I don’t know if I believe them or not but some are plausible. With all the theories floating around can you honestly say without a shadow of doubt that all are pure fabrication. Some may actually be based in fact. What better way to render truth useless, reduce it to some conspiracy theory and therefore anyone espousing it would be considered crazy. What theory have you heard that could be plausible? The alternative media and independent investigators are now doing what the msm would do if all the unanswered questions pertaining to Obama were related to Palin or Romney or McCain…(look how intense the effort mounted against Palin by the msm for far less significant issues)…they are digging and asking the hard questions. Yes, there is suppositions and maybe’s…certainly the recent staple of the msm reporting on Palin. That seems to be enough for the Left Prop Arm for the Regressive Party. But, I will hope the investigators looking into Obama’s past and citizenship are extremely measured in collecting evidence and the assumptions, hypotheticals and scenarios are definitively fleshed out and given the appropriate weight according to violations of law, etc. That said, the holes in the life of Obama are very intriging and one has to wonder about the issues of birth place, Franklin Davis, Occidental College, Muslims, Pakistan, Columbia, Ayers, Chicago, the Industrial Areas Foundation, the Developing Communities Project, the Woods Fund… Obama learns from the Alinsky crowd the method for getting people to support radical change they would ordinarily not be willing to accept. “They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futurelessin the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future.” Thus, just as it has been the theme of most Democrat Presidential campaigns over the last 30 years, so is it Obama’s: “Everything is terrible and headed in the wrong direction, your lives are in shambles, greedy capitalism is at fault, and you need to trust a bigger government and my plans to solve all your problems.” It is unclear how Obama gets into Harvard Law School, which has exceptionally high admissions standards, with applicant LSAT scores expected in the 98 to 99 range, and a grade point average of 3.8 or higher. It is assumed that if Obama had such scores, his campaign would be bragging about them; it has not, and will not release his school records. One assumption is that Obama had connections, such as Khalid al-Mansour, who both paved his way and paid his way; al-Mansour’s friend Percy Sutton states that al-Mansour had been “raising money” for Obama. Obama denies knowing al-Mansour, but al-Mansour, in an interview with Newsmax reporter Kenneth Timmerman, admits he had spoken with Obama and told him he would keep a “low profile” in order to avoid embarrassing the candidate. [56,264,315] It is also unclear how Obama paid for his education, especially his years at Harvard Law School. He appears not to have held any steady jobs during the period, and he also took several extensive and expensive trips overseas. He and his wife later say they needed many years to pay off student loans, but those loans are not recorded on financial disclosure statements Obama was required to submit when he became a Senator. Attorney Percy Sutton tells reporters in 2008, “I was introduced to (Obama) by a friend who was raising money for him. The friend’s name is Dr. Khalid al-Mansour.” Gifts from al-Mansour may have funded Obama’s years at Harvard.
Are all conspiracy theories pure fabrication or are some based in facts?
There are so many relationships and alliances that an unmotivated stoner kid with poor grades eases into. How? Not his intellect or grades. Alliances and associations were the ticket just like for many people…he connected with those that assisted his needs and he assisted theirs.
I cannot escape the Leftist, Socialist, Muslim tinge to all this. Even as a mediocre student, a poser, he attached himself to the right people and with little or no accomplishment in life he progresses to where he is now. How? His looks, charm and speech patterns? (May I say I have already grown weary of his voice and intonations…as much as ‘ah shucks’, W) No, those are attributes to enhance an Axelrod campaign strategy. There is something slightly creepy about this whole rise to power and the foundation is the part that makes me very leery.
So, read this attached timeline piece. Read it all…don’t let your mind swerve away with the suppositions here and there. Read thru it and wonder about this man. The race issue is not even relevant. It is his umbrella to make you hesitate, blink, back away because of the blow back that will occur. But, his race really has no affect upon me. The fervor of his black followers does have an impact upon me…but that is a separate issue. So, read this and let’s see what shakes on birth, school records, and philosophical underpinnings of this secret man. Too secret to be my president…and as I already said..his lies and deception on Ayers disqualify him in my book…punto! Elected or not, he is not yet real to me. A transformational, institutional infiltrator as they say. Perhaps?
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
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Britannia Radio