They were warned, of course, when the Euro was introduced that its inherent incoherence as the purported ‘common’ currency of wildly different economies would eventually bring it down, along with the EU project itself and the economies that so rashly tied themselves to it. It’s not actually Europe that would fail. The countries sharing the continent of Europe could continue very happily to trade and ally with each other. What might now fail is the hubristic and anti-democratic project for an EU superstate, hoist by its own monetary petard. Bring it on. Looks like he is so determined to neutralise the dissent against him among Tory MPs that he knows is boiling just below the surface that he intends to destroy this important check and balance on Tory ministers. This would be another blow to Parliament and a corresponding strengthening of the executive, following the proposal for a fixed term Parliament which would have the same effect – precisely the opposite that should be happening in any truly ‘reforming’ government. Talking of which, Nick Clegg – who amusingly...(THE EU-RINALS)
Thursday, 20th May 2010
Heubris and nemesis
According to German Chancellor Angela Merkel:The euro is in danger. If we don’t deal with this danger, then the consequences for us in Europe are incalculable . . . If the euro fails, then Europe fails.
Best news I’ve heard in a long time.Wednesday, 19th May 2010
Britain's 'new politics'
Golly – this coalition really does look more and more like a coup against Parliament. It appears that David Cameron told his MPs this afternoon that he was proposing to include the government ‘payroll vote’ in the 1922 committee of Tory backbenchers – in other words, to destroy this committee as an independent force.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
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Britannia Radio