarship programs, a cadre of promising young Albanians trained in the field of cultural preservation, as opposed to destruction. Imagine a day when the Wailing Wall is part of Palestinian history and cultural heritage. Western governments want to see the Albanians making money on the cultural heritiage of the province. According to a source with access, all EU documents state this as an expected outcome. To carry out this goal, they need empty monasteries and churches, and have apparently figured out that the best way to accomplish this is to get the Serbs fighting among themselves, this time using the church to turn on itself. The Serbian government and head of the Serbian Orthodox Church, seeing the internationally-facilitated Albanian attempt to usurp Serbian heritage and history, are allowing this theft to take place -- openly and without resistance. We are at the logical conclusion of the de-churchifying of Kosovo. While destruction of Serbian churches is centuries old, its recent incarnation has its origins in a little noted semantics war surrounding the 1990s Kosovo war. The full, historical name of the province — “Kosovo and Metohija” — started to be labeled as the “nationalist” name for the province, anyone using it dismissed as a “nationalist.” Significantly, the part of the name that was dropped from general usage — Metohija — means “of the Churches,” as in “land of the churches.” Some courageous Serbs took a stand by circulating an appeal in February addressed to the Serbian Patriarch Irinej and to the Holy Synod, titled "Open Appeal for the Reinstatement of His Grace, Bishop Artemije of Ras and Prizren and Kosovo and Metohija." Parts of the petition are worth quoting: Vladika Artemije, with firmness and humility, has been tireless in his efforts to meet with friend and foe alike, travelling countless miles and knocking on innumerable doors, to bear true witness of the sufferings of the Christian Serbian people and Church in the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija...Many of his interlocutors have not agreed with his views, and many others have. But all have concurred in their great respect for his commitment to genuine peace and understanding, his love and care for his tormented flock, and his unshakeable defense of the Orthodox Christian faith. It is incomprehensible, then, to see exhibited before the whole world the dismal spectacle of the unwarranted and inhumane treatment of Vladika Artemije, even stooping to the level of an invasion of his residence at the Gracanica Monastery under the "authority" of foreign troops in United Nations uniform -- and even so-called "police" of the separatist, terrorist Albanian Muslim administration -- and placing him under virtual house arrest. To take such actions against any human being, much less a Bishop and shepherd of a persecuted flock, shocks the civilized conscience in its callous and cynical contempt for due process of law and fundamental fairness…No one, especially in Serbia, should think it is possible to avert their eyes from what is being done to Vladika Artemije, and to the monks and nuns defending him, to act as if the intended result is not elimination of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and to imagine those responsible will be rewarded for their treachery. Indeed, when has Serbia ever been rewarded for its countless treasons in service to the West? Serbs removed Milosevic by means which international legal experts deemed an abduction, but a decade later Serbs are still treated as a "nationalist, genocidal, intransigent" lot; the post-Milosevic, pro-Western government of Vojislav Kostunica tortured and alternately bribed witnesses to testify against him -- but soon Kostunica himself was deemed a "nationalist" when he wasn't willing to deliver on the total rape of his country; Milosevic himself played ball with the West throughout the Bosnia and Croatia wars until he became the next target; Serbia signed UN Res. 1244 agreeing to get out of Kosovo and allowing a UN and NATO occupation of the province with promises, and printed language, that Kosovo was an inextricable part of Serbia, but we see what has become of that. And now, like a dog whose spirit has been broken and is programmed to comply -- whether for reward or punishment -- Serbia is giving its best impression of a totalitarian state. People have been threatened with losing their jobs and in at least one case with deportation if they do not stay out of the church upheaval. Serbian-Kosovo advocate Jim Jatras in February made a public statement condemning the equally disturbing treatment of Bishop Artemije during his suspension (after which statement the bishop was allowed to travel): ...Inseparable from the issue of Vladika Artemije's evidently forced isolation are highly disturbing reports that monastics and laypersons loyal to him are being pressured to abandon or disown him as the price for their daily subsistence. It must be kept in mind that since Vladika Artemije's suspension all the financial resources of the Eparchy are in