“The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…” The Prime Ministerof Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publicly read an Islamic poem. Senior EDL leadership informs me that thousands of Muslims have begun rioting in Dudley, and throwing missiles and objects at the protesters -- the true face of Islam. EDL leadership report that in addition to thousands of rioting Muslims, loads of muslim gangs are roaming. The English Defence League has occupied the rooftop of a derelict building in Dudley earmarked for a mammoth new mosque. EDL Members are camped out on the roof of the proposed site of the Dudley monster mosque. The Muslims are throwing objects at the roof protesters, but are unable to reach. This is the site of the monster sized mosque where the EDL held a rally last month in Dudley (see here). 22,000 locals signed a petition against the mosque in Dudley, but they dismissed the will of the people and approved construction anyway. They are playing the Muslim call to prayer over their PA to give the locals a taste of what's in store for them. The group staged a daytime protest in the town on Easter Saturday to show their objection to the planned new place of worship - and almost immediately afterwards supporters said a return visit was already being planned. An eyewitness said: "They're waving England flags and blaring out Islamic music from a loud speaker." The EDL's website says the protestors "have food and water to last them weeks, and a pa system to give speeches". It adds: "I believe they even have a Playstation. They will be playing the call to prayer to let those who are not bothered by this mosque know what to look forward to." (here) Stay close. I am getting updates from inside regularly. Pics to follow. UPDATE: Here's an eyewitness account from an EDL supporter who was there. For the sake of clarity, I have posted this edited version, at my EDL contact's request. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 09:49 PM in COUNTER JIHAD FRONT | Permalink | Comments (17) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! I have to wonder if the would-be murderers are Muslim. I say that because the police immediately said the assailants were mentally ill. That is always code for lone jihadis, Muslims who go off on Jews, honor killers, etc. Kippah-Wearing Jew Stabbed in Chest in Strasbourg (hat tip Jane) (Israelnationalnews.com) A Jewish man was brutally attacked in Strasbourg, France, on Friday night. The man, who is 42, was attacked by two assailants. One of them hit him across the back of the head with a metal rod and the other stabbed him in the chest. He was reportedly in serious condition. The attackers were taken into custody. Authorities have indicated that one or both of them are “mentally ill.” According to an eyewitness, the victim was wearing a kippah when he was assaulted. News agency DPA reported that the man was attacked by two men wearing djellaba robes of the kind traditionally worn in North Africa. MK Ze'ev Bielski (Kadima) asked Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman to demand that France do everything possible to prevent anti-Semitic attacks. The MK added that “one cannot accept a situation in which French Jews are attacked just for being Jews.” Three years ago, a Jewish youth named Ilan Halimi was kidnapped and tortured to death by a Muslim gang in a Paris suburb. The horror of Ilan Halimi and Islamic anti-semitism here. They say that the man is in serious condition after being stabbed and assaulted by two men wearing North African garb. More code. Posted by Pamela Geller on Monday, May 03, 2010 at 12:49 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Police closes streets as EDL members stream into Dudley to show support. Muslims are on their way to "counter." Stay tuned. If you can't view the live feed above go to the feed here. “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and Muslims our soldiers…” The Prime Ministerof Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, publicly read an Islamic poem. Fresh off the victory of yesterday's pro-freedom rally, EDL Members are camped out on the roof of the proposed site of the Dudley Super Mosque ....super fortress. Senior EDL leaderrship informs that EDL supporters are on their way to Dudley to support them now. The EDL had a rally against this monstrosity last month in Dudley. I covered their peaceful, brave protest in the face of attacks by Muslims and leftistshere. 22,000 locals signed a petition against the mosque in Dudley, but the dhimmi government went over their heads and said it was going to be built anyway. The EDL has the support of a local UK councillor too, which is huge. Check out their website. Over at the EDL site, read the whole thing: It has come to our attention that one man in the political world has been on a fight. A fight for his local people. He has faced derision, he has faced contempt, he has faced hostility. Yet he is still prepared to make a stand for what he knows is the wishes of the people he represents. For five long years Councillor Malcolm Davis of Dudley has represented his people with dignity, and integrity on the issue of the massively unwanted supermosque that a small section of the population is trying to impose on the community. Despite over 22,000 signatories against it and very few for, it is being pushed through. Councillor Davis has been a shining light in trying to get this behemoth blight