Friday, 21 May 2010

Rand Paul Strikes Back At Mainstream Media Smear Machine
Would be Kentucky Senator Rand Paul has hit back at a desperate and sustained mainstream media attempt to smear him as a racist extremist following his historic primary victory earlier this week.

Despite Establishment Smears, Rand Paul Is Crushing His Democratic Opponent In The Polls
Rand Paul, riding the momentum of his big Republican Primary win on Tuesday, now posts a 25-point lead over Democrat Jack Conway in Kentucky’s U.S. Senate race.

Libertarians On Paul’s Civil Rights Stance: ‘Very Reasonable’

Prominent Princeton Scientist Dr. Happer Testifies to Congress: ‘Warming and increased CO2 will be good for mankind’
The climate-change establishment has tried to eliminate any who dare question the science establishment climate scientists and by like-thinking policy-makers – you are either with us or you are a traitor.

Global Average Sea Surface Temperatures Poised for a Plunge