Is the eurozone breaking up?
Wednesday, 14th July 2010
Bruges Group DVD offer
The Future of the EU... Can it Survive?
Honour Your Promise
Watch the highlights of the last meeting online
Is the eurozone breaking up?
Leading economist Professor Tim Congdon will discuss the crisis in the eurozone and whether or not it will break-up. Also addressing this event is the prominent campaigner for democratic reform, Douglas Carswell MP. He will discuss why we need an in or out referendum.
Wednesday, 14th July 2010
6.45pm for 7.00pm
ADMISSION: £10 payable on the door or in advance
Including wine, orange juice, mineral water and nibbles
To purchase your ticket visit:
Or call Robert Oulds on 020 7287 4414 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 020 7287 4414 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or reply to this e-mail
Alternatively you can click here for a form to book your place
Professor Tim Congdon is one of Britain’s leading economic commentators. He was a member of the Treasury Panel of Independent Forecasters between 1992 and 1997, which advised the Chancellor of the Exchequer on economic policy. He founded Lombard Street Research, the City of London’s leading economic research and forecasting consultancy, in 1989. Currently he is the founder and Chief Executive, International Monetary Research Ltd, which analyses the trends in money and banking.
Professor Congdon is an honorary professor at Cardiff Business School and a visiting professor at Cass Business School. He has written a number of books on monetary policy, contributes widely to the financial press, and makes frequent radio and television appearances.
He is also the author of the Bruges Group papers, Will the EU’s Constitution Rescue its Currency? And, The City of London Under Threat: The EU and its attack on Britain’s most successful industry. He was awarded the CBE for services to economic debate in 1997. Professor Congdon is a member of the Bruges Group’s Academic Advisory Council.
Douglas Carswell is the Member of Parliament for Harwich and Clacton. Dod’s political biography describes Douglas as being “Tall and Eurosceptic ... one of his party’s radical thinkers”.
Douglas is a leading advocate of Direct Democracy – pushing power away from Whitehall and Brussels, down to the individual, where possible, or failing that the town hall. Achieving Britain’s independence is one of Douglas’ overriding political interests.
Princess Alexandra Hall, Royal Over-Seas League, Over-Seas House
6 Park Place, St James’s Street, London SW1A 1LR
Lectures: 7pm – 8pm
Discussion: 8pm – 8.30pm
Wine and refreshments: 8.30pm – 10pm
- Monday, 4th October 2010 – 2.30pm until 4pm
With Roger Helmer MEP and Melanie Phillips (Daily Mail Columnist)
The Birmingham & Midland Institute, Margaret Street, Birmingham B3 3BS
- Tuesday, 19th October 2010 – 6.45pm for 7pm
With Simon Heffer (Associate Editor of The Daily Telegraph)
Princess Alexandra Hall, Over-Seas House, 6 Park Place, St James’s Street, London SW1A 1LR
- Saturday, 6th November 2010 – 10.30am until 6.15pm
The Bruges Group Annual Conference
The Great Hall, Kings College London, Strand, London WC2R 2LS
The DVD of the November 2009 Conference
Purchase your DVD of the Bruges Group’s 2009 Conference, held in the Great Hall of King’s College London.
The Future of the EU... Can it Survive?
For details of the speakers, and to listen and read the speeches online:
Click here
To purchase the DVD visit:
Or call Robert Oulds on 020 7287 4414 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 020 7287 4414 end_of_the_skype_highlighting, or reply to this e-mail
Alternatively, click here for a form to purchase your DVD
Watch the highlights of the last meeting online
Honour Your Promise
To highlight how the British public have been denied their say on the EU Nigel Dodds MP - Deputy Leader of the DUP - presented a private members` bill to hold a referendum.
Honour Your Promise - a cross-party campaign in support of Nigel Dodds’ bill - says that it’s time the people who ask for our votes demonstrate that they can be trusted with them. This campaign was launched at the Jubilee Room at the House of Commons on Thursday 25th February. The speakers were Nigel Dodds, the Deputy Leader of the DUP, Stuart Wheeler, the founder of IG Index and author of A Crisis of Trust and Barry Legg, former Maastricht rebel and Chairman of the Bruges Group.
Click here to listen to Nigel Dodds MP
Click here to listen to Stuart Wheeler
Click here to watch the highlights of the meeting online
Honorary President: The Rt Hon. the Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven, LG, OM, FRS
Vice-President: The Rt Hon. the Lord Lamont of Lerwick, Co-Chairmen: Dr Brian Hindley & Barry Legg
Director: Robert Oulds MA, Head of Research: Dr Helen Szamuely
Washington D.C. Representative: John O'Sullivan, CBE
Founder Chairman: Lord Harris of High Cross, Former Chairmen: Dr Martin Holmes & Professor Kenneth Minogue
For further information contact:
Robert Oulds
The Bruges Group
227 Linen Hall, 162-168 Regent Street, London W1B 5TB
Tel: +44(0) 20 7287 4414 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44(0) 20 7287 4414 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Mobile: 07740 029787 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 07740 029787 end_of_the_skype_highlighting