Which part of TREASON don't these pro-EUrophiles understand? And when, oh when will the police do their job and start arresting those responsible for this treason! How much more evidence do they need? And when the people eventually revolt, which inevitably they will err too long, then hanging will be too good for these bastards in Westminster, Common Purpose etc. Once the people realise that all of these cuts could easily be avoided by tearing up ECA72 and saving £Billions a year then these Westminster politicians better watch out because retribution will be demanded! MORE LAMP-POSTS, MORE ROPE!
The section in red [my emphasis] gives the truth of the matter in as clear a manner as possible.
Budget wording - in Europe and ruled by it.... | |
The Budget is out, and guess what I saw on the third page of the official Report - see text at the end. Had to dust down the pre-Lisbon treaties mentioned, but it proved a good reminder of being 'In Europe and ruled by it". Art 99.1 Member states shall regard their economic policies as a matter of common concern and shall co-ordinate them within Council.....(which Booker recently reminded us makes national government representatives treaty-bound to put the EU's interest above ours http://www.telegrap So much for Dave's 'victory' this month regards, (BTW, the Lisbon references are Art 121 & Art 126.) http://news.h.co.uk/comment/ ). Article 104 covers what action the Commission can take if it's not happy ...columnists/ christopherbooke r/ bbc.co.uk/ The Economic and Fiscal Strategy Report and the Financial Statement and Budget Report contain the Government’s assessment of the medium-term economic and budgetary position. They set out the Government’s tax and spending plans, including those for public investment, in the context of its overall approach to social, economic and environmental objectives. After approval for the purposes of Section 5 the European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993, these reports wil form the basis of submissions to the European Commission under Article 99 (ex Article 103) and Article 104(ex Article 104c) of the Treaty establishing the European Community.1/shared/ bsp/hi/politics/ live_event http://www.direct. gov.uk/prod_ consum_dg/ groups/dg_ digitalassets/ @dg/@en/document s/digitalasset/ dg_188581.