You can sit at your computer and write letters all day long, make calls, do everything that has been being done for the past years to no avail. Isn't it time to wake up and get off your ass and hit the street? Print off the flyers hand them out. collect money for payment of the microbes. If the government won't take care of our world then we better take the responsibility for doing it ourselves. We know by now the governments position whether they admit it or not their actions give them away. Not one single politician has brought up this method of saving the Gulf and eventually the entire nations coast lines and I am sure in time the entire worlds water areas. It isn't just the beaches and seafood that will be affected but the entire food supply including your very own drinking water.. Just think, with the dangerous dispersant's the oils are broken up into smaller particles which can be evaporated up into a cloud which can be filled with oil contaminated moisture which will rain down on the continent, contaminating our rivers, streams, springs, wells and not forgetting our gardens. It is time to get really angry for a change, Get face to face with your politicians and let them know their lives and their families lives won't be spared. They cannot have a place so secure they will not be affected. I believe that with enough people standing up and meaning business this time this mess can be contained, it will never be the same again but it can be managed so it won't contaminate the whole earth in time. No I am not exaggerating, just think of the possibilities and how this world works. Everything is tied into one another in one fashion or the other. Nothing that happens of this nature is isolated. It affects everyone and everything one way or the other. BPis the only one that is profiting from this along with the politicians who will allow this to continue. Where is our armed forces? Why are they not on the streets taking the politicians in custody for treason, forcing them to confess ( ever hear of water boarding ) I would bet the farm on every single one of those Lilly livered, slimy tongued, con artist politicians would be crying like a baby and confessing everything within a very few minutes. I personally would love to have a taser to prod them on with. They would give up their children to keep from feeling any pain either in their body or pocketbook. Lets for once show them we are still human and have not been totally brainwashed and controlled by their methods.. Fight back the fear of being seen, you cannot stay hidden your whole life, why live like a mushroom? Get out in the sunlight and let others know it is a pretty good feeling to have the sun on your face instead of the darkness of fear of discovery.. You should be more afraid of the future in their hands than anything they could do to you now. My God people wake up. I am a old woman, I am not afraid, I don't like pain and I don't like losing my freedom or property but will do what ever I can to bring attention to this mess. There is not much future for any of us or our children if this oil leak is not contained and cleaned up ASAP. Do you like the taste of oil.. try it... go out in the garage and take a big swig of motor oil, see how it tastes on your salad for dinner tonight.. Get used to it if you don't act now. Questions and Answers about Microbes ! Download and print out this flyer: Hand it out to everyone, send to news, tv, radio stations, your government Representatives. I drive along the roads in the country and see thousands of bales of hay laying in every pasture, most of them from years ago, rotting away. Why not start loading them on every available truck, trailer etc and hauling them to the coast. Every farmer knows hay will soak up oil and leave the water clean.. why not put this old spoiled hay to good use.. Head for LA. and those of you in LA think about your craw fish, where will they come from once that oil has saturated their habitats, you better get those hay bales out along the bayous and hope the microbes can be bought and put into action before the total mass of the oil and dispersant's hit your shores.. People in every town can get together and fill trailers, haul them to the gulf, spend your beer money on fuel to get you there. Collect donations for fuel, hit up the oil companies for fuel, Make up caravans, get on the road and help stop the destruction of our country. Yes our Country. This will eventually affect every single persons life in a very destructive way.. Of course there are some good things that will happen from this. The Elite will have their population reduction. Oh yes but what they haven 't thought about yet is their families will be in that group. They are not immortal. Just Immoral.. I will continue to make flyers, drive the roads and talk to people hoping to awaken at least some of them but folks I need your help. I get tired and cranky so quickly and have very little patience here lately with the brain dead. Someone with more patience than I have are needed to try to get through to them, perhaps if you take away their medication for a week or so? Everyone wants to feel good but need to learn what feeling bad is like so they can appreciate feeling good about yourself once in a while. Get off the mood enhancers, Get on Reality. There is no more time for all of the political politeness crap. This is the fight of our lives for our lives. Lets get strong and like Marines "BE ALL WE CAN BE" Get the lead out of your butt and put some steel in your testicles and be a man to be reckoned with. Women forget all that PMS crap and get on the ball, everyone has bad days that is why we appreciate the good ones so much, but there won't be any more good days for you or your family if this oil spill is not taken care of quickly.. It may be too late already but we cannot let that slow us down.. Just do what ever you can to get the word out to your neighbors, help raise money to get the microbes purchased and fuel for the hay trailers etc... Take up collections... sell stuff, have yard sales, do what ever you have to do.. This could be your last real chance to save our Nation.The "End of Life" as we know it ?
After watching the video below if you are not infuriated then you are already dead. Why has this been ignored? Yes I know why but question the lack of anger being heard from the people of this country.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Posted by
Britannia Radio