European Union Directives,Regulations and Laws.
Analysis: London funds yet to be seduced by Swiss appeal Reuters One major hurdle to the development of a sizeable hedge fund hub in Switzerland is a draft of European Union rules for managers of alternative investments ... See all stories on this topic |
PI Newswire :: Data Protection Act is out of kilter with EU law ... By Staff The single most important change required in UK data protection regulation is to bring the law into line with European legislation, says Stewart Room, partner at law firm Field Fisher Waterhouse. ... Changing Section 13 of the DPA to get rid of the requirement for financial loss before anyone can get compensation for data breaches should be a top priority to bring the law into line with the EU directive and more recently added sections of the DPA, said Room. ... Private Investigator News - |
Business Law Prof Blog: Warren on International Securities Regulation By buslawblogger Warren on International Securities Regulation. Manning G. Warren III has posted The Harmonization of European Securities Law on SSRN with the following abstract: The European Union's (EU) mission has been and continues to be the establishment of ... After briefly evaluating the various directives aimed toward harmonization, the focus turns to contemporary measures aimed to achieve more expedient and efficient responses to the accelerating, evolutionary changes in European ... Business Law Prof Blog - |
Right to Access and Time Limit for the Storage of Personal Data in ... By Mikhail Doroshevich The answer to these questions may be easily found in any country's data protection laws. In the European Union, however, the answers to these questions may vary despite the guidelines of data protection directives. ... Information Policy - |
List Of European Union Directives Directive European Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Regulation European Union List of European Union directives Law of the European Union EUR- Lex ... |