Frank Field says… “We should pay fathers to stay with their families, not pay them to live apart, which is what we do now. We have a tax and benefits system that discriminates against two parents, yet this is what most people aspire to. Under the existing system, it doesn’t pay people on low incomes to stay together as a couple if they have children or for single mothers to move in with new partners. An extra £1,000 or £2,000 a year would make a huge difference for people on low incomes. If that’s the difference between keeping families together, then it’s a poverty of imagination for people not to see it.” The Art of a Maiden – Jo Johnson
Real People Don’t Talk Like David Miliband – Iain Martin
A Rise in VAT is Unacceptable – Tim Montgomerie
Evidence Based Blogging, Right? – Charlotte Gore
Rahm Emmanuel to Quit the White House – Telegraph
Quango of Quangoes : Institute for Government – Douglas Carswell
Gilt Sales to Decline 28% as Osborne Tames Deficit – Bloomberg
Minister for Hypocrisy – Mail
Budget VAT Hike: to Raise or to Widen? – Gary Gibbon
Some Myths About David Miliband’s Deficit Plan – FT
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
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Britannia Radio