Sunday, May 30, 2010
Understanting Obama's Doctrine of Defeat
Why does the Obama Administration focus on engaging enemies? Because it is precisely, according to the Obama world view, the "bad boy" powers which must be appeased. After all, since the United States is conceived as weak and overextended, the ones threatening to disrupt everything are too strong to oppose, they must be coopted.
That is why "appeasement" is a correct word here, more than I ever realized before. These countries are being offered partnership from a standpoint of weakness, a situation in which even if their price is very high they must be paid off because there is no alternative. What saves the United States and perhaps the world here is that the real enemies (and neither China nor Russia belong in that category) are so confident and extremist that--as we have seen in Iran's case--they will inevitably set the price too high for even the Obama Administration to meet.
Read the whole essay, by Barry Rubin, here.Hezbollah Bolstered by South American Ties
Thank God for Israel's Nuclear Deterrent
Notice that Tel Aviv is considered the most threatened city in the world, with more missiles aimed at it than any other.
Tel Aviv is also one of the most liveable and beautiful cities, a commercial, cultural, residential paradise on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.China Backs North Korean Aggression
It supports and sustains North Korean aggression and criminality.
China Confidential has been making this point for five years; and the mainstream press is finally cathing on. Click here and here for examples.Friday, May 28, 2010
Obama Targeting Israel's Nuclear Deterrent
Sadly, we have been proven right. Click here for the story.
Suddenly, the plot--to weaken and destroy Israel--comes into sharp focus. Iran (the country that invented chess) only needs to keep developing its missiles and chemical warheads, parallel to the stockpiles being built up by Syria and Hezbollah, and to successfully mobilize international pressure to force Israel to scrap its atomic arsenal, in order to set the Jewish State up for annihilation.
Iran can eventually even pretend to halt its nuclear advance, once it becomes nuclear capable or, even, almostnuclear capable, to put Israel in an indefensible position.
Suddenly, it all makes sense ... the appeasement and Grand Bargain ... the obsession with forcing Israel to withdraw to indefensible borders ... the outreach to "the Muslim world" ... the prohibition against use of Islam,Islamism, Islamic ... the nuclear conclave in Washington ... the nuclear-free world nonsense ... the strategic placement of articles alleging Israel-South African nuclear cooperation ... and so on and so forth.
That American Jews overwhelmingly voted for Obama is shameful. That they are still supporting him is mind-boggling.
Read all about it here.
And click here to read an update on the utter failure of U.S. foreign policy with regard to Brazil and (steadily Islamizing) Turkey, two important countries increasingly aligned with Iran.Thursday, May 27, 2010
China Watches as Korean Situation Escalates
And China is again disappointing the United States, as predicted.
Click here for the editorial in The New York Times. It reads like a China Confidential comment, which is scary.
This weekend could see new North Korean threats--and provocations.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Despite President Obama's odious appeasement of radical Islam and relentless squeezing of Israel, Islamist terrorist groups are escalating and intensifying their efforts to attack the United States; and groups like Hezbollah are bolstered by South American links, as this analysis explains.
Israeli subs, armed with nuclear-tipped missiles, are ready to to deal with Islamonazi Iran, according to this report.
Seeing China plain....
Alone among pro-Israel blogs and media outlets, China Confidential has repeatedly warned that the Obama administration plans to focus attention on--and ultimately neutralize--Israel's presumed nuclear deterrent. Click herefor a recent report.
The Korean situation is escalating sharply, as predicted.
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Britannia Radio