United States-People's Republic of China Education Agreement
The merger between the United States and Communist China is disturbing, especially since it will continue and reinforce the use in our schools of the Pavlov method (imported from Soviet Union) aka Direct Instruction, Mastery Learning, Outcomes/Performance/Results-based Education. This method is necessary for global work force training (school-to-work) and brainwashing for a politically correct society. It has been used successfully in China since the revolution in 1948.........
by Charlotte Iserbyt
The Military and the New World Order
Anyone who has been watching the news or paying attention to the world around them has heard of conspiracy theory of the “New World Order.” According to this theory, over the decades, a relatively small group of elite people have been manipulating events to create a global governance to usher in total control of the entire planet. To some the evidence of this conspiracy is overwhelming and cannot be mere coincidence. Others cannot fathom that such a thing could actually happen without everyone knowing........
by Michael LeMieux
Controlling the [Ignorant] Masses
I’ve grown more skeptical than most, especially these last 30 years. I served four years in the public school [prison] system (2001-2005), so I not only know educrats are lying every time they speak, I know how they get away with it. I even documented everything I learned in the classroom and about the classroom in a book about The System called Legally STUPiD: Why Johnny doesn’t have to read. It’s too bad too few folks read much these days or more folks might buy a copy and find out how educrats are dumbing down their kids – and their parents......
by School Teacher Randy Murray
Catholic Church Facilitates Foreign Invasion
Russell traces the church’s involvement in the entry of illegal aliens into the U.S. to the Marxist-oriented “liberation theology” movement, also known as “social justice.” Russell particularly faults Jesuit Catholic institutions such as Georgetown University for adopting this approach and indoctrinating students to be in favor of liberalized immigration policies.
by Cliff Kincaid
Obama is not ‘naïve,’ he is calculating and organized
Obama is very easy to figure out. Just look at his compromising associations during his entire, paper thin career. Observe that he taught ACORN workers from his favorite play book, 'Rules for Radicals' which is dedicated to Lucifer in the front cover......yes indeed. Isn't that inspiring? In Obama's world, big Government and him are co-gods of control. As communists think, Obama wants control of all of us from cradle to grave......
by Laurie Roth