the hands of those responsible for his suspension. This means that monastics and laypersons, both at Gracanica and at other establishments in the Eparchy, who have their daily rations from the monastic refectories and other customary means of support, now find themselves entirely under the control of persons they have reason to believe are unfriendly towards their beloved Archpastor. There have been disturbing reports of individuals loyal to Vladika Artemije being told, in so many words, that they will be fed only if they consent to morally disown His Grace and take sides with the new order in the Eparchy. The only alternatives to submission are to rely on the meager private resources of a few individuals, which are rapidly being depleted; or to physically depart from the Eparchy. Of course, nuns and monks departing from the monasteries is precisely the wider goal. And so it was that nine terrified nuns recently left their monasteries after being informed by both Teodosije and Atanasije that Bishop Artemije was no longer their spiritual father. It was Kosara Gavrilovic in whom the sisters confided, and she gave a press conference to this effect on April 23rd, trenchantly adding: We, brothers and sisters, have not seen this before in Serbia -- not under Milo¹eviƦ, not under Tito, not under the German occupation. And Serbia tolerates it all. The sisters left GraĆØanica on Wednesday February 17, and as for the Abbess, she was so undone by the departure of her sisters, she cried so violently mourning their departure that she had to be transported to a hospital where she remained in a condition described as pre-cardiac arrest for more than a week. We are witnessing totalitarianism in the name of "democratizing," as the West would have us believe our activities in Serbia have been. We are witnessing holy men enlisted in this grand charade, now answering to foreign masters. After betraying themselves for decades, Serbs are finally being asked to betray God. In his February statement on the supposed misappropriation of funds that Artemije is being accused of, Jim Jatras attempted to crystalize what was actually going on: Even if there are legitimate questions to be asked about administrative matters in the Diocese, everyone can see the methods being used to obliterate Vladika Artemije's public witness and to terrorize and intimidate his supporters...Vladika Artemije concluded that if no action was going to be taken by official Belgrade [to save Kosovo], he had no choice but to try to do something himself as the centerpiece of a professional effort to put the truth about Kosovo in front of the face of the American people and decision-makers. This is the same decisiveness and courage he displayed when I first met him, when I was working at the Senate, during the period 1997-1998, when he was, as far as I know, the only Bishop willing to speak against Milosevic and to come to Washington on a mission of peace. ... How, then, to understand the sense of breathless discovery by those trying to discredit Vladika Artemije...If, on the other hand, we are talking about questions of judgment, that should be left to the Bishop's discretion. For example, if Vladika Artemije decides that instead of spending a dollar to help restore a damaged church (so the Albanians can attack it again) it would be better to spend it to help ensure churches won't be destroyed, who better than he to be the judge of it? In any case, such questions can be asked in a reasonable and humane way. That is not, however, what we see before us today, which can only feed the sense that something else is at work. In an interview with Serbia's Weekly Telegraph newspaper the same week, Jatras added, “Kosovo and Metohija is the heart of Serbia, but…the other ‘heart,’ which cannot be separated from Kosovo, is the Orthodox faith. It is not a coincidence that the attack is directed against Vladika Artemije, the living symbol of both ‘hearts.’” Finally, Gavrilovic exposes the mentality of the modern Serb: The majority is furiously determined "to join Europe." ...If you were to ask people in the street why they are so eager to get into Europe, what they expect to find in Europe, you would get the impression that their only real desire is to get a visa and be able to travel. For the Serbs the Visa has become a new Golden Calf. If you were to ask them further what they would do in that promised land to which they so passionately desired a visa would take them and which is called the European Union, you would not get a straight answer...because there isn't one. People don't know why they want to travel. It doesn't matter to them. They don't care where they would go; they don't care what they would do once they get there. It seems to me that they want to travel so as not to be alone anymore, so as not to feel lonely, abandoned and rejected by all. The Serbs are sick and tired of loneliness. But the tragedy lies in the fact that they don't seem to understand that once they get to the European Union they will continue to be just as alone and rejected as