It's been entertaining listening to the BBC do everything possible to undermine the new Lib/Con Government. Every card is being played to give the impression that things look grim. I liked the BBC comment that the press conference in the Downing Street garden looked liked "a civil partnership." I guess they would know? God help us all. The "left-leaning" (BBCspeak for ardent lefty, Europhile, climate change fanatic) Chris Huhne is taking up the environment and climate change brief. Expect this intolerant, self-opinionated noneity to be omnipresent on BBC programmes from now on; and expect an instant stepping up of the volume of climate change moonshine. Oh, and prepare for massive power cuts - because that's where we are heading.TIME FOR A NEW ELECTION?
>> WEDNESDAY, MAY 12, 2010
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
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Britannia Radio