There has been a terrible development in the case of Rifqa Bary. According to Rifqa, she has been diagnosed with advanced uterine cancer I ask all Atlas readers to put Rifqa in their prayers. While this is a tragedy, how she is being victimized by her lawyers and her parents is an atrocity. Her lawyers kept her in the dark about her condition – cancer – for well over a week, while they conferred with her parents and their CAIR appointed lawyers about her treatment. While most cases like this result in a hysterectomy, she is only having the advanced malignancy removed. From what I understand, the survival rate in cases like these is 5%. Was she allowed to get a second opinion? No. While she was lying ill, her lawyers brought her parents to her hospital bed. She was strapped down for treatment and became very agitated and upset, and they had to removed. She has broken her silence, a silence mandated by her lawyers, that she could not talk to her friends such as Jamal Jivanjee and those of us who have been unwavering in our support for Rifqa Bary’s civil rights and religious liberty. Now she is scared. Her entire legal strategy was directed at keeping her safe and securing her immigration status, and here we are at the end of May and she has no immigration status. Upon her birthday in August 2010, she will be an illegal alien, in need of serious chemotherapy and cancer treatment. This is a horror. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 12:50 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Barber is brilliant in this video on his opposition to the 911 mega mosque. The best politician yet. Circulate this among your friends, your lists, your churches, your area of influence. Get this man to Washington. Donate to his campaign. Rick Barber for Congress -- Second Congressional District Alabama Send money, volunteer; it's who we need for the new revolution. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 11:33 AM in Critical Races | Permalink | Comments (0) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Lots of good folks across America have asked us if we could hook them up with others traveling to the mega mosque protest on D Day, June 6th, at Ground Zero’s Zuccotti Park. Need a ride? Hook up HERE. Zuccotti Park, formerly named and generally known as Liberty Plaza Park, is a 33,000-square-foot (3,100 m2) park in Lower Manhattan in New York City, New York. It is located between Broadway and Church streets and Liberty and Cedar streets. Its northwest corner is across the street from the World Trade Center site. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 11:19 AM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (1) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 10:28 AM in Atlas events, CONSERVATIVE COUNTERINSURGENCY/GUERRILLA NEWSFARE, Take Back America!, Tennessee Tea Party Coalition: Free Speech | Permalink | Comments (6) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Special rules for Muslims? This is America, founded on the basic principle of individual rights. No special rights for special classes. It is the height of irony that Massachusetts, a principal player in the founding of the American idea, would surrender without a shot. Pathetic. Robert has this: Two Massachusetts Muslims are arrested in a raid, and the Governor of Massachusetts behaves as if Muslims were the victims, not the perpetrators, of jihad terrorism. Shouldn't he be reassuring the Jewish community and other prime targets of jihad instead? "Deval Patrick vows support for Muslims," by Marie Szaniszlo in the Boston Herald, May 23 (thanks to Mackie): The session came little more than a week after two Bay State Muslims were arrested in a raid following an attempted car bombing in Times Square in New York. More than 1,100 Muslims attended the forum at the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center and Mosque in Roxbury, where Patrick was given one minute to answer "yes" or "no" to seven questions, including whether he would: Have law enforcement agency heads and others meet with Muslims to discuss the need for cultural awareness training. Designate a liaison to the Muslim community. Urge the public and private sectors to accommodate Muslims' religious obligation to attend Friday afternoon prayers. Which amounts to special privileges for Muslims in the workplace. Beginning his comments in Arabic by saying, "Hello, how are you. I speak Arabic a little," the governor said the forum was not his first exposure to Islam, noting that he'd lived in Sudan and Nigeria. "Yours is a peaceful faith, and I know that. I know you are worried that others know that," he said. The head of one Muslim group said he was interviewed three times in recent years by FBI agents "fishing for something." A mother told of walking with her baby in the months after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and feeling terrified when a cab driver pulled up to them and said, "We should kill you all." "We are here for power and for recognition," said Bilal Kaleem, president of the Muslim American Society of Boston. "We're against extremism and terror." "We are here for power" -- and he got it. The Muslim American Society is the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S. -- and the Brotherhood is dedicated in its own words to "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within." Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 03:29 AM in Creeping Sharia: American Dhimmitude | Permalink | Comments (12) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Pulling the flag down on the left is Anders security, Anders arm is shown pulling the flag down (blue cuff), the three on the right are Nazis. Robert and I conducted a first person interview with Anders Gravers, Danish leader of SIOE, on what happened at the SIOE demonstration yesterday. It matters, it's coming to America. So I was watching them, and suddenly I saw them take a black flag out of a plastic bag. I saw a swastika on the flag, so I put out my right leg and caught the flag and put it to the ground. Then they attacked me, and my security men put me on the ground and then they took care of them. Then I brushed the dust off my suit and got ready to make my speech. There were not as many people there as we had hoped, but the courageous ones were there: 25 or 26 in the beginning, but when we started to march, some wouldn’t go anyway. So about 18 or 19 persons marched. A woman shouted “Nazis” at us as we passed, and I said, “No, they’re just getting arrested.” We went down to the mosque and shouted, “No mosques in our streets,” and “No to genital mutilation in Denmark.” The Muslims were there, the Left was there, and the Nazis were there. The police told us to turn right, just in front of the mosque. We were slowing down to have the most possible time there. There were about 200 people outside the mosque and an equal number inside the mosque, hanging out the windows and calling us racists. They were shouting, “We want Anders on crutches.” We turned left and at the square I had a loudspeaker and so my voice was heard loudest, “No mosques in our streets.” Some Leftists attacked again, but my security people pushed them away. Charges that we ended the demonstration before the announced time were not true. The police offered to help us get out of here. We said we didn’t need that kind of help, but that some of our demonstrators may need help. So the Muslims were chasing people in the streets -- several hundred people out looking for racists. I got some scratches on my left leg, that’s nothing. I tried to find out if the people who unfurled the Nazi flag were Nazi or left wing. So I went to the Nazi website in Denmark and found that they were there. They were Nazis. I found a Nazi who was serving in the Queen’s guard, Daniel Carlsen. I went to their Facebook and found some death threats to me – “We have to give him cement shoes and throw him in the harbor.” He was a member of anti-Zionist groups, and I could see inside one of these anti-Zionist groups that it was full of Muslims. They’re not against the mosque, they’re against people who support Israel. They did it to discredit SIAD. They see that we are getting members, and even with gloves we will not touch these Nazi pigs. I said to my security, It bothered me that you took me down, so that I could not punch one of them. It would have looked great in the pictures. Now we have proof that the Muslims, Nazis, and the Left stand side-by- side shouting at us. And what do these people have in common? The Jew-hate. The Nazi's Facebook page Daniel Carlsen, Nazi activist: Siad er en død bevægelse og den jøde elsker, skulle have et par beton sko og smides i havnen Siad is a dead movement and the jew lover should have a pair of concrete shoes and thrown into the harbor These are also members of United against Zionism, mostly Muslim members (and Nazis) -- it's just like old times. More of the attack on my colleague and partner, Anders Gravers, over at the SIOA sister site SIOE: Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 24, 2010 at 01:28 AM in SIOE | Permalink | Comments (8) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Let me just preface this segment on World News Tonight with this: I did a 15-minute segment with Linsey Davis of ABC News. The story was bumped until next week because the mosque was "unavailable." Well, I guess the mosque changed its mind, because Daisy ("let's turn 911 into something very positive!") Khan, wife of the 911 mosque imam, is here spinning her strands of taqiya -- here she says the "tragedy of 911 affected us all." A hurricane is a "tragedy"; an act of war is not a tragedy, it's an act of war. Khan is given the largest chunk of time, compared to 9 seconds of Jim Riches and 8 seconds of Geller. The media is a hunchback that can't see its own hump. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 10:35 PM in Mosque at Ground Zero: Takbir! | Permalink | Comments (20) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! America went to war for the Muslims in Bosnia, took up arms against the Christians, and this is the poisonous fruit of doing the jihad's bidding. The jihadists have taken over Sarajevo.
Worse still, we are backing a jihadist state in the middle of Europe, an "independent Kosovo." It's enough to make you puke. Wahhabi Group Launches Conversion Campaign In Bosnia Radio Free Europe hat tip Armaros
Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 07:46 PM in Bosnia, Kosovo, Serbia: Militant Islam | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! The headline is a lie. it is not anti-Muslim. The giant mosque is offensive, insulting and humiliating to victims of jihad on 911. Where is the" mutual respect" an "mutual understanding" we are always beaten about the head with? Plans to build a 13-storey mosque and Islamic centre two city blocks from Ground Zero in New York are provoking an anti-Muslim backlash in America. Muslim organisations picked the site of a former Burlington Coat Factory shop damaged in the September 11, 2001, attacks. The building at 45 Park Place has been vacant since it was hit by the fuselage of one of the jets flown into the World Trade Centre by Islamic terrorists. “We want to create a platform by which the voices of the mainstream and silent majority of Muslims will be amplified. A centre of this scale and magnitude will do that,” said Daisy Khan, director of the American Society for Muslim Advancement, which is behind the project. The financial district committee of New York Community Board 1, representing local residents, gave the proposed Islamic centre a vote of confidence at a meeting on May 5. The $100 million (£69 million) project would include a swimming pool, a basketball court, a 500-seat theatre and possibly a daycare centre. About 2,000 Muslims are expected to attend Friday prayers there. The plans, however, have stirred a groundswell of opposition, with a group called Stop the Islamicisation of America calling for a street demonstration on June 6. “What could be more insulting and humiliating than a monster mosque in the shadow of the World Trade Centre buildings that were brought down by an Islamic jihad attack?” said Pamela Geller, the group’s director. “Any decent American, Muslim or otherwise, wouldn’t dream of such an insult. It’s a stab in the eye of America.” Ms Geller’s group said that Islam had a history of building mosques on top of the holy places of other religions as a symbol of Muslim dominance. It cited al-Aqsa Mosque on top of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Ayasofya Mosque in the former Hagia Sophia basilica in Istanbul, and the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus atop what was once the Church of St John the Baptist. “The only Muslim centre that should be built in the shadow of the World Trade Centre is one that is devoted to expunging the Koran and all Islamic teachings of the violent jihad that they prescribe, as well as all hateful texts and incitement to violence,” she said. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 06:48 PM | Permalink | Comments (9) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Islamic anti-semitism is as old as Islam itself. The Mufti al-Husseini delivered the Muslim world to Hitler and orchestrated the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Jews during the Holocaust. What is outrageous and reprehensible is that it is happening here in the USA. Reviving Jewish Race Science at Columbia U Conference American Thinker Mazrui clarified that Jews had "a certain kind of impurity" that led them to be "like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," but now they have "landed with Mr. Hyde's evil identity." Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 23, 2010 at 06:45 PM in Education: Hijacking the System | Permalink | Comments (10) ShareThis Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to | Tweet This! Islamic tolerance, understanding and plurality on display this week And this is just what they are telling us ...... imagine what we don't know. Complete list of over 15,000 Islamic attacks across the world since 911 is here. Video PIX 11 in NYC on the plots against NYC - over at Creeping Sharia Based on public information, the U.S. has foiled at least 30 terrorist attacks since 9/11. In two cases, the outcome was the result of sheer luck. The foiling of the rest was the result of good law enforcement and effective intelligence gathering and information sharing. 30 Terrorist Plots Against the U.S. Foild Since 9/11 1. Richard Reid, December 2001. A British citizen and self-professed follower of Osama bin Laden trained in Afghanistan, Reid hid explosives inside his shoes before boarding a flight from Paris to Miami on which he attempted to light the fuse with a match. Reid was caught in the act and apprehended on board the plane by the flight attendants and passengers. FBI officials took Reid into custody after the plane made an emergency landing at Boston’s Logan International Airport.[1] In 2003, Reid was found guilty on charges of terrorism, and a U.S. federal court sentenced him to life imprisonment.[2] 2. Jose Padilla, May 2002. U.S. officials arrested Padilla in May 2002 at O’Hare airport in Chicago as he returned to the United States from Pakistan, where he met with 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and received al-Qaeda instructions and training.[3] Upon his arrest, he was initially charged as an enemy combatant and for planning to use a dirty bomb (an explosive laced with radioactive material) in an attack against America.[4] Prior to his conviction, Padilla brought a case against the federal government claiming that he had been denied the right of habeas corpus (the right of an individual to petition against unlawful imprisonment). In a 5-to-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court found that the case against him had been filed improperly.[5] In 2005, the government indicted Padilla for conspiring against the U.S. with Islamic terrorist groups. In August 2007, Padilla was found guilty by a civilian jury after a three-month trial. He was later sentenced by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida to 17 years and four months in prison.[6] Padilla continues to attempt to have his conviction overturned.[7] 3. Lackawanna Six, September 2002. When the FBI arrested Sahim Alwan, Yahya Goba, Yasein Taher, Faysal Galab, Shafal Mosed, and Mukhtar al-Bakri, the press dubbed them the “Lackawanna Six,” the “Buffalo Six,” or the “Buffalo Cell.” Five of the six had been born and raised in Lackawanna, New York.[8] These six American citizens of Yemeni descent were arrested for conspiring with terrorist groups. They had stated that they were going to Pakistan to attend a religious training camp but instead attended an al-Qaeda jihadist camp. All six pled guilty in 2003 to providing support to al-Qaeda. Goba and al-Bakri were sentenced to 10 years in prison, Taher and Mosed to eight years, Alwan to nine and a half years, and Galab to seven years.[9] Mosed and Galab have since completed their sentences and have been released.[10] Recent reports indicate that Jaber Elbaneh, one of the FBI’s most wanted and often considered to be a seventh member of the Lackawanna cell, has been captured in Yemen. It remains to be seen, however, whether he will be tried in the U.S., since the U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with Yemen.[11] 4. Iyman Faris, May 2003. Faris is a naturalized U.S. citizen, originally from Kashmir, who was living in Columbus, Ohio. He was arrested for conspiring to use blowtorches to collapse the Brooklyn Bridge, a plot devised after meetings with al-Qaeda leadership including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.[12] The New York City Police Department learned of the plot and increased police surveillance around the bridge. Faced with the additional security, Faris and his superiors canceled the attack.[13] Faris pled guilty to conspiracy and providing material support to al-Qaeda and was later sentenced in federal district court to 20 years in prison, the maximum allowed under his plea agreement.[14] 5. Virginia Jihad Network, June 2003. Eleven men were arrested in Alexandria, Virginia, for weapons counts and for violating the Neutrality Acts, which prohibit U.S. citizens and residents from attacking countries with which the United States is at peace. Four of the 11 men pled guilty. Upon further investigation, the remaining seven were indicted on additional charges of conspiring to support terrorist organizations. They were found to have connections with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and Lashkar-i-Taiba, a terrorist organization that targets the Indian government. The authorities stated that the Virginia men had used paintball games to train and prepare for battle. The group had also acquired surveillance and night vision equipment and wireless video cameras.