they are today, because the European Union is a club for the chosen ones, a club so exclusive that even the membership in it would not guarantee their reception as equal members. All those in the pro-European camp, all the Westerners -- in the government and outside the government -- think that the greatest obstacle on their way to Europe is the Province of Kosovo and Metohija. They are firmly convinced that if only [it] were to disappear off the face of the earth, we would be admitted to the European Union that very second, and together with Kosovo and Metohija would disappear all our problems -- economic, political, social, spiritual and ecclesiastic problems. As Gavrilovic states, in the end Serbs are still going to be considered, and dismissed, as Serbs. No matter how far or how hard they run from their Serbness, they will still find themselves defined by the world as Serbs, even after everything that the same world has gotten them to do to abandon their Serbness and indeed to extinguish that national, cultural and spiritual identity, equating identity with "nationalism." Should the day come that this is made manifest to the modern, Euro-Atlantic facing, de-Serbified Serbs, after giving away the last thing that keeps them Serbs -- the soul of their Church -- they will find themselves even more alone than they started, for there won't be an identity left to come back to. With the sellout of the Serbian Church, we now have a measure of how little resistance, and how little assistance to the last of Kosovo Serbs, we can expect from Belgrade in the final hour. And if Serbia itself is ready to give up -- even facilitate -- its own destruction, half the incentive disappears for the two-thirds of UN members who have so far held out on recognizing an independent Kosovo. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov put it in 2007, "We cannot be more Serb than the Serbs." Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 08, 2010 at 04:51 PM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam | Permalink | Comments (7) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! "The principle of free speech is not concerned with the content of a man's speech and does not protect only the expression of good ideas, but all ideas. If it were otherwise, who would determine which ideas are good and where forbidden? The government?" "Once a country accepts censorship of the press and of speech, then nothing can be won without violence. Therefore, so long as you have free speech, protect it. This is the life-and-death issue in this country: do not give up the freedom of the press -- of newspapers, books, magazines, radio, movies, and other forms of presenting ideas. So long as that's free, a peaceful intellectual turn is possible." Ayn Rand The last truly free platform for free speech is the internet. Some of us got here earlier than others but most wi-fi-diehards landed and planted themselves on the net because in the informational battle space there was no leftwing censorship wall that you find in big media, newspapers, television etc. You shut us down, and we are done. Cooked! Like the Ramadan goose. Truth be told, we are in the fix we are in because the media abdicated its role as public servant in news dissemination and turned itself over to the Obama media? Madison avenue marketing machine is Newsweek editor: "Obama is sort of G-d." If not for media malfeasance, the man of mystery would not be sitting oval. The war is in the informational battlespace. The net is the front line in the war of ideas. Obama is attempting to disarm us. This is deadly. And if course, Obama, in his charming despotic manner, will admonish the lemmings and explain how this is good for us. So of course Obama had to get his dirty paws on it. The net broke ever story on the seedy, dirty malevolent rise to the most powerful office in the world. The media not only refused to investigate the Mansourian President, they refused to cover the big stories when we did (the forged COLB, the illegalcampaign contributions from terror states and foreign countries), his Muslim education. Headline hat tip rut A federal appeals court ruled last month that the Federal Communications Commission lacks the authority to regulate the Internet. No worries, mate. This week the Obama Administration chose to "reclassify" the Internet so it can regulate the Web anyway. This crowd is nothing if not legally creative. For the past decade, broadband has been classified as an "information service" and thus more lightly regulated than traditional telephone services. This has led to an explosion of new investment and Web innovation, but it hasn't sat well with Democrats who want more control over the telecom business, as well as with some Web companies (Google) that want more leverage over Internet service providers like Time Warner or Verizon. Associated Press FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski did their dirty work this week by announcing that he plans to reclassify broadband lines so his agency can regulate them under rules