Monday, 31 May 2010

MEMRI - The Middle East Media Research Institute
Special Dispatch|2986| May 31, 2010

MEMRI TV Clips on the Gaza Flotilla: Activists On Board Chant Songs of Martyrdom at Departure

The following are three clips from the MEMRI TV Project on the Gaza flotilla. In the first, Gaza-based Yemeni professor Abd Al-Fatah Nu'man states that as much as the heroes on the flotilla want to reach Gaza, the option of martyrdom is more desirable to them (Al-Aqsa TV, May 28, 2010; to view, visit The second is a report on the flotilla prior to its departure for Gaza, showing activists on board chanting Intifada songs and praising martyrdom (Al-Jazeera, May 28, 2010; to view, visit In the third clip, Ahmad Hassan Omar, a member of the Egyptian Association for International Law, stated that Turkey and other countries should use aid convoys to transfer weapons to Gaza and return refugees to Acre (Al-Jazeera, May 18, 2010; to view, visit

Gaza-Based Yemeni Professor Abd Al-Fatah Nu'man: As Much As the Heroes on the Flotilla Want to Reach Gaza, the Option of Martyrdom Is More Desirable to Them – Al-Aqsa TV, May 28, 2010

Dr. Abd Al-Fatah Nu'man: "The word 'fleet' and all the talk about its commander, Bülent Yildirim, reminded me of the days when the Mediterranean Sea was full of Islamic fleets. Today, once again, we smell the scent of the fleet. True, the current fleet does not bear weapons or carry armies, but it carries the same scent – believing men, armed with faith.

"Yesterday, I was following the news agencies, and they reported the threats of the Zionists to detain the convoy and to prevent it from reaching Gaza. On the other side, there are people armed with faith and resolve, who chant – even while hearing the threats: 'Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return.' A woman stood on the deck, and said: "We await one of two good things – to achieve martyrdom or to reach the shore of Gaza."

"This scent is a message to the Islamic nation worldwide: Islam is coming, and Gaza is the spearhead that sets the nation in motion.


"What they fear today is the awakening of the Islamic nation. The issue is not the entrance of a convoy or the arrival of aid. The fear of the convoy and of Gaza is, in fact, the fear of the Zionists and of the [Arab] rulers. These rulers, who weigh heavily on the Arab and Islamic nation, are no less terrified than the Zionists of those actions that awaken the shackled, persecuted, and oppressed nation.

"My message is to those heroes who are, as we speak, at mid-sea, in pitch darkness under the skies, their palms raised to Allah in supplication. What are they asking for? The Prophet Muhammad said: "He whose feet have been covered with dust for the sake of Allah is saved from the Hellfire, and he who has fought even for only the time it takes to milk a she-camel secures a place in Paradise." These heroes were selected by Allah to carry out this mission – the mission of awakening the nation, and this will bring honor upon them.

"Yesterday, the commander of the fleet said: 'We will not allow the Zionists to come near us, and we will wage resistance against them.' With what will they wage resistance? With their fingernails. These are people who wish to be martyred for the sake of Allah. As much as they want to reach Gaza, the other option is more desirable to them.

"We pray to Allah that they be awarded both good things: That they reach the shore of Gaza safe and sound, and that they be granted martyrdom, along with us, on the walls of the Al-Aqsa Mosque – as conquerors."

Al-Jazeera TV Report from "Freedom Flotilla" Before Its Departure for Gaza: Activists On Board Chant Intifada Songs and Praise Martyrdom – May 28, 2010

Reporter: "Despite the Israeli threats and some unexpected obstacles, the arrival of the ships at the rendezvous, in preparation to set sail to Gaza, has kindled the emotions and enthusiasm of the participants."

Crowd chanting: "Khaybar, Khaybar, oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return."

Reporter: "Through songs about the Palestinian Intifada, the participants expressed their longing to reach Gaza."

Participant 1: "The brothers here are shouting and are full of enthusiasm. They are waiting to leave soon, with the ships around us in the sea. Allah willing, we will make our way to Gaza."

Participant 2: "We are now waiting for one of two good things – either to achieve martyrdom, or to reach Gaza."

Egyptian Expert on International Law Ahmad Hassan Omar: Turkey and Other Countries Should Use Aid Convoys to Transfer Weapons to Gaza and Returning Refugees to Acre – Al-Jazeera, May 18, 2010

Interviewer: "A spokesman for the Israeli Foreign Ministry said that the ['Freedom Fleet'] campaign was a provocation and a violation of Israeli law. How are we to understand this, from a legal perspective?"

Dr. Hassan Ahmad Omar: "Resolution 3103 of the UN General Assembly, issued in 1973, affirmed the basic rights of combatants against foreign, racist, occupying forces. According to this resolution, all the counties in the world have the right – and even the obligation – to aid the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, in the form of food supplies and weapons. Moreover, the time has come to implement Resolution 194, regarding the return of the Palestinian refugees.

"These convoys could carry food supplies and weapons, as well as Palestinian refugees, who want to return to their homeland.


"Israel, which imposes a siege on the Gaza Strip, cannot talk about legal channels for providing aid. In my view, Turkey..."

Interviewer: "But such channels exist, don't they?"

Dr. Hassan Ahmad Omar: "The siege that Israel is imposing... It is necessary to provide Gaza not only with food, water, and building supplies, but also with weapons. Weapons must be provided, because these are weapons of revolutionaries, and aid must be provided to the Gaza Strip.

"It is necessary [to help] the refugees return to the Gaza Strip, as well as to the Acre region, because according to the partition plan, it belongs to the Arab state of Palestine.


"The various countries have an obligation to provide these weapons and food to Gaza, and [to enable] the return of the refugees.

"Turkey could revive the commission consisting of Turkey, France, and the US, which was mentioned in Resolution 194 regarding the return of the refugees, thus facilitating the return of the refugees to Acre – at least the half million refugees from Lebanon – in accordance with article 6 of Security Council Resolution 1559.

"These aid campaigns should not be restricted to food and water. The [ships] could also include returning refugees and weapons for the Palestinian revolutionaries.


"I would like to recommend that the brothers in Turkey use the hovercraft as a means of transportation."

Interviewer: "But all these proposals require official international support for these ships. Does this campaign enjoy such support?"

Dr. Hassan Ahmad Omar: "UN Resolution 3103 obliges these countries to provide aid to the Gaza Strip. The hovercraft can carry all the cars and all the aid. Since the Gaza port is not ready, the amphibian hovercraft can reach the very sands of Gaza.

"In all future aid campaigns for Gaza we can use the hovercraft. I have approached the International Islamic Bank, and proposed that they buy hovercraft, and give them to countries that want to provide aid to Gaza."