[15] Two more individuals were later indicted in the plot: Ali al-Timimi, the group’s spiritual leader, and Ali Asad Chandia. Ali al-Timimi was found guilty of soliciting individuals to assault the United States and sentenced to life in prison. Ali Asad Chandia received 15 years for supporting Lashkar-i-Taiba.[16] Randall Todd Royer, Ibrahim al-Hamdi, Yong Ki Kwon, Khwaja Mahmood Hasan, Muhammed Aatique, and Donald T. Surratt pled guilty and were sentenced to prison terms ranging from three years and 10 months to 20 years. Masoud Khan, Seifullah Chapman, and Hammad Adur-Raheem were found guilty and later sentenced to prison terms ranging from 52 months to life.[17] Both Caliph Basha Ibn Abdur-Raheem and Sabri Benkhala were acquitted at trial.[18] 6. Nuradin M. Abdi, November 2003. Abdi, a Somali citizen living in Columbus, Ohio, was arrested and charged in a plot to bomb a local shopping mall. Abdi was an associate of convicted terrorists Christopher Paul and Iyman Faris and admittedly conspired with the two to provide material support to terrorists. Following his arrest, Abdi admitted to traveling overseas to seek admittance to terrorist training camps, as well as to having met with a Somali warlord associated with Islamists. Abdi has since pled guilty to conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, one of the four counts for which he was indicted. He was subsequently sentenced to 10 years in jail per the terms of a plea agreement.[19] 7. Dhiren Barot, August 2004. Seven members of a terrorist cell led by Barot were arrested for plotting to attack the New York Stock Exchange and other financial institutions in New York, Washington, and Newark, New Jersey. They were later accused of planning attacks in England. The plots included a “memorable black day of terror” that would have included detonating a dirty bomb.[20] A July 2004 police raid on Barot’s house in Pakistan yielded a number of incriminating files on a laptop computer, including instructions for building car bombs.[21] Dhiren Barot pled guilty and was convicted in the United Kingdom for conspiracy to commit mass murder and sentenced to 40 years.[22] However, in May 2007, his sentence was reduced to 30 years.[23] His seven co-conspirators were sentenced to terms ranging from 15 to 26 years on related charges of conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to cause explosion.[24] 8. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj, August 2004. James Elshafay and Shahawar Matin Siraj, both reportedly self-radicalized, were arrested for plotting to bomb a subway station near Madison Square Garden in New York City before the Republican National Convention.[25] An undercover detective from the New York City Police Department’s Intelligence Division infiltrated the group, providing information to authorities, and later testified against Elshafay and Siraj.[26] Siraj was convicted and sentenced to 30 years in prison. Elshafay, a U.S. citizen, pled guilty and received a lighter, five-year sentence for testifying against his co-conspirator.[27] 9. Yassin Aref and Mohammad Hossain, August 2004. Two leaders of a mosque in Albany, New York, were charged with plotting to purchase a shoulder-fired grenade launcher to assassinate a Pakistani diplomat.[28] An investigation by the FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and local police contributed to the arrest. With the help of an informant, the FBI set up a sting that lured Mohammed Hossain into a fake terrorist conspiracy. Hossain brought Yassin Araf, a Kurdish refugee, as a witness. The informant offered details of a fake terrorist plot, claiming that he needed the missiles to murder a Pakistani diplomat in New York City. Both Aref and Hossain agreed to help.[29] Aref and Hossain were found guilty of money-laundering and conspiracy to conceal material support for terrorism and were sentenced to 15 years in prison.[30] 10. Umer Hayat and Hamid Hayat, June 2005. Umer Hayat, a Pakistani immigrant, and Hamid Hayat, his American son, were arrested in Lodi, California, after allegedly lying to the FBI about Hamid’s attendance at an Islamic terrorist training camp in Pakistan. Hamid was found guilty of providing material support to terrorists and providing false statements to the FBI.[31] He was sentenced to 24 years in prison for these acts.[32] Umer’s trial ended in a mistrial. He later pled guilty to lying to customs agents in his attempt to carry $28,000 into Pakistan and was sentenced to “time served.”