A selection of recent media reports
Friday, 7 May 2010
A VIETNAMESE illegal immigrant has been running a cannabis farm in Thurgoland. Tai Van Nguyen paid gangmasters £14,000 to enter the UK and, in return, grew 400 cannabis plants worth about £120,000 at a home in Copster Close, Barnsley Magistrates Court...
Barnsley Chronicle (07-May-2010)
The British National Party has failed to take its key east London seat from Labour. In a high-profile campaign, leader Nick Griffin attempted to oust minister Margaret Hodge in Barking, where his far-right party has 12...
Mail Online (07-May-2010)
Indian origin Labour candidate Manish Sood, who called his Labour party leader Gordon Brown 'the worst prime minister', has lost badly in the Norfolk North West constituency in...
Irish Sun (07-May-2010)
Gary Younge was right to argue this week that the mindless "tough talk" of the right gets us no closer to a sensible debate on immigration. But he was wrong to let the left off the hook progressives have too often been both unprepared and unwilling to engage in the immigration debate. Gordon Brown's "bigot" gaffe today no doubt reflects tiredness and frayed nerves more than it does his view of the electorate, but it illustrates two problems with the way the progressive side of the debate talks and thinks about immigration.
IPPR (06-May-2010)
Telegraph View: The next administration must be able to command real authority in the new House of Commons.
Daily Telegraph (06-May-2010)
Yesterday you published a rather intemperate letter from several trades unionists which, inter alia, appeared to link Migrationwatch with the BNP. Your correspondents displayed precisely the attitude that has prevented a sensible debate on the issue of immigration for so long.
The Guardian (06-May-2010)
DAVID Cameron could be heading towards a historic victory in today's General Election - and the keys to No 10, a poll for The Sun dramatically predicted last...
Online Sun (06-May-2010)
TODAY The Sun says it is time to trust David...
Online Sun (06-May-2010)
NICK Clegg was last night facing growing pressure over dangerous Lib Dem plans to allow thousands of asylum seekers to take paid jobs in...
Daily Express (06-May-2010)
We do need those workers Our mainstream parties need to confront the concern of voters that foreign workers are taking the jobs of British people and explain the benefits they bring to the...
The Independent (06-May-2010)
Let there be no mistake. Today's vote will be a referendum on New Labour's 13-year record in government. New Labour - especially the Blairite wing - constantly brags about winning three successive general elections, as if simply gaining and holding on to office was the main purpose of...
Mail Online (06-May-2010)
A FAILED asylum seeker who ran a help group advising other immigrants has been jailed after making a kings ransom from claiming benefits and working...
Daily Express (06-May-2010)
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