Friday, 04 June 2010 10:30 See here: Elected British MP's Pushing for Global Government Friday, 04 June 2010 10:24 'The New South Wales Government is quietly compiling a mathematical map of almost every adult’s face, sharing information that allows law enforcement to track people by CCTV. Experts said yesterday few people realised their facial features were being recorded in an RTA database of drivers licence photos that the Government has allowed both state and federal police to access, The Daily Telegraph reports.' Read more: New South Wales Government Recording Features for Facial Recognition Friday, 04 June 2010 10:11 'Ever since it was first installed at Denver International Airport, the 32-foot-tall blue "Mustang" has been the talk of the town, but a new addition is sure to get plenty of attention. A crew is installing a seven-ton, 26-foot-tall concrete sculpture of an Egyptian god at the airport. Anubis, a statue with a jackal-head, will be built south of the Jeppesen Terminal. Although part of the lore of the 9,000-pound "Mustang" is that its creator, Luis JimĂ©nez, was tragically killed while making the piece, Anubis may be even more notorious. He's the Egyptian god of death and the afterlife.' Read more: A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport Friday, 04 June 2010 06:52 'George Osborne will risk a schism with the Liberal Democrats when he strips the Financial Services Authority of the majority of its powers in a shakeup of City regulation to be announced later this month. The chancellor will use his Mansion House speech on 16 June to give the Bank of England the pivotal role in preventing a rerun of the financial crisis of the last three years. Government sources said Osborne would use his speech, one of the big set piece events of the financial calendar, to "put flesh on the bones" of the coalition agreement on financial regulation. This called for the Bank of England to be given the control of macroprudential regulation supervision, a "big picture" assessment of prevailing conditions in the City, together with an important say in the supervision of individual banks.' Friday, 04 June 2010 06:42 'The Bilderberg group will convene in Sitges, Spain, a resort community 30 km from Barcelona, on June 4-7. As usual, the information is supplied by James Tucker and Daniel Estulin who revealed that this year the issues topping the agenda of the club's meeting will be the global recession and the approaches to provoking such economic breakdowns that can help justify the establishment of a full-scale world economic governance. Intending to prolong the global economic downturn for at least another year, the Bilderberg group hopes to take advantage of the situation to set up a “global ministry of finance” as a part of the UN. Though the decision was actually made at the group's meeting in Greece last year, according to Tucker the plan was torpedoed by US and European “nationalists” (for the Bilderberg group, “nationalists” is a generic term for all nationally-oriented forces espousing national sovereignty and statehood).' Read more: Plunged into Chaos: Europe on the Eve of the Bilderberg ConferenceHere it is folks, plain and simple, they are not hiding it anymore
Friday, 4 June 2010
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Britannia Radio