that were written for Ma Bell in the 1930s. This means subjecting the Internet to new political supervision—from the federal government and 50 state public utility commissions. The goal is to put one more industry under Washington's political thumb. Even Bill Clinton's FCC, under Chairman Bill Kennard, had refused to go this far. "Classifying Internet access as telecommunication services could have significant consequences for the global development of the Internet," said Mr. Kennard in a 1998 speech. "We recognized the unique qualities of the Internet, and do not presume that legacy regulatory frameworks are appropriately applied to it." Mr. Genachowski says he's merely hewing to the political middle, pursuing a "third way" on regulation that will "allow the agency to move forward with broadband initiatives that empower consumers and enhance economic growth, while also avoiding regulatory overreach." But Mr. Genachowski's promise to put in place safeguards so broadband companies are subjected to "only a handful" of phone regulations is hardly reassuring. Even if he keeps his word, what prevents future FCC Chairmen from reversing course? If Google or some other big political donor doesn't get its way, its lobbyists will descend on the White House or Congress, which will lobby the FCC, which may well do their bidding. Our reporting suggests that something like that may have happened in this case. All indications early this week were that the FCC wouldn't take such a drastic step. But when a Washington Post story reported that news, the liberal "consumer" lobbies went to the barricades, and Mr. Genachowski's team sequestered itself from other FCC commissioners for most of Tuesday. Late Wednesday, he broke the "reclassify" news. Perhaps they all had overnight epiphanies. In any case, Mr. Genachowski has provided no evidence that the current regulatory approach is failing. The Supreme Court's 2005 Brand X decision reconfirmed cable broadband's current classification as an information service, and that regulatory certainty has led to a burst of capital investment and competition. In the past five years, U.S. companies have invested $576 billion in communications equipment and structures, according to Bret Swanson of Entropy Economics. Add computers and software, and U.S. capital expenditures on information technology since 2005 have totaled $2.2 trillion. Telecom accounts for nearly half (47%) of all non-structure capital investment in the U.S. The FCC decision adds a new element of political risk to these investments, which can only make companies more cautious. At a minimum, the FCC action will be challenged in court and introduce years of uncertainty at a time when the economy needs all the risk-taking and investment it can get. At worst, it will lead to a new era of political meddling in Internet investment, bandwidth allocation, and no doubt much more. Google and others who are cheering now may not like where this ends up when, say, religious right groups start demanding FCC content regulations during the next GOP Administration. Autos, health care, energy, Wall Street and now telecom. Is there any American industry this Administration doesn't want to run? Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 08, 2010 at 04:11 PM in Free Speech Silenced, Obama's Mafia Presidency, Obama's Shadow Government | Permalink | Comments (7)ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Our first protest against the Islamic fortress, the 911 monster mosque, being built on hallowed ground zero will be May 29th. Join me and Robert Spencer, Nonie Darwish (former Muslim and author), Simon Deng (ex-slave in Sudan), James Lafferty (VAST President), Pamela Hall (NY Leader SIOA) and many other speakers soon to be revealed. Watch for updates! This is in addition to our September 10, 2010, "No 911 Mosque" protest at Ground Zero. Join the Stop the Islamization of America group here. So, in the ruins of a building reduced to rubble in the name of Islam, a temple to Islam will arise. Mark Steyn Recently we have seen mosques used to preach hatred; to spread exhortations to terrorist activity; to house a bomb factory; to store weapons; to disseminate messages from bin Laden; to demand (in the U.S.) that non-Muslims conform to Islamic dietary restrictions; to fire on American troops; to fire upon Indian troops; to train jihadists; and much more. The protest will be on June 6th - the anniversary of D day-- when the forces of good hi the beaches to defeat evil. It will also serve to remember May 29, 1453, the Ottoman forces led by the Sultan Mehmet II broke through the Byzantine defenses against the Muslim siege of Constantinople. This was the end of the Eastern Roman (a.k.a. Byzantine) Empire. The Muslims entered the city and slaughtered people wholesale. The Sultan entered the Hagia Sophia Cathedral and ordered that it be converted into a mosque. This is known among Greeks and other Eastern Christians as Black Tuesday, or "The Last Day of the World." Read Robert's searing account here: The Nakba, May 29, 1453 .......the anniversary of the real Nakba, or perhaps more precisely the ĪŗĪ±ĻĪ±ĻĻĻĪæĻĪ® -- the Catastrophe: on this day in 1453, the armies of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet II entered Constantinople, marking the end of the Eastern Roman Empire, more commonly known as the Byzantine Empire. If anything deserves to be called an occupation, and a nakba, it is this, although it has, like so many other bloody conquests in human history, been legitimized by time. Still, if the descendants of the Christian inhabitants of Constantinople and Anatolia were to demand, and receive, a right of return, rapidly-Islamizing Turkey would look vastly different from how it looks now. On this day in 1453, the conquerers were extraordinarily brutal. Historian Steven Runciman notes that the Muslim soldiers "slew everyone that they met in the streets, men, women, and children without discrimination. The blood ran in rivers down the steep streets from the heights of Petra toward the Golden Horn. But soon the lust for slaughter was assuaged. The soldiers realized that captives and precious objects would bring them greater profit." (The Fall of Constantinople 1453, Cambridge University Press, 1965, p. 145.) Some jihadists "made for the small but splendid churches by the walls, Saint George by the Charisian Gate, Saint John in Petra, and the lovely church of the monastery of the Holy Saviour in Chora, to strip them of their stores of plate and their vestments and everything else that could be torn from them. In the Chora they left the mosaics and frescoes, but they destroyed the icon of the Mother of God, the Hodigitria, the holiest picture in all Byzantium, painted, so men said, by Saint Luke himself. It had been taken there from its own church beside the Palace at the beginning of the siege, that its beneficient presence might be at hand to inspire the defenders on the walls. It was taken from its setting and hacked into four pieces." (P. 146.) The jihadists also entered the Hagia Sophia, which for nearly a thousand years had been the grandest church in Christendom. The faithful had gathered within its hallowed walls to pray during the city’s last agony. The Muslims, according to Runciman, halted the celebration of Orthros (morning prayer); the priests, according to legend, took the sacred vessels and disappeared into the cathedral’s eastern wall, through which they shall return to complete the divine service one day. Muslim men then killed the elderly and weak and led the rest off into slavery. Once the Muslims had thoroughly subdued Constantinople, they set out to Islamize it. According to the Muslim chronicler Hoca Sa’deddin, tutor of the sixteenth-century Sultans Murad III and Mehmed III, "churches which were within the city were emptied of their vile idols and cleansed from the filthy and idolatrous impurities and by the defacement of their images and the erection of Islamic prayer niches and pulpits many monasteries and chapels became the envy of the gardens of Paradise." It has come to be known as Black Tuesday, the Last Day of the World. Tuesday has been regarded as unlucky by superstitious Greeks ever since. But they're about the only ones who remember. The world has forgotten what happened on Black Tuesday, and on so many other days like it from India to Spain, and persists in the fantasy that Islam does not contain an imperialist impulse and that Muslims can be admitted without limit into Western countries without any attempt to determine how many would like ultimately to subjugate and Islamize their new countries, the way their forefathers did to Constantinople so long ago. The community board OK's a giant mosque while the St. Nicolas Church at the World Trade Center remains in bureaucratic dhimmitude. Contact -- Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, City Hall. Write him every day: PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC) The 12-member Financial District Committee who unanimously approved this abomination: GO HERE, BE POLITE. And Community Board 1 Members who gave them the authority to do so: GO HERE, BE POLITE. Posted by Pamela Geller on Saturday, May 08, 2010 at 02:49 PM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir!, SIOA: Stop the Islamization of America | Permalink | Comments (26) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This!PAMELA GELLER, BIG GOVERNMENT: SANCTIONING BARBARITY: AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS AND THE NEW YORK TIMES
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Feds raid radical Islamic center owned by terror front
Neo-Nazis Murder Yeshiva Student
The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum. Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles. Ayn Rand
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Ohio: Muslim woman reportedly abducted by parents over her marriage to a Christian man Jihadwatch
A Campbell woman of Yemeni descent says she was abducted by her parents and taken to Hermitage, Pa., where they threatened to send her back to her homeland.
