Diane’s Social Skills – Iain Dale
Select Committee Results – Speaker’s Office
Lembit Gets Cheeky Cheeky – Mark Wallace
Is Balls Best Placed? – PoliticalBetting.com
Right Gains in Dutch Elections – WSJ
Maiden Speech: Sound Money – Steve Baker MP
Labour MP Charged Porn to Expenses – Stuff
How Diane Did It – Paul Waugh
Gay Men Thinner but Lesbians Heavier – Pink News
Austerity Chief Secretary’s Pay Up 104% Last Month
There will be some disappointment on the left as the news emerges that despite all the hype, their hate figure Andy Coulson is in fact earning less than the Prime Minister. But on £140k only just – £2000 a year less. More than Nick Clegg though. As Director of Government Communications Coulson is the best paid of Dave’s team but overall the Special Advisers are costing the taxpayer £1.9 million per year less than the last government. Despite this Tom Watson was trying to start the attacks just now in the House, moaning that Parliament hadn’t been told first. This is despite the list being publishedas a written ministerial statement: Note Steve Hilton’s rather large pay gap with his rival. Coalition Creaks as Hughes Crowned The jubilation of making it on to the ticket will pass for Diane Abbott. Not only will she be some £1,000 a week less well off for the duration of the 16 week campaign, but her seat on the This Week sofa might not be saved for her in September. Things haven’t exactly been swell between her and Brillo since she appeared on the Daily Politics soon after declaring. Neil quipped she was bringing diversity to the race as the only candidate to send her children to private school. Guido hears this did not go down well and there was quite the “diva moment” off air. As the summer progresses and the sure realisation dawns that she was David Miliband’s mere pawn to split the left and she isn’t going to win, might she slightly regret her unexpected decision to run? What can go wrong? Ten minute interview with Andrew Neil today at noon on the Daily Politics. This time I will not blink. I will not stammer. I will prevail. I will be leader.Coulson and the SpAd Pay
Is this the End of the Itchy & Scratchy Show?