Sunday, May 23, 2010
Chavez Promises to Boost Oil Output
Venezuela is also on course to boost heavy oil output from the Orinco River Belt, a region that sits atop truly awesome petroleum resources.
Click here for the story.Turkey Betrays Obama
Obamappeasement of radical Islam is backfiring to an alarming degree.
Turkey's cypto-Islamist government--the ruling party is rooted in radical Islam--is cooperating closely with nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran, as reported here.North Korea Dominates US-China Talks
Pyongyang's threat to start all-out war with South Korea and the United States should not be taken lightly.
Nothing like this has happened in decades.
New North Korean nuclear and missile tests are increasingly likely.
Google North Korea for breaking news.China Again Disappoints US on N. Korea, Iran
Click here for the story, which confirms China Confidential predictions and analyses of Chinese policy and positions on the interlinked North Korean and Iranian issues.
Greedy Fergie Caught in Prince Andrew Access Sting
IDF Ready for Two-Front War
The Northern Commander of the Israel Defense Forces says the IDF could be ready within hours to fight a full-blown, two-front war with Syria and Hezbollah in the North and Hamas in the South, in (the de facto, Palestinian Islamist mini-state called) Gaza. Read the report from Israel here.Clinton Tours Shanghai Ahead of Talks in Beijing
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Clinton Seeks Chinese Help on North Korea
Communist Crackdown Intensifies in Venezuela
Hugo Chavez, the Communist Crackpot of Venezuela, is escalating his crackdown on financial firms, as reported here.S. Korea, US Considering Level One Readiness
Iran on Phony Nuke Deal: Take It Or Leave It
Obama Reaffirms Commitment to Appeasement
Obama to West Point cadets: engagement (appeasement) is the way forward.US Says Kim OKd North Korean Attack
Monday, 24 May 2010
Venezuela's Communist strongman today announced a planned increase in oil production, hinting he has a way around OPEC quotas. In fact, Venezuela's official output figures are inflated.
North Korea's torpedoing of a South Korean warship in March, an act of war that killed 46 South Korean sailors, is esclating into a major crisis. As China Confidential predicted,China is refusing to go along with punishment of North Korea.
Rising (or already risen?) China has no intention of meaningfully pressuring its Stalinist vassal and Islamist ally--partners in nuclear/missile crime--in order to help the United States. On the contrary, North Korean and Iranian aggression and provocations serve Chinese interests by keeping Washington preoccupied and off balance and helping to make the U.S.--which Beijing sees as a dying but still dangerous hegemon--seem increasingly weak in the eyes of the world.
Failure and Illusion
Interestingly, China, even in light of its own internal Muslim separatist problem, still believes that it can manipulate fascistic/fundamentalist Islam to China's advantage and America's disadvantage. Similarly, the U.S., nearly nine years after 9/11, has yet to free itself of the illusion that Islam can be used as a sword or bulwark against both China and Russia without further, horrific blowback. Hence, Russia's reluctance to really team with Washington against the common enemy that is radical Islam. In some sense, it is as if the Great Game of the 19th century and the Cold War that consumed the second half of the 20th century never ended. The imperial rivalries have simply morphed into a new and more complex--and, given Iran's atomic advance, potentially catastrophic--contest for power and influence.
The Obama administration's appeasement policy--the President's unprecedented, odious outreach to a religion, organized Islam, and apparent obsession with squeezing Israel and creating a Palestinian state likely to be ruled by Islamists--should be viewed in the above context. Put differently, the administration's politically conservative critics should probably spend as much time and effort exposing and understanding the troubling theories and track record of Zbigniew Brzezinski as they have spent on uncovering and analyzing the ideological biases of Obama's left-wing advisers and friends.
Following a shameful tradition of deranged, decadent, and corrupt British aristocrats--including World War II-era Nazi sympathizers and traitors--comes Fergie, the Duchess of York, caught on video selling access to Prince Andrew. A priceless piece. Click here to read it and above and below for the video reports.
Israel and the United States are eager to calm tensions in the region. But Iran is instigating a Middle East conflict, according to China Confidential analysts, in order to divert attention from the monstrous mullahocracy's nuclear arms program.
Analysts add that Islamist/Islamonazi Iran is also pushing--perhaps even paying--its Stalinist/Kimist partner in nuclear and missile proliferation, North Korea, to raise tensions on the Korean Peninsula.
Washington and Jerusalem could be heading into a long, hot summer.
Hillary Clinton toured Shanghai ahead of talks in Beijing expected to focus on trade and economic issues and the looming Korean crisis. Click here for the news.
As of this writing, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is on her way to Beijing. Click here for the story.
China will never turn against its vassal. North Korean aggression and belligerence serves Chinese interests.
Ditto for Iranian aggression....
U.S. President Barack Obama has attempted to engage (appease) Chavez; but the policy has failed to positively influence his behavior (just as engagement has failed to influence Iran, apart from emboldening it).
South Korea and the United States are considering the highest level of readiness--Level One-- since the end of the Korean War. Click here for the story.
China Confidential analysts believe a full-scale war is quite possible. North Korea has no real fear of Washington. Neither does Iran, North Korea's partner in nuclear/missile crime.
Both nations regard the U.S. as a dying hegemon; its president, Barack Obama, as a useful idiot of appeasement.
Nuclear-armed North Korea and nuclear-arming Iran have jointly developed and tested cargo vessel-based ballistic missile launch systems capable of (a) striking U.S. coastal cities and (b) also, perhaps, launching nuclear warheads at altitudes above the U.S. in an EMP attack.
Iran is more defiant than ever. Click here for the story.
And click here for a must-read column by Charles Krauthammer.
North Korea's deranged Dear Leader must have authorized the torpedoing of the South Korean warship, according to U.S. intelligence officials. Click here for the story.
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Britannia Radio