Was the Market Pushed? Shadow Inventory With ‘ Hat In Hand ‘ : American Serfdom
By Danny Schechter
The Wall Street Journal headline on the day after we almost lost the U.S. stock market reported that the wise men on the Street were "baffled" by the big drop Thursday. The Financial Times called the event "Shambolic" as if only a shaman can decode it. Continue
A "Lost Decade" Ahead For Housing
By Mike Whitney
"The U.S. government's massive share of the nation's mortgage market grew even larger during the first quarter. Government-related entities backed 96.5% of all home loans during the first quarter, up from 90% in 2009, according to Inside Mortgage Finance. Continue
By Philip A Farruggio
Conversations in offices, supermarket lines, health clubs, job sites.... Everywhere it seems, are about the ‘ scandal of the day ‘ involving the rich and famous. Never do you hear discussions about the trillion dollar phony bank bailouts, or trillion dollar phony wars we taxpayers fund. Continue
Monday, 10 May 2010
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Britannia Radio