Richard Black continues his distinguished record today of unbiased reporting. His theme is to give his wholehearted support to lunatic calls made by climate alarmist-in-chief Lord Adair Turner that would de-industrialise Britain, hobble our economy and force millions into fuel poverty. Mr Black faithfully reports the Committee on Climate Change's calls for more electric cars (insanely expensive and with the range of a hobbled llama), "clean" energy (technology that is not practical and will add billions to the cost of generation)and for farmers to use fertilisers more efficiently (thereby vastly reducing crop yields and forcing them into bankruptcy). For "balance", he has comments from government eco-fanatic Chris Huhne and a chap from the Green Council, who,surprise surprise, agree (or want even more drastic measures). Sadly, I haven't time to dissect properly last night's Panorama stitch-up about climate change, but it should not go without mention. James Delingpole does a wonderful job here. Suffice it to say that Panorama reporter Tom Heap - laughingly believing he was being objective - deliberately distorted the statements from the "sceptics" he spoke to. In other words, par for the course.
>> WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 2010
Strangely, Mr Black doesn't see fit to mention this hugely relevant story; it shows the real consequences of the green policies of the sort Mr Black so ardently advocates. Britain's first green energy area, the island of Eigg, off Scotland, has been forced to introduce severe power cuts and electricity rationing because of a lack of rainfall and wind. When will Black and his cronies deal with the real facts?PAR FOR THE COURSE....
>> TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 2010
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
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Britannia Radio