SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2010
The Coming Middle Class Rebellion
Honeymoon glow aside, Britain's middle class is about to get seriously whacked (see previous blogs eg here). Someone's got to pay to clear up Labour's gigantic mess, and there simply aren't enough rich people to go round.
Middle class? We mean those legendary Decent Hard Working Families(herinafter DHWFs) on incomes between £30k and £60k pa. Only 10% of the population get more than them, so they're fairly comfortable - although not comfortable enough to buy themselves out of state education and the NHS. They comprise 50% of the population, and pay getting on for two-thirds of all the taxes falling on UK households.
And boy, are they in for a nasty surprise. for one thing, their taxes are set to go through the roof, and their state benefits binned.
According to accountants Grant Thornton, just adding up the likely tax increases and tougher limits on Child Tax Credits we already know about will make a family on £50k pa £1250 worse off:
- Increase taxes on business - outside the counsels of Greenpeace andWill Hutton, this is universally viewed as A Bad Thing: our business taxes are already high compared to competitors, and at this point we really cannot afford to undermine our future prosperity any further - indeed George needs to cut biz taxes
- Increase taxes on the undeserving rich - sure... except that there aren't nearly enough of them to go round - the combined income of the top 10% is c£230bn pa (2007-08), of which over £80bn is already taken away in tax, leaving just £150bn to squeeze. Moreover, squeeze them too hard and they could upsticks and leave, taking their drive and entrepreneurial skills with them;
- Increase taxes on DHWFs - our middle-class 50% get a combined income of c£450bn pa, of which about £100bn is already taxed away, leaving £350 bn to squeeze further. That's more than twice as much as the undeserving rich have.
- Cut welfare benefits - with the total benefits bill now nearly £200bn pa, this is a clear target for cuts and freezes. But since nobody wants to clobber the genuinely deserving poor, and since the undeserving rich hardly get anything anyway, much of the pain will have to be land on - yes, you guessed it - the DHWFs. At present they get around 40% of the total benefits spend, and they should expect to see a big squeeze.
- Cut spending on public services - total departmental spending excluding benefits is running at around £400bn pa, and that's going to see cuts of 10% or more. By rights, the cuts ought to be accompanied by massive public sector reform to squeeze out better value, but don't hold your breath. And who will suffer? Well, everyone to some extent, but remember that unlike the undeserving rich, the DHWFs can't afford to buy themselves out of underperforming state schools and the NHS.
If you spend a couple of minutes mulling over those options, it's pretty clear who's going to be making the biggest sacrifices over the next few years. It's none other than those Decent Hard Working Families our politicos spend so much time pontificating about and wooing.
So we'll see. Right here today, our Lib-Con coalition basks in warm Spring sunshine with 64% approval. But once the Autumn leaves start falling and cold reality starts to bite, we'll find out what the DHWFs really think.
Labels: tax rebellion