removed from the horizon. When the EDL came to Dudley, at first Cllr Davis opposed our visit. He showed unity with other groups. They had heard things about us that simply weren't true. The fact is, we the EDL are a group of ordinary people who see things as they are, that we have an enemy within this nation and the vast majority of politicians know this is the case yet they are too self-serving to raise their head above the parapet. He came to our meetings with police, he was again in the background without publicity fighting for what he believed was right. He told us straight exactly what his opinions were whether it was what we wanted to hear or not. A true man of integrity and courage. After the Dudley demonstration, he saw that we were really people of honour. He saw the people of Dudley coming out of their houses to applaud us as our coaches drove by, he saw people getting out of their cars to cheer and wave. He saw the true nature of our support in Dudley. He saw that we are a force of good. After Dudley, he wrote a letter and sent it to the press. Not one paper or publication printed it either in whole or part. Not one. This shows the extent of how far they go to hide the truth. We, the EDL, shall publish this letter and allow this noble man his freedom of speech. I went to considerable length to make sure the demonstration of the EDL was not supported on Saturday, including attending police meetings arranged, and in conjunction with the EDL. It would appear that at several meetings prior to this one a group calling themselves the UAF turned up in opposition and were more disruptive and had more arrests on these previous occasions than the EDL. I commend the police by their prior action and the way they tried to stabilize an awkward operation, but am most annoyed that people supporting the EDL were penned in like animals whilst the UAF were given the freedom to walk clear. It also doesn’t help when, as a politician, I denied myself the great opportunity to be well advertised and promoted as part of the demonstration on behalf of UKIP, whilst people like the Bishop of Dudley used it specifically as an excuse to promote his own selfish interests and use it as his own personal pulpit. My sons attended the demonstration against my wishes and were standing by an old gentleman who did no more or less than buy a loaf of bread, but was told he could not exit the crowd until they were all dispersed together. The same thing happened to many ordinary residents from our surrounding estates who found themselves fenced in like animals until they were released. It is little wonder, under these circumstances, that frustration got the better of some in the crowd who objected to be herded like sheep. Two sections of fencing was pushed down and if this amounted to £150,000 worth of damage, the fencing must have been made out of gold. The top and bottom of the whole affair revolves round the covenant and had been called in as demanded of this council by the people there would be no excuse to call into Dudley or use it as an excuse to demonstrate at all. This Council has denied the rights of every citizen of Dudley, who asked for this Giant Mosque to be stopped. They had every right morally and in law to service the covenant and take back land that was gifted to a few outspoken greedy members of our society who think they have the authority to dip into the public purse every time they require another favour. If justice isn’t done and more demonstrations have to be planned to stop this edifice being built I will exercise my right and the right of every single citizen of Dudley to express my opposition to the development of anything that does not have the people’s approval. Councillor Malcolm Davis, UKIP. UPDATE: 100 EDL are now on the roof, over 200 police. UPDATE: 8pm: Senior EDL leadership informs me more EDL members on the way. The police have sealed off the streets. The EDL's website says the protestors "have food and water to last them weeks, and a pa system to give speeches". Stay tuned for more updates direct from EDL central command. UPDATE: This EDL action is getting local media attention here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 05:53 PM in COUNTER JIHAD FRONT | Permalink | Comments (6) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! This is getting little coverage due to the foiled deadly car bomb in Times Square: Police say they have found an explosive device near the course of the Pittsburgh Marathon, forcing them to detour the final part of the race. PITTSBURGH -- Police say they have found an explosive device near the course of the Pittsburgh Marathon, forcing them to detour the final part of the race. Police say the device was found in a small microwave oven on the sidewalk after the leaders had finished the course Sunday morning. Several blocks were cordoned off near the original finish line for the marathon and half-marathon. The bomb squad used a robot to disable the device. The all-clear was given for the area shortly before 11 a.m. About 5,000 people took part in the full marathon. The disruption comes a day after a car-bomb scare in New York emptied Times Square. