Saturday, 19 June 2010

Every Friday CCFON will bring to you stories of fundamental significance to Christians and our Nation. To equip you to pray and act. To put the hope of Christ at the centre of our Nation. Click on titles for full stories.


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Headlines, Abortion, Bioethics, End of Life, Family, Religious Freedom, Sexual Orientation, Social, Islam, Events




Act Now on Government's pro-homosexual agenda


Theresa May, Home Secretary and Minister for Women and Equality, has endorsed the aggressive agenda, set by the previous Government, to promote a radically pro-homosexual ideology across British society and even overseas.


Click here to read Government press release.

Click here to read the full Government workplan.


Click here for CCFON suggestions on how to take action now.



State of the Nation Video


CCFON have produced a 3-minute video outlining some of the problems the country faces at the moment, and what the church can do about it.


Please watch the video and pass it on to other Christians.


The state of the nation


CCFONtv (on YouTube),

18 Jun 2010 (3m 32s)



Letter from Afghan Christians


Christians in Afghanistan are facing severe persecution, after a TV documentary showed video footage of Afghans who had converted to Christianity. A senior politician has called for the execution of Muslims who have converted to Christianity, citing Sharia law, on which the Afghan constitution is based. President Karzai has ordered a thorough investigation ‘to take immediate and serious action to prevent this phenomenon’.


Afghan Christians have written an open letter to the worldwide church asking for help. Please read the letter, pray and act accordingly.





CCFON: Statistics from Department of Health reveal that dozens of UK teenage girls have had three abortions or more.


NPR News: Louisiana State to require ultrasounds before abortions.


Public Discourse: Commentary: Conservatives, abortion, and contraception.


First Things: Commentary: Does IVF promote objectification of unborn life?





Birmingham Mail: Birmingham couples spend £15m to achieve IVF baby dreams.


BBC News: Artificial life ‘needs regulation’, public survey says.


Daily Mail: World’s oldest mother dying just 18 months after IVF birth aged 70.


Instituto Bernabeu: Spain starts practising embryo adoption.


Business Week: Cord blood viable option for adults with leukaemia, study finds.



End of Life


Dutch News: Sharp growth in euthanasia deaths in the Netherlands.


Swiss Info: Swiss Federal Court overturns assisted suicide deal.


CNN News: I have no regrets, says Dr Death (Dr. Jack Kevorkian).





Daily Telegraph: Increased legal rights for grandparents under new family reforms.


Daily Telegraph: Government to deliver happy childhoods and strong families, says Nick Clegg.


Daily Mail: Dying man renews marriage vows with 'purely wonderful' wife of 72 years.


Daily Mail: Commentary: Osborne's Budget ‘will make every family £1,000 worse off’.


Stephen Briggs, Wilberforce Academy graduate, on US radio show on marriage


Moody Radio,

15 Jun 10 (41m 9s)



Religious Freedom


BBC World Service (Audio): Is there room for God on the football pitch?


The Way: Boris Johnson invites Christians to help turn capital around.


Daily Telegraph: Britain’s ambassador to Vatican says civil servants should learn more about religion.


Daily Telegraph: Catholic Church launches guide to Pope’s visit amid ‘controversies’ fears.


Religion Clause blog: Greece may drop religious oath requirements.


Catholic Culture: Christians must rise to the challenge of Islam, says Italian cardinal.


World Net Daily: US Congress looking into crackdown on Christians.


Alliance Defense Fund: US Church allowed to put Bible back into vacation Bible school.


Christian Post: Two women Pastors arrested in India.


Forum 18: Uzbekistan: Samarkand closes Protestant churches.


Town Hall: Commentary: Obama and Pelosi hijack Christianity.


Catholic On-Line: More anti-Christian persecution as Hindu extremists torture Christian in Orissa, India.



Sexual Orientation


CCFON: David Cameron welcomes homosexual celebrities to Downing Street drinks party.


Birmingham Star: Homosexual child adoptions is denial of rights, says Catholic bishop.


Associated Press: German court: Homosexual marriage is only ‘partnership’.


AFP News: Spanish clinic probed for offering to cure homosexuals.


CNN News: Malawi homosexual man now dating a woman, group says.


Inquirer: Philippino homosexual group wants homosexuality to be taught to kids.





CCFON: Children as young as five to get education on sex and alcohol, says NHS advisory body.


Bath Chronicle: Bishop meets homeless people as he sees Christianity in action.


Daily Mail: Homework and television leaves just one hour a day for 'children to be children', says poll.


The Times: Girls now begin puberty aged 9, say scientists.


Daily Mail: Parents’ fury at high heels for three-year-olds made popular by Suri Cruise.


Guardian: UK breaking European convention against trafficking, report finds.


BBC News: Church leaders criticise lending practices of banks.


World Net Daily: Children’s network Nickelodeon promotes ‘naughty’ games to kids.


Daily Mail: What you really think about swearing on TV.


Guardian: Commentary: Even atheists should welcome Benedict’s visit.





Lancashire Evening Post: Mosque would be ‘a landmark’, says planning expert despite local protests.


BBC News: Islamic terror suspect wins control order appeal.


Daily Telegraph: Rory Bremner 'afraid' to joke about Islam.


Pajamas Media: I cannot speak truth about Islam, says Norwegian journalist.


Arutz Sheva: Al Qaeda training British Muslims for another 'Mumbai'.


Europe News: Netherlands: Muslim converts to Christianity live in fear.


Europe News: Muslim hijab to be allowed in Norwegian courts.


Scotsman: 'Sausage and booze' events banned in Muslim area of Paris.


AFP News: Spanish Government planning to ban Islamic burqa.


National Post: Muslim states push for UN action on ‘Islamophobia’.


Europe News: Why does Comedy Central protect Muhammad and mock Jesus?


FSM News: Commentary: Women’s rights inspired by Muhammad?


Jerusalem Post: Commentary: If global jihad isn’t the enemy, what is?


American Thinker: Report: Obama said 'I am a Muslim'.


New York Post (blog): Obama wants to negotiate with Muslim extremists, not fight them.





The State of the Nation


Talk by Andrea Minichiello Williams, Director of Christian Concern for our Nation.


DATE & TIME: 30 June at 7pm

VENUE: All Saints Church, 122-122A High Street, Lindfield, Haywards Heath RH16 2HS.

Andrea Minichiello Williams

Christian Concern for our Nation