The victim, 32, told police she was leaving a doctor's appointment at an office on U.S. Route 224 when her father came up behind her, grabbed her in a bear hug and put her in the back seat of her car.
The father then got into the driver's seat, and her mother in the back seat with her. They drove to the Sheetz gas station in Hermitage.
No charges have been filed.
"I'm still gathering information and still trying to talk to witnesses," said Boardman Detective Glenn Patton.
The woman told police that her parents, who are Muslim, don't approve of her marriage to a Christian man.
Reached Friday, the woman, who was born in the United States, said she's OK and she wasn't injured.
Unidentified men brought the rental van the woman's parents had been driving to Sheetz, she told police. The men then took the woman's car. Police entered the car as a stolen vehicle.
She and her parents argued, and the parents told her that her brother was going to meet them, take her to New Jersey and that she would be sent to Yemen.
The woman sent her husband a text message, telling him she needed help.
Her husband went to Campbell schools, where his wife's daughter is a student, to remove her from school. Campbell Police Detective Sgt. John Rusnak said the husband was concerned that the girl was in danger and wanted to remove her from school.
While at the school, the husband encountered Sean Kilbane, the school-resource officer, Rusnak said, and relayed the story. Kilbane spent 11 months in Afghanistan while in the military and advised the husband to involve police.
Police called the woman's father's cell phone, but he told them he was at work. When police called his work place, they were told he wasn't at work that day, Rusnak said.
Patrolman John Gulu, who coaches the daughter's softball team, was able to reach the woman on her cell phone.
"The first thing he asked was, 'Are you OK? Are you safe?'" Rusnak said. "She said, 'No.'"
To keep from raising her parents' suspicions, Gulu asked yes-and-no questions, interspersed with questions about softball in case the woman's parents listened, the detective said. [...]
Amnesty International: But still, it was ethnic cleansing, wasn't it?
Atanasije: How?
Amnesty International: You took one ethnic group out of its ethnic environment and took it out to another region.
Atanasije: I took a group of people in mortal danger and sent them to safety.
The Serbian government probably knows why it wants so badly to be part of the Europe Union. It is very articulate in its explanations as to why we must consider the European Union the Promised Land and it does not understand why that other part, that small, insignificant, barely noticeable part of Serbia which is against it, does not believe its government. We don't believe our government for many reasons, the first of which being that we know perfectly well that the European Union will never accept us. We may fulfill all conditions set before us [and the] EU will present us with a new condition, never before mentioned, and demand of us to fulfill it. We know this and the government knows it, but the government does not care. It is not afraid of any new conditions that the European Union may dream up. Evidently it has its own interests. What are these interests? I don't know, but I am sorely tempted to say that our government has been bought.
We could expect also our government and our people individually and collectively as a nation to try to answer such questions as "What Europe are we so anxious to join? Is it the Europe which calls the NATO bombing of Serbia, in which over 3000 civilians, including children, died, a 'humanitarian intervention'? Or is it the Europe which dares not protect the rights of its Christian citizens because that would not be politically correct, while at the same time diligently protecting religious rights of the Muslims?
The government, of course, is not obliged to take care of the spiritual life of its people, but the Church is... obliged to take care of the spiritual salvation of its faithful...What if the Serbian bishops lose that which should be their chief attribute, that which should define them? What if the Serbian bishops have decided to join the secular government in its pursuit...and together with the European Union embrace globalization? Do they even know what "globalization" means? Can they explain to us why they, our hierarchs, are so frantically anxious to join Europe?JULIUS CAESAR OF THE INTERNET: OBAMA PUTS THE WEB UNDER FED CONTROL
Julius Caesar of the Internet Wall Street Journal hat tip Rut
The FCC puts another industry under political control.
UPDATE: DATE CHANGE JUNE 6TH D DAY"The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…” The Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
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