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 01:37 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (1) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! The mainstream media is dismissing the gravity of the failed Times Square bomb as "amateurish." Many headlines are leading with this angle. This, yet again, reflects the nonsensical and lethal "logic" of our news gatherers. Video: Times Square Bomb Scare: 'Very Deadly' Blast Averted This is ridiculous on its face. Thousands of people could have been hurt, many killed. Saturday night in Times Square is teeming with humanity. Let's assume it was Islamic jihad. Whether he was loosely tied to an organization or was a lone jihadi, what's the difference if the motivation was the same? How many soldiers of Allah (a moniker on Fort Hood's jihad Major Hasan business card) are there playing with bombs in their basements? Worse, their motivation is sanctioned by the Obama administration, by its silence and refusal to address (or even speak of) Islamic jihad. Times Square vendor who helped alert police to car bomb is back at his post Further, it bears repeating that it was a vigilant veteran who "saw something and said something." Why is this so crucial? Because he saved lives and untold injury (imagine a fireball explosion in the heart of NYC). This is the same policy that Muslim Brotherhood front and un-indicted co-conspirator CAIR has been relentlessly pursuing in its litigation jihad against our self-defense. "It looks as if the perp was trying to light it up, and was interrupted by the cops, panicked and took off," a law enforcement source said. "It looked like someone tried to detonate it and we got to it in time," a police source said. "This is a big deal. It has the makings of a real car bomb."(NY Daily News) Imagine that Mayor Bloomberg has sitting on his "human rights" council the lawyer suing the airlines and who wanted to sue the Jane and John Does who saw something and said something in an airline dry run. The city of “if you see something, say something” has on our “human rights commission” a litigation jihadist who is representing the flying imams –people saw something and said something, and Omar Mohammedi with CAIR filed suit. Stealth jihadist and the worst, most obvious conflict of interest. Terror lawyer Mohammedi represents a number of organizations that are the One of the organizations he is the lawyer for is the World Assembly for Muslim Youth (WAMY), a Saudi-based group with offices around the globe that publishes incendiary materials against Jews and openly supports Hamas and violent jihad. Omar Mohammedi serves as attorney for the Flying Imams, the six imams who were removed from a US Airways flight after passengers complained that they were acting suspiciously. Mohammedi filed a lawsuit on their behalf for unspecified damages, citing “fear, depression, mental pain and financial injury” on the part of the imams.[17] He also initially filed suit against the passengers who complained, which would have had a chilling effect on anyone reporting suspicious behavior by Muslims in airports — although that part of the suit was dropped after Republicans in Congress passed legislation to protect the passengers. The Mayor has this stealth jihadist on his human rights commission? SIOA (Stop the Islamization of America) Action Alert! Send it to your circle! Contact the Mayor directly by writing, calling, faxing or e-mailing and let him know that Mohammedi must go. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg City Hall New York, NY 10007 PHONE 311 (or 212-NEW-YORK outside NYC) FAX (212) 788-8123 CONTACT THE MAYOR HERE And join the SIOA Facebook group here, if you haven't already. UPDATE: Devout Muslims in Pakistan are taking credit -- here. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 12:36 PM in Jihad in America: Enemy in our Midst | Permalink | Comments (20) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! If the US sanctioned brutal and misogynist Iran's UN appointment to the women's commission, then the abandonment of our best friend and strategic ally, the Jewish homeland in the Middle East, to jihadist savages is the obvious move. Another Obama anti-America, anti-freedom first in US history. J Post reporting: In an attempt to launch indirect proximity talks between Israel and the Palestinians, the US has given private assurances that it would consider not using its veto power against UN Security Council condemnations of any significant new settlement activity, the Guardian reported. Posted by Pamela Geller on Sunday, May 02, 2010 at 01:10 AM in Obama: Lethal for Israel | Permalink | Comments (10) Reblog (0) | | Digg This | Save to del.icio.us | Tweet This! Finally get out and about -- Saturday night in NY -- and I have to bolt home to report this story. Can we count on Muslim bombs failing? And catching every jihadi before he gets one of his balls bombs off? Is that our strategy now? Here's a shot of New York's Times Square, empty of tourists, after police and fire personnel close off parts of the area. This part of town on a Saturday night is teeming with humanity. There was an unconfirmed report that someone was seen running from the car, Browne said. The SUV is parked very close to a production of "The LionKing" on 45th Street. Women in evening gowns were among the crowd on one of the warmest nights of the year and the busiest night of the week for Broadway theaters in the area. Has Obama apologized for the theater district yet, or has he written another big fat check to jihad? A New York City firefighter who said he arrived early on the scene described the vehicle as a dark-colored SUV, and said it was parked at the corner of 45th Street and Seventh Avenue. He confirmed