Saturday, May 22, 2010
Clinton Seeks Chinese Help on North Korea
Communist Crackdown Intensifies in Venezuela
Hugo Chavez, the Communist Crackpot of Venezuela, is escalating his crackdown on financial firms, as reported here.S. Korea, US Considering Level One Readiness
Iran on Phony Nuke Deal: Take It Or Leave It
Obama Reaffirms Commitment to Appeasement
Obama to West Point cadets: engagement (appeasement) is the way forward.US Says Kim OKd North Korean Attack
Buy it. Read it.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Understanding Asia's Troubled Waters
Iran Uses Brazil as Israel Grows Impatient
Sunday, 23 May 2010
As of this writing, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on her way to Beijing. Click here for the story.
China will never turn against its vassal. North Korean aggression and belligerence serves Chinese interests.
Ditto for Iranian aggression....
South Korea and the United States are considering the highest level of readiness--Level One-- since the end of the Korean War. Click here for the story.
China Confidential analysts believe a full-scale war is quite possible. North Korea has no real fear of Washington. Neither does Iran, North Korea's partner in nuclear/missile crime.
Both nations regard the U.S. as a dying hegemon; its president, Barack Obama, as a useful idiot of appeasement.
Nuclear-armed North Korea and nuclear-arming Iran have jointly developed and tested cargo vessel-based ballistic missile launch systems capable of (a) striking U.S. coastal cities and (b) also, perhaps, launching nuclear warheads at altitudes above the U.S. in an EMP attack.
Iran is more defiant than ever. Click here for the story.
And click here for a must-read column by Charles Krauthammer.
North Korea's deranged Dear Leader must have authorized the torpedoing of the South Korean warship, according to U.S. intelligence officials. Click here for the story.
From the Inside Flap:
Barack Obama’s “Green” Policies Start With Controlling Your Energy…and End With Your Life.
If Obama and his “green” coalition get their way, we’re headed for blackouts, skyrocketing energy prices designed to bankrupt disfavored industries, and even greater government control of our economy. Obama’s green jobs agenda masks a declaration of war against America’s most reliable sources of energy—coal, oil, and natural gas. He seeks to shut them down and convert America to green energy—mostly wind and solar—in an irresponsible experiment that will guarantee an energy crisis and drive America from recession to depression. The Obama administration, working in collusion with green groups allegedly protecting the environment, unions protecting their paychecks, and local elites protecting their ocean views, is putting the special interests ahead of your interests. In Power Grab, best-selling author Christopher C. Horner reveals,
How Obama is obsessed with “climate change” schemes at huge expense to our economy—even as the scientific case for global warming is collapsingHow Obama is counting on the liberal courts to gain greater control over American industryHow Obama’s “green jobs” policies are stripping jobs from America and sending them overseasHow Obama’s policies, if enacted, will dramatically change your life—starting with your confidence that a flipped switch will provide light, that a faucet will flow with water, that your home will stay warm, and there’s gas at the pump
Click here to read Horner's article about Spain's disastrous green energy boondoggle, which serves as an Obama administration model.
The U.S. Navy faces new challenges as crisis and conflict loom in the wake of North Korea's unprovoked torpedoing of a South Korean warship. An excerpt from a must-read analysis in The Wall Street Journal:
The longer term currents roiling Asia's waters, however, are coming from recent Chinese PLA Navy expeditions and strategic announcements. In early April, Chinese ships set out south and east to expand China's political claims and operational range. In the South China Sea, two Fisheries Administration patrol vessels were dispatched to accompany Chinese private fishing vessels in the Spratly Islands area. Two weeks earlier, Chinese ships seized a Vietnamese fishing vessel near the more northerly Paracels. Even though Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and the Philippines all claim sovereignty over parts of the Spratlys, China has now elevated its claims to almost the entire South China Sea to the level of "core interests," according to reports.
By making the South China Sea into a front-line territorial and strategic issue, Beijing is dramatically raising the stakes in any future confrontation, intentional or otherwise. It is also putting the U.S. Navy on notice that it will be far more present and engaged in the Asian maritime region that the U.S. has patrolled without interference for the past six decades.
Nuclear-arming, Islamist/Islamonazi Iran has accepted a flawed and phony Brazilian proposal to ship low enriched uranium out of Iran in return for fuel rods for its Tehran Research Reactor.
Brazil's role--it has become an exceptionally useful idiot of appeasement--reflects larger ambitions, according to this article.
Israel, in the meantime, is growing impatient with the international community's inability to stop Iran's atomic advance, as reported here.
China Confidential analysts add:
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Britannia Radio