Tuesday, 8 June 2010

townhall magazine

Fred Thompson's new memoir: personal and powerful.

You know him as a senator and presidential candidate. You have seen his work as an actor in Hollywood. He's a nationally syndicated radio talk show host, writes a popular column for Townhall.com, and is one of the most colorful media personalities in the country today.

Fred Thompson has certainly had his share of success and it all started in a small town in Tennessee. In Teaching the Pig to Dance: A Memoir of Growing Up and Second Chances, Fred Thompson reflects on the experiences and memories that shaped him and his political beliefs.

Subscribe or renew to Townhall Magazine today and get your free copy of Teaching the Pig to Dance: A Memoir of Growing Up and Second Chances.

Thompson's memoir is filled with humorous anecdotes and personal reflections. He shows how even the smallest childhood experiences can become life lessons that stick with you throughout adulthood and in your career.

Teaching the Pig to Dance: A Memoir of Growing Up and Second Chances will inspire as readers will relate to Thompson's stories with their own. Fred Head's won’t be disappointed with the first book from their favorite radio personality.

Want to learn more about Teaching the Pig to Dance: A Memoir of Growing Up and Second Chances? Check out Townhall's own Jilian Bandes interview Fred Thompson at a recent book signing as he reflects on some of the motivations behind this book

In the June Issue of Townhall Magazine Fred Lucas reports on the Left's attacks on conservative talk radio. He details how conservative talk radio is in the crosshairs because liberals know the influence it has on thwarting the progressive agenda. It comes as no surprise that the liberal media have labeled it everything from "hate speech" to "sedition," but talk radio is exactly the type of First Amendment speech the Founders had in mind when they wrote the Bill of Rights.

Lucas quotes and discusses radio show hosts like Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Dennis Prager and Michael Medved. The author takes to task Hugh Hewitt's performance on MSNBC that led to Keith Olbermann's demand that Donny Deutsch's "America the Angry" series be spiked. He also examines the work of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and Michael Savage. On the left Lucas scrutinizes liberal loud mouths Bill Press and Ed Schultz.

Order Townhall Magazine quickly to make sure you receive the June Talk Radio Under Fire issue.

Townhall Magazine has a limited number of the new Fred Thompson Book, Teaching the Pig to Dance: A Memoir of Growing Up and Second Chances left. Subscribe quickly and get Teaching the Pig to Dance: A Memoir of Growing Up and Second Chances free along with the Talk Radio Under Fire issue. Townhall Magazine is the monthly news and opinion journal from the same team of right-thinking reporters, opinions makers, insiders and political leaders conservatives have trusted for 15 years. It's the place to find interviews with and profiles and writings of some of your favorite conservatives, including Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Thomas Sowell, Andrew Breitbart, Newt Gingrich, Walter Williams, Charles Krauthammer, George Will, Jonah Goldberg, Tim Pawlenty, Michele Bachmann, Wayne LaPierre, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey, Mike Pence, Bill Bennett, Fred Thompson, and many more.

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