Sir Michael White sucks up to the new government…
“… it’s always good to see an old survivor like Kenneth Clarke back in harness at almost 70.
And I hold counterintuitive shares in young Osborne. Danny Alexander as Scottish secretary?
Wasn’t he a press officer last time we looked? But Huhne and David Laws are very smart …”
The Coalition Might Just Work - Mark Littlewood
My Ill-Tempered Encounter with the Speaker – Simon Carr
Our Red Lines – Taxpayers’ Alliance
Congratulations, Mr Cameron, But… - Tim Montgomerie
The Builders Arrive at Downing Street – Gary Gibbon
The New Progressive Consensus – Liberal Vision
Nick Clegg’s Negotiating Notes – Guardian
Breakdown of Conservative MPs – Grant Shapps
Clegg Gets Labour to Drive His Party to the Tories – Speccie