Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Why I Write About History

I get a few comments from people who wonder why I write about subjects such as astrophysics, Indo-European languages or wine when there are so many problems in the Western world. It is a fair question. I have published perhaps a million words on the Internet, yet the only book to appear in print so far based on my material is Defeating Eurabia, part of which is available online in German. For Scandinavian readers, I have contributed a long chapter in Norwegian to the book Selvmordsparadigmet (“The Suicide Paradigm”), published in May 2010 by the writer Ole Jørgen Anfindsen who runs the website Honest Thinking.

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Going Broke Together

Content criminals, safe citizens. Natural wealth, abuse and corruption. The IRS’ ideal illegal. The Greeks have a term for it: going broke together. Failing to learn from experience is the norm.


1.There is a weekly German TV program dedicated to the background of the news. A recent segment introduced its public to the way Giuliani has made order in New York. The story described the city as having been a murder capital and its subways as a combat zone. Giuliani’s illustrated policy of “no tolerance” followed. Severe chastisement for even minor crimes, the extensive police presence and the neighborhood patrols made for good footage. Close to the finish, the Mayor’s success got the credit it deserves. The case reminds one of Uribe’s accomplishments in Colombia. His resolute actions against the Communist guerilla created security and an economic upswing. Between 2004 and 2008 the GNP doubled and the FDI tripled. Even in the globally recessionary 2009, Colombia’s growth continued.

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