Sunday, 9 May 2010
WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY May 7, 2010 Email: Please disseminate & re-post. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear in;; Outgoing mail is virus-checked.
by Emanuel A. Winston,
Freeman Center Middle East Analyst & Commentator
Only in President Barack Hussein Obama’s PC (Politically Correct) dreams are Muslim Terrorists "loners", separate and apart from the Ummah (the Muslim conglomerate).
In each case where a Muslim Terrorist commits an act of Terror, the PC deniers line up like circus elephants on parade, each holding the others’ tail and following the leader.
Muslims of all stripes have one thing in common. They have a myriad of companions, denials notwithstanding. First, from childhood into their adult years, they have the companions of Koranic teaching by Imams and other Islamic clerics. The Koran is their book of instructions that form their minds and is always their companion - even if they never again speak to another person. The same applies to Mohammed’s "Hadith" (Oral personal instructions to Muslims).
Then, the so-called "loner" has family who similarly have knowledge of what the Koran wants/demands of its Muslim followers, which is passed on within the family.
The "Loner" has Muslim friends who themselves have been educated, either in a "Madrassa" (strict Islamic school), Mosque or by friends who simply pick up the street talk of what Muslims should do in confronting the world of "Infidels" (non Muslims of any religion). (1)
Within the Muslim/Islamic world all "Infidels" (non-believers) are equal to sub-humans and deserve no space on this planet Earth. No doubt, Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs will confirm this, if asked.
Most Islamists accept this view, even if their leaders of the West either don’t accept this reality or are willing to try to live with this Islamic ideology.
When we hear PC (Politically Correct) denials flowing first out of the White House and quickly repeated by the circus elephants without thought or, worse yet, shutting down their brains then we have PC at its most slavish.
When Faisal Shahzad was apprehended, he was identified as a Pakistani. (2)
Very recently (April 2009) Shahzad became a naturalized American citizen. But, the first declarers claimed that he was "a loner" (meaning his Muslim-Islamic background was irrelevant). Such people as Janet Napolitano, Chief of Homeland Security, Eric Holder, U.S. Attorney-General, Vice President Joe Biden, a host of Democratic Congressmen and women and, of course, the Left Liberal Media and TV anchors - all dutifully following the Lead Elephant to echo: "He was just a poor, sad loner" meaning his Muslim background had absolutely nothing to do with his attempt to kill infidel Americans.
It seems as if this current Obama Administration has a visceral compulsion to never, ever say a Terrorist or Terror Act was done by a Muslim or had any relationship to Islam. They refuse to acknowledge that the Free West civilizations have been forced into a War against Terror. Until they admit what we have to fight against, how can we expect to win and survive?
The Politically Correct decision from the top down is that there was a strong interest in NOT probing or profiling Islam. Muslims allowed into America by the Arabist State Department were to be considered above suspicion as to their purpose or likely decisions to implement their teachings and preachings out of their Koranic law, Hadith law, Sharia laws - all of which contain hostility to Infidels (including Christians, Jews, Hindus, Bahais or any religion or people who were not Muslim).
We are all familiar with the Fort Hood shooting November 5, 2009 by Maj. Dr. Nidal Malik Hasan, who murdered 13 American soldiers, wounding 38. In looking deeper, it was obvious that Hasan had been railing against America in the name of Islam and all his fellow doctors were fearful to report his Islamic ranting for fear that they would be branded Politically Incorrect and a bigot.
This attitude permeated the entire U.S. Military, which was imposed by the Bush family and later in greater force by the Obamas.
Today, May 7th U.S. Gen. David Petraeus, Commander of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, said that Faisal Shahzad was a "lone wolf" - although he acknowledged that Shahzad was inspired by Terrorists in Pakistan but did not have direct contact with them. (3) ???
How did he know that??? Where did Shahzad get his money?
Somehow the words: "State Department" is also something that remains in the shadows as the long term gate-keeper and open funnel through which Muslims poured into America. Should the radical Islamist Terrorist "sleeper cells", now deeply embedded in America, start an "intifada" (uprising) in America, you can be sure that the U.S. State Department will become virtually invisible. Any question or investigation of how State influenced America’s 16 Intel Agencies (particularly the FBI) in NOT deeply tracking Islamists or the Mosques where they gathered and will be buried.
(Note! A new 15 story Mosque, community center, pool, etc. has just been approved to be built 2 blocks from New York’s Ground Zero, where the 19 Muslim Terrorists suicide bombed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.)
Lots of useless blather is emoting out from TV anchors, speculating as to when radicalization actually began with those so-called "loners". As I said before, Islamic Radicalization (so-called) starts as soon as the Koran enters their minds as children. Islam doesn’t NEED radicalization because it is radical already in its basic construction.
So, those so-called "Loners" have lots of support companions as they start planning any act of Terror, receiving the money needed, having a ‘safe-house’ to hide, gathering materials to make a bomb, crash an airplane or a train, insert chemical or biological gas into a subway or tunnel under the East River in New York, a radioactive Dirty Bomb - or any of dozens 9/11s they can contrive.
Of course, Terror comes in many forms besides blowing up people. Muslims have the patience to penetrate a democratic, open nation’s political structure and subvert their host nations from the inside. We used to call such a malicious force a "Fifth Column". We see this rampant in the U.N., the E.U. and, regrettably, in the White House and parts of Congress.
Just remember this, among Muslim-Islamic Terrorists, there are NO LONERS!!! All are part of a tightly woven matrix who share the same values and hatred towards a non-Muslim society.
1. "Suspect’s Ties To Pakistan Taliban Probed: Islamabad Official Claims Shahzad Received Instructions From Suicide-Bomber Trainer" by Zahid Hussain, Tom Wright and Keith Johnson Wall St. Journal May 6, 2010
2. "Suspect Cites Radical Imam’s Writings: Shahzad Says He Was Influenced by Anti-West Exhortations of Cleric Who Communicated With Alleged Fort Hood Shooter" by Yochi J. Dreazen and Evan Perez WALL ST. JOURNAL May 7, 2010
3. "Gen. Petraeus: Times Square Bomber acted alone" by AP in Jerusalem Post May 7, 2010
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