[33] 11. Levar Haley Washington, Gregory Vernon Patterson, Hammad Riaz Samana, and Kevin James, August 2005. The members of the group were arrested in Los Angeles and charged with conspiring to attack National Guard facilities, synagogues, and other targets in the Los Angeles area. Kevin James allegedly founded Jamiyyat Ul-Islam Is-Saheeh (JIS), a radical Islamic prison group, and converted Levar Washington and others to the group’s mission. The JIS allegedly planned to finance its operations by robbing gas stations. After Washington and Patterson were arrested for robbery, police and federal agents began a terrorist investigation, and a search of Washington’s apartment revealed a suspicious target list.[34] James and Washington pled guilty in December 2007. James was sentenced to 16 years in prison and Washington to 22 years. Patterson received 151 months, while Samana was found unfit to stand trial and was initially detained in a federal prison mental facility. He was later sentenced to 70 months in jail.[35] 12. Michael C. Reynolds, December 2005. Michael C. Reynolds was arrested by the FBI and charged with involvement in a plot to blow up a Wyoming natural gas refinery; the Transcontinental Pipeline, a natural-gas pipeline from the Gulf Coast to New York and New Jersey; and a Standard Oil refinery in New Jersey.[36] He was arrested while trying to pick up a $40,000 payment for planning the attack.[37] Shannen Rossmiller, his purported contact, was a Montana judge who was working with the FBI. The FBI later found explosives in a storage locker in Reynolds’s hometown of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.[38] Reynolds claimed that he was working as a private citizen to find terrorists.[39] Reynolds was convicted of providing material support to terrorists, soliciting a crime of violence, unlawful distribution of explosives, and unlawful possession of a hand grenade. He was sentenced to 30 years in prison.[40] 13. Mohammad Zaki Amawi, Marwan Othman El-Hindi, and Zand Wassim Mazloum, February 2006. Amawi, El-Hindi, and Mazloum were arrested in Toledo, Ohio, for “conspiring to kill or injure people in the Middle East” and providing material support to terrorist organizations. The three men allegedly intended to build bombs for use in Iraq and verbally threatened attacks against President George W. Bush.[41] The investigation was begun with the help of an informant who was approached to help to train the group.[42] In June 2008, all three were convicted of conspiring to commit acts of terrorism against Americans overseas, including U.S. military personnel in Iraq, and other terrorism-related violations. Amawi was sentenced to 20 years, el-Hindi to 13 years, and Mazloum to approximately eight years.[43] 14. Syed Haris Ahmed and Ehsanul Islam Sadequee, April 2006. Ahmed and Sadequee, from Atlanta, Georgia, were accused of conspiracy, having discussed terrorist targets with alleged terrorist organizations. They allegedly met with Islamic extremists in the U.S. and gathered videotape surveillance of potential targets in the Washington, D.C., area, including the U.S. Capitol and the World Bank headquarters, and sent the videos to a London Islamist group. Ahmed is said also to have traveled to Pakistan with the goal of joining Lashkar-e-Taiba.[44] Both men were indicted for providing material support to terrorist organizations and pled not guilty.[45] In June 2009, a federal district judge found Ahmed “guilty of conspiring to provide material support to terrorists here and overseas.”[46] Ahmed was subsequently sentenced to 13 years in jail. Sadequee was also found guilty and sentenced to 17 years.[47] 15. Narseal Batiste, Patrick Abraham, Stanley Grant Phanor, Naudimar Herrera, Burson Augustin, Lyglenson Lemorin, and Rotschild Augustine, June 2006. Seven men were arrested in Miami and Atlanta for plotting to blow up the Sears Tower in Chicago, FBI offices, and other government buildings around the country. The arrests resulted from an investigation involving an FBI informant. Allegedly, Batiste was the leader of the group and first suggested attacking the Sears Tower in December 2005.[48] All of the suspects pled not guilty. On December 13, 2007, Lemorin was acquitted of all charges, but the jury failed to reach a verdict on the other six. [49] The second trial ended in a mistrial in April 2008.[50] In the third trial, the jury convicted five of the men on multiple conspiracy charges and acquitted Herrera on all counts. On November 20, 2009, the five were sentenced to prison terms ranging from six to 13.5 years, with Batiste receiving the highest sentence.