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PLO/Fatah and Iran: The Special Relationship Historical and Investigative Research – 25 May 2010 Introduction The Obama administration, like any government, routinely makes public statements about its intentions. Let us consider three recent cases. 1. Last Friday it was reported that “Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is pushing for another round of United Nations sanctions against Iran.”[1] The translation: the US government thinks Iran is the bad guys and will work to undermine Iran. 2. A week ago, President Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel stated to a group of rabbis that “ ‘concerning policy, we have done everything that we can that is in Israel’s security – and long-range interests. Watch what the administration does.’ ”[2] The translation: the US government thinks Israel is the good guys and will work to strengthen Israel. 3. Last Tuesday, it was reported that “US Middle East envoy George Mitchell is scheduled to hold talks in Ramallah on Wednesday with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, marking the launch of the ‘proximity talks’ with Israel.”[3]This comes after very strong and public statements from the Obama administration demanding that Israel reach a final agreement on a so-called ‘two-state solution’ with the Palestinian Authority. Now, the ‘Palestinian Authority’ is none other than PLO/Fatah. So the translation is this: the US thinks PLO/Fatah is the good guys and should govern its own state on strategic territory now controlled by Israel. Are these three nearly simultaneous statements of intentions consistent with each other? There is one hypothetical scenario under which they are. This scenario requires that we accept certain things as fact. First of all, on the basis of Iran’s universally recognized sponsorship of terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, which openly declare their goal to exterminate the Israeli Jews while attacking Israeli civilians, we accept the president of Iran’s public declaration that his government would like to “wipe out” the State of Israel. Second, we accept that PLO/Fatah has nothing at all to do with Iran or its terrorist proxies, and merely wants a piece of land so that it may live in peace with Israel. If this is all true, then it makes sense that the US should simultaneously oppose Iran and wish to see a ‘two-state solution’ signed between Israel and PLO/Fatah. But one can imagine other hypothetical scenarios. For example, if it should turn out that PLO/Fatah really is part of an Iranian offensive to “wipe out” Israel, then the Obama administration’s quite aggressive diplomacy to endow PLO/Fatah with its own state in strategic Israeli territory would be in contradiction with 1) its stated opposition to Iran, and 2) the supposedly determined effort it makes to further “Israel’s security – and long-range interests.” In such a case a student of geopolitics would have to think harder about what is really going on. Here we will examine the historical relationship between PLO/Fatah and Iran in order to establish that PLO/Fatah is part of an Iranian offensive to destroy Israel. This will prepare us for some hard geopolitical thinking. |
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
The discussion progresses from the roots of Antisemitism within
the past 100 years,
Eugenics-Geo Political Ambitions of the Power Elite within
the USA government,
Roots in Arab History and connections to Nazism.
The process towards the destruction of Israel.
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