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On May 2, 2010, the new YouTube page Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, "TehreekeTaliban's Channel," which was launched on the same date, posted three videos. Military, government, and media personnel may request a copy of the videos by sending an email with "Taliban Pakistan Videos, Hakimullah Mehsud" in the subject line tomedia@memri.org TTP Leader Hakimullah Mehsud Declares: 'From Now On, the Main Targets of Our Fidaeen [Suicide Bombers] Are American Cities'The first, which the YouTube page titled "Hakeemullah Mehsud is Alive and Healthy and Delivering news about Attacks on USA," is 2:17 long, and shows a still satellite image of North America with a still image of Hakimullah Mehsud. Speaking in Urdu, he states that the date is April 19, 2010 and threatens bombings in U.S. "states & cities"; as he speaks, explosions are shown taking place across the map. (To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visit http://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2463.htm. NOTE: You must be a member of the MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor (JTTM) to view these clips.) The second video, which the YouTube page also titled "Hakeemullah Mehsud is Alive and Healthy and Delivering news about Attacks on USA," is 8:42 minutes long, and shows Hakimullah Mehsud sitting surrounded by masked, armed men. Speaking in the Pashtu language, he states that the date is April 19, 2010, and discusses attacks on the U.S.[1] (To view this clip on MEMRI TV, visithttp://www.memritv.org/clip/en/2462.htm)
In the third video, which is 1:06 minutes long, Qari Hussain Mehsud, a key leader of the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan and a close lieutenant of Hakimullah Mehsud, claims responsibility for the May 1, 2010 failed car bomb plot in the Times Square, against a backdrop of still images. (To read the full report on MEMRI's Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor, visithttp://www.memrijttm.org/content/en/report.htm?report=4129¶m=GJN.)
Commander of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid on Beitullah Mehsud: "I Myself Heard Him Say: 'I Want to Shatter the Americans' Pride and Arrogance and Strike Them On Their Own Soil'"The Taliban leaders’ declarations come against the backdrop of an early October 2009 video which revealed that the Taliban leaders had begun formulating intentions to target the U.S. sometime last year. In an eight-minute video posted on jihadist websites on October 1, 2009, Al-Qaeda commander Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid revealed that Beitullah Mehsud, Hakimullah Mehsud's predecessor, had wanted to launch attacks inside the U.S.[2] In his eulogy for Beitullah Mehsud, who was killed in a U.S. drone attack on August 5, 2009, Abu Al-Yazid observed:"The Emir Beitullah was a student of shari'a studies, one of those who began their lives in shari'a studies, and he made great progress in this. But when the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan arose and was in need of people to support it, back it, and stand against the enemies lying in wait for it in northern Afghanistan, he joined the ranks of the Emirate's mujahideen early on, under the command of the Commander of the Faithful Mullah Muhammad Omar, may Allah protect him. "The Emir Beitullah was a man of great aspirations and far-reaching ambitions. He undertook to educate and prepare his tribesmen to fight the enemies of Allah in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He even aspired to send his mujahideen soldiers to fight against the infidels on their own soil. I myself heard him say: 'I want to shatter the Americans' pride and arrogance and strike them on their own soil.'" The following are the three transcripts as they appeared in the original videos posted on YouTube, with the original spellings, punctuation, and emphases. "Hakeemullah Mehsud is Alive and Healthy and Delivering News about Attacks On USA" (Urdu)"A message to Muslim Ummah & A WARNING TO USA & NATO ALLIES from Hakeem-ullah Mehsoon, Ameer Tehreek Taliban PAKISTAN "Step back OR Get ready to be Destroyed" [Background: Still satellite image of North America, with still image of Hakimullah Mehsud superimposed.] Voice of Hakimullah Mehsud: "Today, dated 19th April 2010, through media I want to convey an important message to the Muslim Ummah. The Evil Groups of Kuffar around the world, conspired to sadden the Muslim Ummah with false rumors about my martyrdom. "Today I want to give a very good news to the Muslim Ummah. "America which is the Biggest EVIL of this world, it has savagely massacred millions of innocent Muslims in Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistani Tribal areas. And has martyred respected Arab mujahedeen brothers, who announced the implementation of Islamic system. For this the Satanic America martyred them, and rejoiced on it as their victory. "Alhamdulillah, today I want to assure Ummat-e-Muslimah [i.e. Islamic Ummah] that our Moral is at its peak, we haven't felt weak for a micro-second. From now on, THE MAIN TARGETS of our FIDAEEN are AMERICAN CITIES. [Explosions start taking place on the map] "This good news will be heard within some days or weeks. Today on-wards, the direction of our JEHAD is AMERICAN States & Cities. InshalALLAH We are successful in this mission and objective. "I request the Muslim Ummah to pray for success of the Mujahideen worldwide. "AMERICA / NATO YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR CRIMES" "Hakeemullah Mehsud is Alive and Healthy and delivering News about Attacks On USA" (Pashtu)Hakimullah Mehsud: "My respected Brother of the Muslim Ummah May Peace & Blessings of Allah be on to you. The non-believers (kuffar) have always been doing propaganda that Hakeemullah Mehsood has been martyred. Sometimes they say in a Drone attack, mostly giving references of Shaktui or Orukzai [i.e. the tribal district of Orakzai Agency] and sometimes they say we martyred him on his way to Multan [a town in Punjab province]. This is an open LIE & propaganda made by Kuffar and its funded Media. Alhamdulillah, on the… [19th] day of April 2010, I give good news to the Muslim Ummah about being alive and healthy.