[51] 16. Assem Hammoud, July 2006. Conducting online surveillance of chat rooms, the FBI discovered a plot to attack underground transit links between New York City and New Jersey. Eight suspects including Assem Hammoud, an al-Qaeda loyalist living in Lebanon, were arrested for plotting to bomb New York City train tunnels. Hammoud, a self-proclaimed operative for al-Qaeda, admitted to the plot.[52] He was held by Lebanese authorities but was not extradited because the U.S. does not have an extradition treaty with Lebanon. In June 2008, Lebanese authorities released him on bail.[53] He is awaiting trial before a Lebanese military court. 17. Liquid Explosives Plot, August 2006. British law enforcement stopped a terrorist plot to blow up 10 U.S.-bound commercial airliners with liquid explosives.[54] Twenty-four suspects were arrested in the London area. The style of the plot raised speculation that al-Qaeda was behind it, but no concrete evidence has established a link. The United Kingdom initially charged 15 of the 24 arrested individuals on charges ranging from conspiring to commit murder to planning to commit terrorist acts.[55] Eventually, in April 2008, only eight men were brought to trial. In September, the jury found none of the defendants guilty of conspiring to target aircraft but three guilty of conspiracy to murder.[56] The jury was unable to reach verdicts on four of the men. One man was found not guilty on all counts.[57] 18. Derrick Shareef, December 2006. Shareef was arrested on charges of planning to set off hand grenades in a shopping mall outside Chicago. Shareef reportedly acted alone and was arrested after meeting with an undercover Joint Terrorism Task Force agent. FBI reports indicated that the mall was one of several potential targets, including courthouses, city halls, and government facilities. Shareef, however, settled on attacking a mall in the days immediately preceding Christmas because he believed it would cause the greatest amount of chaos and damage.[58] Shareef was also found to have connections to convicted terrorist Hassan Agujihaad, who was charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and later sentenced to 35 years in prison.[59] 19. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, March 2007. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, captured in Pakistan in 2003, was involved in a number of terrorist plots and is one of the most senior bin Laden operatives ever captured.[60] He is being held at the U.S. military detention facility in Guantanamo Bay. In March 2007, Mohammed admitted to helping plan, organize, and run the 9/11 attacks and also claimed responsibility for planning the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and the bombings of nightclubs in Bali in 2002 and a Kenyan hotel. He has stated that he was involved in the decapitation of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl and took responsibility for helping to plan the failed shoe-bomb attack by Richard Reid, along with plots to attack Heathrow Airport, Canary Wharf, Big Ben, various targets in Israel, the Panama Canal, Los Angeles, Chicago, the Empire State building, and U.S. nuclear power stations. He had also plotted to assassinate Pope John Paul II and former President Bill Clinton. In December 2008, Mohammed and his four co-defendants (Ramzi Binalshibh, Mustafa Ahmad al-Hawsawi, Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali, and Walid Bin Attash) told the military tribunal judge that they wanted to confess and plead guilty to all charges.[61] The judge has approved the guilty plea of Mohammed and two co-defendants but has required mental competency hearings before allowing the other two conspirators to plead guilty. In November 2009, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced that Mohammed would be relocated to the United States to face civilian trial in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, although this relocation has yet to occur. 20. Fort Dix Plot, May 2007. Six men were arrested in a plot to attack Fort Dix, a U.S. Army post in New Jersey. The plan involved using assault rifles and grenades to attack and kill U.S. soldiers. Five of the alleged conspirators had conducted training missions in the nearby Pocono Mountains. The sixth helped to obtain weapons. The arrests were made after a 16-month FBI operation that included infiltrating the group. The investigation began after a store clerk alerted authorities after discovering a video file of the group firing weapons and calling for jihad. The group has no known direct connections to any international terrorist organization.[62] In December 2008, five of the men were found guilty on the conspiracy charges but were acquitted of charges of attempted murder.