Audio: Maritime Law on the Seas: Israel was
6/2/2010 7:43:00 PM
According to article 67 of SECTION V : NEUTRAL MERCHANT VESSELS AND CIVIL AIRCRAFT it states, a vessel may not be attacked unless they:
"(a) are believed on reasonable grounds to be carrying contraband or breaching a blockade, and after prior warning they intentionally and clearly refuse to stop, or intentionally and clearly resist visit, search or capture.
(b) engage in belligerent acts on behalf of the enemy;
(c) act as auxiliaries to the enemy s armed forces;
The Gaza Flotila told the Israeli Navy, when ordered to turn around from it's criminal intent to storm a naval blockade, was answered with a 'negative' and also a "!@#$ [explitive] -you ".
Listen to this show, and learn more about Maritime law and why Israel was justified to act as it did.