Ann Coulter Read Coulter's entire column now at
Thursday, 17 June 2010
Alvin Greene:
The most qualified Democrat I've ever seen
In her new column at WND today, Ann Coulter takes several hilarious swipes at Democrats and liberal talking heads over the electoral victory of Alvin Greene in South Carolina.
Writes Coulter: "Greene beat Vic Rawl, a former state representative and judge, with a whopping 60 percent of the vote in last Tuesday's primary, despite Greene's having no job, no house, no campaign website, no campaign headquarters – indeed, no campaign. Other than paying the $10,000 filing fee, Greene seems to have put no effort into the race whatsoever.
"But he does have one thing Rawl doesn't have: In the grand tradition of legendary Democrats such as Teddy Kennedy, Greene has a felony arrest. (Greene's inexperience really shows here: Democrats usually wait until after they're elected to show pornography to college girls.)
Coulter also points out: "Obama senior adviser David Axelrod said Greene was not a 'legitimate' candidate and called his victory 'a mysterious deal.' (Yes, how could a young African-American man with strange origins, suspicious funding, shady associations, no experience, no qualifications and no demonstrable work history come out of nowhere and win an election?)"
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Britannia Radio