[63] Four were also convicted on weapons charges. The five men received sentences ranging from 33 years to life plus 30. The sixth co-defendant pled guilty to aiding and abetting the others in illegal possession of weapons and was sentenced to 20 months in jail.[64] 21. JFK Airport Plot, June 2007. Four men plotted to blow up “aviation fuel tanks and pipelines at the John F. Kennedy International Airport” in New York City. They believed that such an attack would cause “greater destruction than in the Sept. 11 attacks.” Authorities stated that the attack “could have caused significant financial and psychological damage, but not major loss of life.”[65] Russell Defreitas, the leader of the group, was arrested in Brooklyn. The other three members of the group—Abdul Kadir, Kareem Ibrahim, and Abdel Nur—were detained in Trinidad and extradited in June 2008. Kadir and Nur have links to Islamic extremists in South America and the Caribbean. Kadir was an imam in Guyana, former member of the Guyanese Parliament, and mayor of Linden, Guyana. Ibrahim is a Trinidadian citizen, and Nur is a Guyanese citizen. The men pled not guilty to the charges and are awaiting trial.[66] 22. Hassan Abujihaad, March 2008. Hassan Abujihaad, a former U.S. Navy sailor from Phoenix, Arizona, was convicted of supporting terrorism and disclosing classified information, including the location of Navy ships and their vulnerabilities, to Barbar Ahmad and Syed Talha Ahsan, the alleged administrators of Azzam Publication Web sites (the London organization that provided material support and resources to terrorists). Abujihaad was arrested in March 2007 and pled not guilty to charges of supporting terrorism in April 2007. In May 2008, he was convicted by a jury and sentenced to 10 years in prison.[67] Both Babar Ahmad and Syed Talha Ahsan are being held in Britain on anti-terrorism charges and are fighting extradition to the U.S.[68] 23. Christopher Paul, June 2008. Christopher Paul is a U.S. citizen from Columbus, Ohio. He joined al-Qaeda in the 1990s and was involved in conspiracies to target Americans in the United States and overseas. In 1999, he became connected to an Islamic terrorist cell in Germany, where he was involved in a plot to target Americans at foreign vacation resorts. He later returned to Ohio and was subsequently arrested for conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction—specifically, explosive devices—”against targets in Europe and the United States.” Paul pled guilty to the charges and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.[69] 24. Synagogue Terror Plot, May 2009. On May 20, 2009, the New York Police Department announced the arrest of James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams, and Laguerre Payen for plotting to blow up area Jewish centers and shoot down planes at a nearby Air National Guard Base.[70] The four had attempted to gain access to Stinger missiles and were caught in the act of placing bombs in the buildings and in a car. (The bombs were duds, because undercover agents sold the four defendants fake explosives as part of an ongoing sting operation). All four men have pled not guilty and are awaiting trial.[71] 25. Najibullah Zazi, September 2009 . Zazi, a 24-year-old Afghani, was arrested after purchasing large quantities of chemicals used to make a TATP bomb, the same type of weapon used in the 2005 bombing of the London Underground and the 2001 shoe-bomb plot. Zazi had traveled to Pakistan, where he received instruction in bomb-making and attended an al-Qaeda training camp. Zazi allegedly planned to detonate TATP bombs on the New York City subway.[72] Najibullah Zazi’s father, Mohammed Wali Zazi, was also indicted for obstructing justice by helping his son cover up plans for his attack. Najibullah pled guilty and remains in jail, while Mohammed pled not guilty and has been freed on bail.[73] Zazi’s guilty plea was the result of a plea bargain, and he awaits sentencing on June 25, 2010, while Mohammed awaits trial. At least three other individuals have since been arrested on allegations of traveling overseas with Zazi to receive terrorist training and making false statements to authorities.[74] One of them, New York religious leader Ahmad Afzali, has pled guilty to charges of lying to federal agents about informing Zazi that he was being investigated by authorities.[75] Zarein Ahmedzay has also pled guilty to conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction in the foiled plot.[76] Read the rest of the plot list.
Monday, May 24, 2010
This was the first time we saw all three anti-democratic ideologies working together in Denmark.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Plans for a 13-storey mosque at Ground Zero provoke anti-Muslim backlash Times of London