Sunday, 16 May 2010

Special Report: Two topics you must know about if you want to understand the times and where we are headed. Please forward on to your family and friends.

Topic One:

The Bank for International Settlements and Global Governance

Click here to view the online video of this week's episode of The Worldview Weekend Hour with Brannon Howse.
Bill Clinton's mentor, Carroll Quigley said The Bank for International Settlements is the "apex" of a system that will blend capitalism and socialism in order "to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks, which were themselves private corporations." In this episode of The Worldview Weekend Hour Brannon breaks down the history and goals of the BIS and their involvement in the creation of a coming global economic system. On April 26, 2010 the President of European Central Bank gave a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations in which he declares that the Bank for International Settlements will be one of the major forces behind global governance. Brannon breaks down the speech of Jean-Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank and what it means for you and America.

This is the complete episode of the Worldview Weekend Hour that will air Monday night, May 17th at 7 PM and 9 PM central time on NRB TV, Channel 378 on Direct TV. The Worldview Weekend Hour airs at this time and on this network each Monday night. Please tell your friends.

Topic Two:

The Dangerous Worldview of Maurice Strong
and Sustainable Development

by Brannon Howse

This is an excerpt from Brannon's book Grave Influence: 21 Radicals and their Worldviews that Rule America From The Grave. Click here to order your hard-cover copy today which is 368 pages and includes 300 footnotes.

You'll recall that the counter-cultural revolution of the 1960s was largely about the promotion of mysticism, pagan spirituality, and socialism. Many 60s radicals grew up to become educators, reporters, elected officials, corporate officers, and leaders in the radical foundations now implementing sustainable development policies. To drastically understate the case: It's a big problem.

The end game of sustainable development is global governance. If you doubt my claim, then consider the words of the Commission on Global Governance, an organization allied with the United Nations:

The environment, perhaps more than any other issue, has helped to crystallize the notion that humanity has a common future. The concept of sustainable development is now widely used and accepted as a framework within which all countries, rich and poor, should operate. The aspect that particularly concerns us is the global governance implications.[1] [emphasis mine]

After the Brazil Earth Summit, President Bill Clinton created the President's Council on Sustainable Development. As DeWeese explains, the Clinton Administration side-stepped Congress to approve the sustainable development agenda and implement its policies in America:

All cabinet officials had to do was change some wording of existing programs and reroute already-approved funding to begin to implement the agenda-without Congress and without debate. Former Commerce Secretary Ron Brown told a meeting of the President's Council that he could implement 67% of the Sustainable Development agenda in his agency with no new legislation. Other agencies like Interior, EPA, HUD and more did the same thing. To help it all along, Clinton issued a blizzard of Executive Orders.[2]

Some of the groups pushing the sustainable development agenda include Planned Parenthood, the Sierra Club, the National Education Association, and a host of government bureaucrats serving both Republican and Democrat administrations.

Americans are watching the destruction of free-market capitalism under our most socialistic, left-wing administration ever. Yet, in my second book, published in 1995, I warned of this and quoted Maurice Strong, who was head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio. I'll repeat his words to point out that what is happening in America is a long-planned transformation of America into a socialist nation: "Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"[3]

Click here to read this entire article:

The Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefings

Click here to order the Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefing #1 DVD.

Click here to order the Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefing #2 DVD.

The nine commentaries by Brannon Howse on these two DVDs were produced for his national television program "The Worldview Weekend Hour" and are now included in the Worldview Weekend Intelligence Briefing #1 and #2. These DVDs are perfect for individuals, families, a Bible study, Christian School, or Sunday school class. Brannon produced these worldview commentaries for those that desire to understand the times and how to respond through a Biblical worldview, history, future trends, and the application of reason, logic, and context. Brannon takes complex topics and breaks them down in laymen terms thus making this a great resource for ages 10 to 110.