Sorry I have not been around that much but you all know I am actually fighting to win a seat in this General Election and so my time for blogging is cut to shreds! However, I must tell you that it is my view that the BBC has proven to be as treacherous and poisonous during this election as any of us could have forecast. I listened to the final "panel" discussion on Today this morning just after 8am and it really was an utter disgrace. It seems that everybody wants to see PR introduced into the UK (A key BBC meme) and that, yes, everybody loves Nick Clegg. In fact the discussion was essentially Conservative-free, which is remarkable given that Cameron for all his faults is in pole position. The BBC are cheer-leaders for changing the very essence of British society and that means bringing about a situation where the political left can contrive coalitions to keep it in permanent power, where shady deals can be conducted behind closed doors away from the public. I have long argues that the BBC embraces the radical leftism of the Lib-Dems and this election has shown that bias manifest. I think the BBC know Gordon is a goner, but with Nick riding to the rescue, and with Saint Vince as the people's Chancellor, all is not lost. Except our country, of course. Watch BBC, vote Lib-Dem?WATCH BBC, VOTE LIB-DEM
>> WEDNESDAY, MAY 05, 2010
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Posted by Britannia Radio at 09:04