Anyone who actually read Chris McGreal’s latest smear against Israel, which the Guardian ran as itsfront page splash yesterday, would have seen instantly that the detail of the story didn’t even stand up its own malevolent spin. Purporting to claim – on the basis of a book by American academic, Sasha Polakow-Suransky -- that Israel offered to sell nuclear weapons to apartheid-rule South Africa, it actually provided no backup for this at all. In a risible farrago of suppositions, non-sequiturs, leaps of logic and even the throwaway but self-immolatory line that there was no evidence that Israel’s government would indeed have agreed to such a deal, all that it revealed was that the South African regime had come fishing for such weapons with Israel’s then foreign minister Shimon Peres. The story reversed this to state that Peres had offered... Following the risible kangaroo court set up by the General Medical Council Andrew Wakefield, the doctor at the heart of the MMR controversy, has now been struck off the medical register while his colleagues have yet to learn their own fate. This is a tragedy and a travesty. I believe a monstrous injustice has been done here, which has crucified the one doctor who tried to alleviate and prevent the suffering of a particular group of children and which has also betrayed their parents. The full story of how this sinister travesty was accomplished and the full range of people who were complicit in it -- along with what it means for both medicine and public safety -- has yet to be revealed. Over time, I hope this will eventually be achieved.Wednesday, 26th May 2010
The nuclear smear option
11:25pmMonday, 24th May 2010
A tragedy, and a travesty
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
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Britannia Radio