the vehicle was smoking and also said he saw "a flash" from the back of the SUV. The firefighter said a "mini-explosion" occurred between 6 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. (here) Times Square evacuation was for failed explosive device The Post NEW YORK -- The dark-colored sports utility vehicle which triggered the evacuation of Times Square Saturday night was found to contain explosives, gasoline, propane and burned wires, a New York Fire Department officer told Reuters. The officer, who did not give his name because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said a man was seen fleeing the car and police had protectively evacuated several blocks around the popular tourist area in the center of Manhattan in case there were other devices. The officer said law enforcement at the scene of the sports utility vehicle - which was smoking and from which popping sounds were heard earlier - were treating the vehicle as a "failed device." UPDATE: ABC News reporting now: Cops Find Suspected Car Bomb in Times Square Police found a car bomb in a parked sport utility vehicle Saturday evening in New York City's Times Square, then evacuated buildings and cleared streets of thousands of tourists in the landmark known as the "Crossroads of the World." UPDATE: They must have gotten the O-memo. A federal official said it was not considered it a terrorist threat and that the New York Police Department had told theDepartment of Homeland Security to stand down. The official would not say why he believed that or what the New York Police Department told them about the episode. (NY Times) No, granny at the tea party is the terrorist threat, right, B. Hussein? UPDATE: Pamela H was on scene -- camera in tow: Either the terrorists were running a drill, or the cops were...It sure seemed like it could have been a 'drill'...and if the terrorists ran such a practice run, I guess they got to watch how Times Square is going to manage the situation (on May Day). And we all know how the terrorists love the symbolism of certain dates... I watched it start from the upper level of McD's so it all seemed a bit casual, but then a woman came in, frazzled, and said people were running up town saying the pop, pops they just heard was a gun....then there was talk of a bomb... (For slide show of more pics click though to blog)http://wp.me/paE4E-232 In a few pictures you can see the bottles of water left behind and some chairs people knocked over as they got out of dodge. As far as the cops, it still took a few minutes before they started clearing Duffy Square. It was a fire...it was a bomb...still have no idea. More snaps, video and coverage over at Vigilant Squirrel Brigade UPDATE: Investigators removed three propane tanks, consumer-grade fireworks, two filled 5-gallon gasoline containers, and two clocks with batteries, electrical wire and other components, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said at a news conference early Sunday. A black metal box resembling a gun locker was also recovered. "I think the intent was to cause a significant ball of fire," Kelly said. UPDATE: STREETS STILL CLOSED FROM 44TH TO 46TH, 6TH AVENUE TO 8TH AVENUE Bomb being dismantled and will be detonated in a secure location out of the city. UPDATE: From Robert: The Telegraph has noticed: "The location is also adjacent to the Viacom building, fuelling speculation that it might be linked to the company's controversial South Park cartoon which recently depicted Prophet Muhammad in a bear suit." Note the now-universal mainstream media reference to "Prophet Muhammad," as if we're all Muslims now.THOUSANDS OF MUSLIMS RIOTING IN DUDLEY, MUSLIM GANGS WILDING WITH KNIVES AS EDL STAGES ROOFTOP PROTEST OF MONSTER MOSQUE
When I came to I found myself lying in the gutter aching all over. I got up and ran to where the EDL'ers had originally been, only to find police, riot cops, dogs and plainclothes men blocking the roads. The police refused to let me through, even though they knew I was still a bit dazed. They demanded I walk back the way I came -- past the Muslims who had worked me over. So I did. I got to a crossroads and again, 50+ of the Muslims ran me back to the cops. At that point, the riot police took control and beat the s**t outta 'em (cheers, boys :D), while I sat on the curb waiting to be seen to. I was approached by a cop who escorted me to paramedics, who checked me over and sent me on my way.Monday, May 03, 2010
Sunday, May 02, 2010
It adds: "I believe they even have a Playstation. They will be playing the call to prayer to let those who are not bothered by this mosque know what to look forward to." PITTSBURGH: EXPLOSIVE DEVICE FOUND NEAR COURSE OF THE PITTSBURGH MARATHON: RACE ALTERED
Pittsburgh Marathon Course Altered by Bomb Scare FOXNews.com
defendants in a 9/11 lawsuit for the murder of 3000 innocent people.MORE OBAMA TERROR: 'US MAY STOP USING UN VETO ON RESOLUTIONS TARGETING ISRAEL'
A Palestinian source quoted by the UK paper said David Hale, a deputy of US Middle East envoy George Mitchell, told Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas last week that if there was "significantly provocative settlement activity," including in east Jerusalem, Washington may consider allowing UNSC resolutions censuring Israel to pass. According to the paper, the source said "it was understood that meant the US would abstain from voting on a resolution rather than use its veto."Saturday, May 01, 2010