Saturday, 15 May 2010


We had a "census worker" come to our door just now....his mistake. We sent our census form in, with exactly what is required by us as per the constitution of the United many humans reside at my residence.. We sent it back to them the very day we received it in the mail. A few days later, we got a postcard from the census, thanking us for filling out, and, sending our form back to them.
Let me tell you the games they will be playing on you......PLEASE....pass this on to everyone you know.
First of all, they send an elderly, very nice gentleman, disabled to the point that the poor thing could barely make it from his car to the door. That broke my heart.....proving, further the psychological trauma in all this. Well, as soon as this poor man said "I'm from the census", something in my brain just burst, and, I let loose on him. I told him,we already sent it in. He said..."No, they never got it", I screamed...yes they did, they sent a postcard to me telling me they got it......he says..."Well, they never got it. I'm here to help you fill it out." That was response..."GET THE HELL OFF MY PROPERTY RIGHT THIS SECOND. YOU WILL BE GETTING NOTHING MORE FROM ME>>>GET OUT NOW!!!!!
He hobbled back to his car, and, bruce and i watched him, and, went out to warn the neighbors. He had been to most of them already, and, got the same response from them, that he got from me. He went to each and every house...every one...telling everyone that the census never got their form and he was here to help them fill it out.
This is some big hoax being played upon us again, by that lying freak, muslim taking up space in our white house.
We went out into the neighborhood last night, and, that census worker was the only thing everyone was talking about. We live in an elderly mobile home park, and, this was extremely upsetting to these folks....a lot of them vets. All had already been educated to the 1st amendment, and, every person in this park, but one, had the same reaction I had. They ran this man off of their properties. The thing that made them most upset, as it did us, was that barry had the nerve to send out a disabled gentleman, who we could all see was already in great pain, and, we believe that this was done to tug at your heart, which, it did. We are suffering such guilt and bad feelings of having to run off a human in that manner. This is just not how AMERICANS should be forced to live, and, treat each other.
Something is very wrong here.....the census person went to every home in here. All of us had already sent in our forms, on the day we received them, or, very soon thereafter. Geez, elderly do not break the federal law in this manner. And, where is the money coming from? I was under the impression that they would only be going to the homes of the 3 million who did not mail it in. Now, we find out they will be visiting each of you.
BE ALERT, BE AWARE......they will be coming to your door, too. It is NOT ONLY those who did not send their census form back....they are going to every home...and, lying to you about not having received your forms. IT IS A LIE, and, I have no idea what they are trying to pull, but, it DID NOT WORK here.
Be safe PATRIOTS...I fear there is more to come from these folks.
The Foxes
Friday, May 14, 2010 4:09 PM
Subject: re: Census worker showed up at my door w/ the dog barking

saying I had missed the deadline and it had to be done by April 1st- the nerve! I told him there was no deadline on the document- unbelievable. These people drive you nuts.--

"The Dame Truth"