[3] "And I want to make one more thing very clear that America is the worst Fanatic Terrorist & Extremist country in the whole world. Its hands are filled with the blood of millions of Muslim children, women, young & old of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and various other Muslim countries. "And now this arrogant terrorist has started showing bad intentions towards the Mujahideen of Yemen, Now America wants to enter into Yemen for its evil objectives. "I want to give a clear message to the Muslim Ummah to WAKE UP from the slumber of ignorance and cowardness. America and its Allies are facing the worst defeat ever in the history. American and Nato forces are facing a destructive defeat in Afghanistan and want to run away from Afghanistan under the camouflage of PEACE DEALS. Very soon the Muslim Ummah will hear victorious & joyous news of US troops leaving Afghanistan back to its terrorist state after a humiliating end. Along with its front-line Ally Pakistani Murtad Army facing the same humiliating fate in the tribal areas. InshaALLAH. With the help of ALLAH (SWT) we are steadfast and successful in our mission. "I want to especially convey my message to the Mujhaideen of Yemen, Aljazzair [i.e. Algeria] Saudi Arab (Hijaz-e-Muqaddas) and Palestine to be steadfast on their Jehad and don’t loose their stance even for a micro second. I request you all to be steadfast & firm in your Jehad. "The time is very near when our Fidaeen [i.e. suicide bombers] will attack the American states in their major cities. And inshaALLAH we will succeed in our attacks. Our fidaeen have penetrated the terrorist America, we will give extremely painful blows to the fanatic America. I request you all to be steadfast & firm in your Jehad. "America, the criminal state has martyred many of our great Muslim Leaders i.e., Baitullah Mehsud Shaheed RA and many respected brothers from Al-Qaida who were price of Arab and they only came to us for shelter. They came to us with the invitation towards ISLAMIC/Shariah System and for this the US and their Extremist Allies have martyred them. We can never forget our honorable martyred brothers, our faith and dignity doesn’t allow us to forget about these Great Martyrs in the path of ALLAH (swt). InshaALLAH we will take revenge of our brothers in the most ruthless way. "Not to forget about the respected and innocent sister from Pakistan Dr. Afia Siddiqui[4] who has been stripped naked in order to make Fun of the dignity and respect of the Muslim Ummah. Our hearts are in severe pain seeing our sister in such un-human and disrespectful condition. The flames in our hearts will only be lightened when our Fidaaeen will deliver precise and destructive attacks on the terrorist America bringing it down to its knees. inshaAllah. "inshaALLAH very soon in some days or a month’s time, the Muslim ummah will see the fruits of most successful attacks of our fidaeen in USA. Please don’t worry for the pain and suffering that in your heart. America the extremist has Lost terribly. "And I want to Warn its Allies to have some mercy on themselves, stop assisting America and If you don’t stop your KUFR/Disbelief being a frontline ally in their war against Islam, you will face even worst humiliation, destruction and defeat than America itself. I want to again WARN the evil Allies to have mercy on themselves and reject the friendship of USA, openly oppose the satanic American policies. Otherwise your end will be much Harsh than Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq. "inshaALLAH in some days or a month, time will prove the success of our Fidaee attacks bringing Joy & bliss to the hearts of Muslim Ummah. Al Quran: "And the hearts of the momineen will receive bliss" O' the Youth, Ulema & Scholars and pious people of the Ummah remember us in your prayers to ALLAH (SWT)." "Qari Hussain Mehsud from Tehreek-e-Taliban accepts the responsibility of Attack on Times Square" (Pashtu)"Allah [swt] is with the Steadfast & Patient ones. We will break the jaws of Satan's USA. InshaAllah" Voiceover: "We Tehreek-e-Taliban with all the Pride and Bravery, TAKE full responsibility for the Attack on Times Square (NY) USA. "We also congratulate the MUSLIM UMMAH with all the pleasure and happiness. "This attack is a revenge for the great & value-able martyred leaders of Mujahideen i.e, Baitullah Mehsud Shaheed RA[5], The Arab Mujahideen's leaders especially Abu Umer al Baghdadi shaheed's companions in Iraq. "This is also a revenge for the Global American interference & terrorism in Muslim Countries, especially in Pakistan for Lal Masjid operation,[6] "The recent rain of Drone attacks in the tribal areas and the abduction, torture and humiliation of our most respected & innocent sister Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. "We Furiously Warn, the member countries of NATO, their Governments and common Public to oppose the evil U.S. policies and sincerely apologize for the massacres in Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan & Pakistani tribal areas otherwise be prepared for the worst ever destruction and devastation in their regions. InshaALLAH"
[1] Speaking in Pashtu, Hakimullah Mehsud notes the date of the recording as April 19, 2010 (and not as April 4, 2010 as the subtitle in English says). [2] See MEMRI Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor, "Al-Qaeda Commander Mustafa Abu Al-Yazid: Beitullah Mehsud Wanted to Attack Inside the U.S.; He May Be Dead, but 'Thousands of His Tribesmen Are All Beitullahs, and Allah Willing They Will Take Revenge on the Criminal Americans,'" October 1, 2009, http://www.memrijttm.org/content/en/blog_personal.htm?id=1999¶m=GJN [3] See footnote 1, above. [4] Pakistani scientist convicted in a Manhattan court in February 2010 of trying to kill U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan. [5] Hakimullah Mehsud's predecessor, killed in a U.S. drone attack on August 5, 2009. [6] The 2007 Pakistan military operation at Islamabad's Red Mosque against radical clerics and their armed students. |