A selection of recent media reports
Losing candidate challenges Oldham election result
An election candidate who lost out to former Labour minister Phil Woolas by 103 votes is challenging the...
UK Wired News (28-May-2010)
Migrants to swell Southern towns by 20% in 8 years
Towns in southern England will see their populations swell by nearly a fifth over the next eight years, official predictions revealed yesterday.
Daily Mail (28-May-2010)
Useless, jobless men the social blight of our age
The benefits system has produced an emasculated generation who can find neither work nor a wife
Times (28-May-2010)
Lack of jobs could threaten welfare reform, says CIPD
A lack of jobs and their poor quality will hinder Ian Duncan Smiths plans to reform the welfare system, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).
Recruiter (28-May-2010)
Immigration centre could stay until 2013
Oakington immigration reception centre bosses have applied for planning permission for the facility to stay open until 2013. Campaigners are hoping council planners will refuse the bid and force the centre where the current consent runs out at the end of next month to...
Cambridge News (28-May-2010)
Australia could ship migrants to desert mining camp
They have been sent to remote Pacific islands and to the Indian Ocean now asylum-seekers intercepted in Australian waters may end up in the middle of the desert, in a near-empty former gold-mining...
The Independent (28-May-2010)
THOUSANDS of Bosnians and Albanians could soon join Eastern European migrants in gaining illegal entry to Britain after the EU announced an end to visa...
Daily Express (28-May-2010)
No refund for Britons who bought new identity cards
More than 15,000 British citizens who spent £450,000 buying new identity cards will not get their money back the Home Secretary said yesterday after committing the Government to scrapping the scheme within 100...
The Independent (28-May-2010)
Brown's timebomb
A RECORD 417,000 immigrants were given the right to live in Britain permanently last year, figures showed...
The Scottish Sun (28-May-2010)
A RECORD 203,000 foreigners were granted British passports last...
Daily Star (28-May-2010)
DAILY MAIL COMMENT: A welfare disease that must be cured | Mail Online
Yesterday Iain Duncan Smith, the latest politician charged with curing the insidious British disease of welfare dependency, said: 'We literally cannot afford to go on like this'.
The Mail On Sunday (27-May-2010)
Reforming welfare
Telegraph View: Iain Duncan Smith needs all the support he can get in order to reform the benefits...
Telegraph.co.uk (27-May-2010)