Until pretty recently, David Cameron's Conservatives simply didn't have the guts to challenge the reckless spending of Gordon Brown and Labour. The UK's decade-long borrowing binge – as Brown desperately tried and failed to buy popularity – went unchallenged for far too long. For three years after Cameron won the Conservative leadership election in 2005, the Tories wilfully ignored the warning signs that state expenditure was too high and the UK's public finances were spiralling out of control. The Cameroons maintained, instead, that they could match Labour's spending plans while cutting taxes by "sharing the proceeds of growth". This absurd "have it all policy" was based on "efficiency savings" even more unrealistic than those proposed by Brown – himself a certified fiscal fantasist. At a time when the country was screaming for someone at the top of politics to tell Brown to live within the UK's means, Cameron – and his then Shadow Chancellor George Osborne – took the easy route. Far from opposing Brown's profligacy, the Tories endorsed it, while promoting the myth that taxation could fall even as spending kept rising. The position of HM Opposition back then was more a disingenuous advertising campaign than the product of serious economic analysis. As recently as 2008, a leading member of the Tory front bench, now in the Cabinet, argued that calls for lower public spending being voiced in this column and by others were "barmy". Well, two years on, with the UK on the cusp of losing its AAA credit rating and Europe in the throes of a sovereign debt crisis, who's "barmy" now? I mention all this not to prove a point, but to highlight a question of crucial importance. The Tories' tune has changed, but have they? Has this Government got the grit and determination to face down the naysayers and do what needs to be done to get the UK back on the fiscal straight-and-narrow? Has Cameron and his team really understood the scale of the problem? Do these guys "get it" or does their recent rhetoric amount to nothing but tricksey public relations. Well on Tuesday we'll begin to find out – when Osborne delivers his "emergency" Budget, the most important financial statement the Commons has heard since the IMF crisis of 1976. New figures show that the UK borrowed £16bn in May - less than the £17.4bn needed to plug the deficit in May 2009, and slightly lower than expected. On hearing this "good news", Labour had the gall to demand an apology, seeing as the party's "economic legacy" was "better than the Tories have claimed". How to respond to such nonsense? After years of Labour's largesse, the UK has a budget deficit of 12.7pc of GDP, the biggest of any major economy on earth. On the same day the borrowing numbers came out, official data showed the overall stock of government debt has now surged to £903bn, almost three times more than when Labour took office in 1997. Much has been made of Alistair Darling's "brave" budget of April 2010, just before the general election. The former Chancellor deserves credit for fending off at least some of the vote-grabbing spending demands of Brown and his lieutenants. But even under Darling's "robust and credible" plan to "halve the deficit over the lifetime of one Parliament", the UK's national debt – the mortgage, rather than the overdraft – still sky-rockets, hitting £1,400bn by 2014-15. The UK collected tax receipts of £34bn last month, but spent £51bn – and we're being told this is a "fiscal squeeze". During the next four years, our national debt is on course to balloon by another 55pc – and there are massive additional state liabilities, perhaps the same amount again, hidden off-the-books. Something extremely serious has to happen to turn this situation around. A very mild reduction in our monthly borrowing – from an all-time high, to slightly below an all-time high, does not amount to a turnaround. Anyone in public life who argues that the May borrowing numbers mean less drastic action is needed should be ashamed of themselves. Yet the fact remains that, faced with undeniable evidence of grave fiscal dangers, Cameron's Tories spent years saying nothing. Since then, they've outlined a fiscal retrenchment of around £7bn a year – which barely addresses the rounding error in our public finances, let alone the actual problem. In a bid to appear serious, the Coalition Government, with the Lib Dems centre-stage, last week announced some "surprise" spending cuts – a kind of warm-up act for the Budget. These "cuts to planned spending" amounted to around £10bn, we were told. But it transpires the bulk of the "scrapped" projects – around £8bn – were in fact only "suspended". Of the remaining £2bn, around £1bn of the commitments were unfunded anyway – so removing those won't affect the numbers. And another £0.4bn of the "cuts" were included within efficiency savings already announced. I kid you not. If last week's "early cuts" were meant to show that the Government means business, they achieved the opposite. They generated good headlines, but the bond markets – the investors who decide how much of your money the government spends on debt interest – won't have been fooled. "The world must learn from the consequential mistakes of the past," President Obama wrote in a letter to participants at next weekend's G20 summit in Toronto. "When an economic stimulus is too quickly withdrawn, that can result in renewed economic hardship and recession". In his budget on Tuesday, Osborne needs to explain to the British public why the UK must cut public spending – and in a very determined fashion. The Chancellor should reject Obama's neo-Keynesian rhetoric – and explain why it is wrong. In fairness, the US President stressed the importance of each country's "national circumstances". Well the UK's "circumstances" are that its budget deficit is huge, and its tax base – heavily reliant on financial services, the housing market and North Sea oil, all sectors in steep decline – is very fragile. Spending more money to "boost" the economy would be deeply counter-productive, resulting in a Greek-style funding crisis. Annual interest payments on UK government debt, already £40bn, are set to reach £70bn by 2015 – what the country spends on schools and transport – as the national debt jumps. But even those obscene debt service projections are based on low interest rates. The UK 10-year bond yield, for now, remains quite low - at around 3.5pc. That's only because the gilts market is being supported by printed money and banks are being forced by the Government to buy sovereign debt under the guise of "prudence". Both props will soon be removed. And when they are, government borrowing costs will rise – even if the AAA-rating stays intact. If the UK is downgraded, though, debt service payments on government debt will escalate even more. Once that happens, borrowing costs will soar right across the economy – not least for firms and mortgage holders. The damage to growth and jobs would be massive, dwarfing any putative gain which may or may not result from an extra billion here and there in government spending. Osborne needs to explain this reality very clearly – and use it to face down those, in Parliament and beyond, who oppose deep and immediate cuts. It's precisely because the Tories – including the Chancellor - talked such rubbish about fiscal policy for so long that they need to show genuine conviction now. This really is the time for action. PR simply isn't enough.Budget 2010: Courage and conviction
needed to tackle
the worst crisis since 1976
Forget PR, we must tackle our £900bn debt to save our AAA credit rating.
Sunday, 20 June 2010
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Britannia Radio