that protecting human life, protecting marriage, and protecting freedom of conscience are foundational for creating and maintaining strong families, caring communities and a just society.

Christians of all denominations who subscribe to the historic Christian faith to sign theWestminster 2010 Declaration of Christian Conscience.

upon all parliamentary candidates to pledge that they will 'respect, uphold and protect the right of Christians to hold and express Christian beliefs and act according to Christian conscience’.

Bishop Michael Nazir Ali urges Christians to vote for candidates most likely to uphold Christian values and freedoms as data on candidates in 250 marginal constituencies are made public by Westminster 2010
20,000 signatories and 2,000 Facebook fans in ten days for Westminster 2010 Declaration - Wednesday 14 April
Christians have responded with huge enthusiasm to the launch of theWestminster 2010 Declaration of Christian Conscience which has clocked up over 20,000 signatories and 2,000 ‘Facebook fans’ in ten days since its launch on Easter Sunday.
Christian Leaders launch ‘Conscience Manifesto’ ahead of General Election – Easter Sunday 4th April

that protecting human life, protecting marriage, and protecting freedom of conscience are foundational for creating and maintaining strong families, caring communities and a just society.

Christians of all denominations who subscribe to the historic Christian faith to sign theWestminster 2010 Declaration of Christian Conscience.

upon all parliamentary candidates to pledge that they will 'respect, uphold and protect the right of Christians to hold and express Christian beliefs and act according to Christian conscience’.

Bishop Michael Nazir Ali urges Christians to vote for candidates most likely to uphold Christian values and freedoms as data on candidates in 250 marginal constituencies are made public by Westminster 2010
20,000 signatories and 2,000 Facebook fans in ten days for Westminster 2010 Declaration - Wednesday 14 April
Christians have responded with huge enthusiasm to the launch of theWestminster 2010 Declaration of Christian Conscience which has clocked up over 20,000 signatories and 2,000 ‘Facebook fans’ in ten days since its launch on Easter Sunday.
Christian Leaders launch ‘Conscience Manifesto’ ahead of General Election – Easter Sunday 4th April