Tuesday, 11 May 2010
VAT Rates 2010 Applied in the Member States of the European Union
National Insurance contributions: new rules for workers moving around
the EU on or after 1 May 2010 and their employers
I had a Booklet from the Bank of England some years ago now that
stated we paid 4% of VAT to the EU. I asked this same question
recently on one of the Blogs and this below was one answers given to
"what is it now" question.
The contribution to the EU from the VAT base is not a simple
calculation. Rather, it is a percentage of the “taxable base” which
is, itself calculated by reference to a formula designed to even out
the differences between the various economies within the Community.
Currently, the UK’s percentage (known as the call rate) is 0.33%
What is the percentage of our National Insurance we pay to the EU?
As you may remember, I sent round the amount we pay towards the
European Defence Agency, for when we started paying in in 2004.
Again, on top of the EU Contributions we already pay. Here for you
The UK Contributions recorded in Hansard (28.1.2010) to the European
Defence Agency are as follows in Millions,
2004-5= 1.56.
2005-6= 2.36
2006-7= 2.09
2007-8= 1.59
Money to the European Defence Agency is listed as Calendar Year
2008, 3.11 million.
2009, 3.03 million
and estimated 4.01 million for 2010.
This at a time when our own Forces are so desperately short of
Equipment and (proven) that our forces have died because of lack of
equipment (on one occasion the taking off to give to another, the
‘protective’ equipment) is without doubt a great unforgiving betrayal
of all the people in this Country. This at a time coming when our
British Citizens in the Falkland Islands may need protecting once
I tried adding up the amount for ALL the EU Agencies, but it proved
too long a task for me to spare the time to take on. I have however,
come to the conclusion that we simply can no longer afford to remain
in the EU. I rather suspect many of you have too.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Anne
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Britannia Radio