Tuesday, May 04, 2010
US Arrests Pakistani-American in Times Square Case
Faisal was reportedly arrested at JFK Airport, trying to flee the country.
CBS News says his name was "familiar to counter-terrorism investigators." That could simply mean that his name had been added to the no-fly list.
The Taliban of Pakistan--known as the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, or TTP--have claimed responsibility for the attempted atrocity.
Investigators are reported to be examining similarities between the incident and coordinated attacks in the summer of 2007 in Glasgow and London. Both attacks involved cars containing propane and gasoline that did not explode.Monday, May 03, 2010
Sure Enough, Washington Post Blames Israel for Obama's Failure to Stop Iran's Nuclear Program
Significance of the TTP Times Square Claim
Pending further developments in the case, Charlie Szrom and Chris Harnisch put the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP) claim of responsibility for the attempted Times Square car-bombing in perspective:A TTP attack attempt on the American homeland – regardless of its success – would signify a hitherto unknown capability of the TTP. Whether or not the TTP conducted the attack, observers should recognize the group’s propaganda campaign as an effort to weaken international support and Pakistani will for any North Waziristan incursion and prove its strength. The U.S. should also take all necessary precautions to defeat and defend against the TTP, recognizing that whatever its operational capacity in the U.S., the group has clearly identified the U.S. as a target and itself as a member of the global network led by al Qaeda.
Read the authors' analysis here.Appeasement Update: Christian Science Paper Publishes Pro-Iran Nuclear Arms Propaganda
Islamist Link to Foiled Times Square Bombing
Click here for the story.
No matter what happens, the Obama administration will downplay the Islamist/Islamic link to the attempted atrocity.
America's first Muslim-born (according to Islamic law) President is bent on appeasing and, if at all possible, even aligning with organized Islam/Islamism/Islamofascism.
EXTRA! Obama Appeasement Hurting Oppressed Christians in Muslim LandsNew Hitler Defiant at UN Nuke Conference
The nuclear-arming, new Hitler--Islamonazi Iran's maniac-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad--defiantly lashed out at the United States and other nuclear powers today in his headline grabbing speech at United Nations headquarters in New York.Click here for the story.
The U.S. government, under President Barack Hussein Obama, has for one year and four months appeased Islamonazi/Islamist Iran (and Islamism in general). Incredibly, the Obama administration has at times also attempted to actually align with Iran's monstrous mullahocracy in a Grand Bargain in the hope of pacifying Pakistan and Afghanistan and neutralizing or at least reducing the Iranian threat to (Sunni) Saudi Arabia--Shiite Iran's rival fountainhead of fascistic, fundamentalist Islam.
The Obama-adoring, dialogue-loving, liberal media has applauded the President's perfidious policy, billed as engagement, even though it has clearly emboldened Iran by providing it with the space and time it has needed to advance the regime's menacing nuclear and missile development programs.
One-and-a-half years after Obama's election, Iran is dangerously close to becoming a nuclear-weapons state or a nuclear-capable country. New sanctions on Iran, even if adopted, will not stop its America-hating, Holocaust-denying maniac-in-chief, atomic ayatollah and mad mullahs.
There is no diplomatic solution to the Iranian problem. Regime change from within is a fantasy. War with Iran is inevitable.
Will it be fought on Tehran's terms?
The botched and thankfully foiled car-bomb attack in Times Square is a chilling reminder of the vulnerability of New York City, which is still the number one terrorist target in the United States after Washington D.C.
There is practically no defense against professionally engineered car and truck bombs, which can be detonated by suicide attackers whilst they are driving, or detonated remotely by the drivers--using cell phones or other devices--seconds or minutes after parking the deadly vehicles.
Busy streets and intersections--and bridges and tunnels--are obvious targets. But parking garages are also targets, especially those that are open to the public. Whereas Manhattan office buildings and hotels routinely inspect trunks and cargo spaces, residential building garages that are open to public use generally lack security systems or procedures to effectively guard against car bomb attacks. Manhattan's Upper East Side is dotted with luxury high-rise apartment buildings sitting atop publicly accessible parking garages.
Moreover, there is nothing to prevent more ambitious, better organized terrorists from renting or even purchasing apartments in order to be able to park explosive-filled cars or SUVs in the buildings' subterranean garages. Terrorists capable of carrying out coordinated, multiple airline hijackings, or launching swarming assaults on a major metropolis, such as Mumbai, are certainly capable of planning and executing sophisticated car-bombings.
The bottom line: nearly nine years after 9/11, the U.S. is still wide open to vehicular bombing--a proven tactic by terrorists around the world.
The U.S. is still also wide open to attacks by lone gunmen and assault teams on airports and train stations--anyone can still enter busy terminals with bags and coats concealing, say, shotguns and handguns--in addition to hotels, malls and shopping centers, educational, health, and office complexes, and other soft targets.
Clearly, more money needs to be invested in security. At the end of the day, however, the best defense is a good offense. There will be no peace, no return to normal ways of life, until radical Islam, the enemy that is waging war against our civilization--with mass civilian casualty attacks as the main means of conducting the war--is utterly destroyed and defeated.North Korean Leader Reportedly in China
South Korean media say Kim Jong-il's personal train crossed into China at the northeastern Chinese city of Dandong Monday.
The detailed reports say the North Korean leader is spending the night in the city of Dalian before heading to Beijing.
Nuclear-armed North Korea is China's vassal. The two countries are as close as "lips and teeth," as the old saying goes.
China regards North Korea as a useful buffer and a means of countering U.S. power and influence.
Another North Korean nuclear test and more missile tests are likely.Sunday, May 02, 2010
John Bolton: Obama Resigned to Nuclear Iran
We therefore face a stark, unattractive reality. There are only two options: Iran gets nuclear weapons, or someone uses pre-emptive military force to break Iran's nuclear fuel cycle and paralyze its program, at least temporarily.
There is no possibility the Obama administration will use force, despite its confused and ever-changing formulation about the military option always being "on the table." That leaves Israel, which the administration is implicitly threatening not to resupply with airplanes and weapons lost in attacking Iran—thereby rendering Israel vulnerable to potential retaliation from Hezbollah and Hamas.
It is hard to conclude anything except that the Obama administration is resigned to Iran possessing nuclear weapons. While U.S. policy makers will not welcome that outcome, they certainly hope as a corollary that Iran can be contained and deterred. Since they have ruled out the only immediate alternative, military force, they are doubtless now busy preparing to make lemonade out of this pile of lemons.
Read the entire essay here.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
U.S. federal agents and local New York police on Monday night arrested a Connecticut state resident--a naturalized U.S. citizen from Pakistan named Shahzad Faisal--in connection with the failed car-bombing in Times Square. He was reportedly in Pakistan for several months before recently returning to the U.S.
Sure enough, the pro-appeasement, Obama-adoring Washington Post has blamed Israel for Obama's failure to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program. Click here for the Post propaganda piece.
America's former UN envoy says sanctions will fail to stop Iran's nuclear advance; and talk of regime change is a "distraction."
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Britannia Radio